Today, Capcom officially revealed two Mega Man X Legacy Collections after announcing that the games will be coming to current-gen systems in December of last year.
Originally, it wasn’t entirely clear on how these games would be released, whether they be standalone or in a collection, but Capcom decide to split the games into two different Legacy Collections with the X through X4 being on Legacy Collection 1 and X5 through X8 on Legacy Collection 2.
In addition to these eight games, the Legacy Collections will include X Challenge, a special mode that includes challenges such as fighting both Chill Penguin and Frost Walrus at the same time along with leaderboard support. In addition to X Challenge, both Legacy Collections will include the special OVA, “The Day of Σ,” which follows Sigma’s origin and the rise of the Mavericks.
Each Mega Man X Legacy Collection will be available digitally on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and Nintendo Switch for $19.99, or as a retail bundle on console for $39.99. However, if this collection is bought for retail. the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 version will include a disk for each collection, but the Nintendo Switch version will have a cartridge for the first collection and a download code for the second.
Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1 & 2 will be released on July 24th, 2018. For more information, visit Capcom’s official blog.