
Urinal video games make debut with Minor League Baseball tie-in!


Dust off those Wii jokes, because there’s now a fresh reason to make them! The Lehigh Valley IronPigs – right in the backyard of yours truly – have decided to install urine-controlled video games into their restrooms, making them (according to US News and World Report) the first American sports venue to feature the devices. And yes, these truly are urine-controlled games according to the news, featuring on-screen avatars that react to the movement of your… uh, flow. Which makes sense, because the only alternative I can think of is a touch screen monitor – and really, I can’t think of where you could place a monitor that would make me want to touch it less.

The games are developed by a British company called Captive Media, which surprises me because I would have bet my wallet that the Japanese were behind this. They already have a selection of games available, with names like On the Piste, Clever Dick, and – my personal favorite – 100ml dash. Come on, that’s witty, give them credit. But the real interesting one is Opeenion Poll, a game which apparently marks the moment companies found ways to scour marketing data out of potential consumers even while they’re using the urinal – an impressive feat by any measure. I’m kind of hoping this one catches on, because I love thought of a controversy breaking out where Gallup’s poll results turn out to be skewed by people who have large bladders. On second thought, given the location of these games, I suspect they’ll be used for Pew Polls instead.

Victor Grunn has been a gamer since the days of single-button joysticks and the Atari 800XL. When not lamenting the loss of the Ultima series or setting people on fire in Team Fortress 2, he's an aspiring indie game developer and freelance writer.

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