A new live action trailer for Dishonored 2 aired last night during the Walking Dead Season 7 premiere. The trailer shows protagonists Corvo Attano and Emily Kaldwin displaying some of their supernatural abilities, such as Emily’s Domino power and Corvo’s signature Blink ability.
We recently got our first hands-on look at Dishonored 2 at a community event held in New York, where we got a chance to play the Clockwork Mansion mission featured in one of the game’s many gameplay trailers.
Dishonored 2 comes to Xbox One, PS4 and PC on November 11.
Joe's favorite games are Zelda: Majora's Mask, Dishonored, Super Mario Bros. 3 and Hearthstone. His favorite game is not The Witcher 3 because he hasn't played it yet.
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