Our friends over at Rollacrit have a big announcement for fans of the popular Heroes of Barcadia tabletop game. Not only are they releasing new characters and content, but they have partnered with none other than the most popular IPA in the US, Voodoo Ranger, to bring the Voodoo Ranger itself into the game. It doesn’t get much better than rolling dice and crushing a Juice Force. Read the full announcement below.

Rollacrit Partners with Voodoo Ranger IPA for New Kickstarter, Heroes of Barcadia: Heroes for Hire Tabletop Game

The Game has New Heroes, New Power-Ups, New Chaotic Effects and a New Voodoo Ranger Character Cup Available First in a Limited Number at Gen Con

Wilmington, Delaware, July 2024 – Rollacrit, the premiere lifestyle brand for tabletop games, has announced today that it is partnering with Voodoo Ranger IPA – the #1 IPA in the USA – on its new follow-up to its massively successful Kickstarter Heroes of Barcadia tabletop game. The next adventure, titled Heroes of Barcadia: Heroes for Hire (launching this September on Kickstarter), promises more excitement, more strategy, and more chaos. Gamers will battle new monsters, build custom dungeons, and compete with friends in this unique Liquid Life SystemTM board game where players must take a drink when they receive damage. The game comes with four new Heroes for Hire character cups which are designed to replace a character from the original Heroes of Barcadia base game and/or party pack. This means players can seamlessly integrate these new heroes into their existing game setup, keeping the maximum number of players at 8 for optimized playthroughs.

“Voodoo Ranger has supported tabletop gaming for over six years through community and the events that surround it. We played Heroes of Barcadia as a team at the brewery and we all fell in love with how it brings together tabletop gaming and beer,” said Patrick Morgan, Community Manager for Voodoo Ranger.

Voodoo Ranger’s character cup comes with Rangerous new powers that bring players together for a temporary truce because everyone can agree on good beer. One thousand of these Voodoo Ranger cups will be available for purchase at www.vootique.com on July 31st, while supplies last and at the upcoming Gen Con next month (August 1st through the 4th) at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis at the Rollacrit booth #3027 and at Nevermore Union Station. When they are gone, the only place to find them will be as an add-on in the Heroes for Hire Kickstarter launching in September of this year.

Purchasing the Voodoo Ranger Character Cup at the Rollacrit Gen Con booth will entitle gamers to a free wooden drink token good for one Voodoo Ranger beer at Nevermore Union Station (must be 21+ years old) during Gen Con. Nevermore is a fantastic pub that’s the perfect spot to relax, indulge in delicious food and drinks, and demo Heroes of Barcadia.

Not only are there new characters in Heroes for Hire, but gamers also get to play with a new mechanic — the Die of Barcane Chaos. Crafted by the Chaoschasers (Alchemist Wizards who reveled in the unpredictable nature of magic), the Die of Barcane Chaos has the power to alter reality and make the game much more…chaotic. More will be revealed when the Kickstarter launches, but suffice it to say that a player’s Loot Card strategy will never be the same again. Gaming enthusiasts will be able to play a demo of Heroes for Hire at the Rollacrit booth during Gen Con.

Introducing Heroes for Hire

Ready for a new adventure? The original Heroes of Barcadia are facing a new challenge! The Grand Drink Guardian found an ancient artifact in the dungeon — the Die of Barcane Chaos, and released its chaotic energy. Feeling overwhelmed, our original heroes retreated to the Plastered Pony Tavern to regroup, where they ran into Brewtus Pintsmasher, the event organizer of the drinking contest. After telling him what was going on, Brewtus sent out letters to distant lands, calling for help. His plea was answered by four valiant heroes — the Heroes for Hire. With rewards aplenty should they succeed, they venture into the dungeon, facing trials even tougher than those of the original Heroes. Rollacrit is adding NEW HEROES in Heroes for Hire, and here they are:

  • Sip-Jin the Drunken Fist: Master of balance and fluidity from the Brew Shang-La Monastery.
  • Biggswigg the Buzzkiller & Chaser the Rat Queen: Goblin tinkerer and his regal rodent partner.
  • Ontaprielle, the Alchemist: Centaur wizard with potions to heal, harm, or bewilder.
  • Dram the Aged & Oaken & Gulp the Frog: Druidic construct with a unique bond to nature.

Each of these characters comes with 1 Health Bar Cup, 1 d20, 1 Signature Move Card, and 3 new Power-Up Cards themed around the character.

Not going to Gen Con? Sign up to get notified here when the Heroes for Hire Kickstarter goes live. Plus, if you sign up for updates and back the project, you will receive a free Die of Barcane Chaos Power-Up Card after it’s fully funded! Sign up now to get notified when Heroes for Hire launches on Kickstarter.

See also: Board Game | Tabletop
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