Today, Capcom revealed that tomorrow’s update will bring new features to Monster Hunter World, and it’s not just the inclusion of the shiny new Elder Dragon, Kulve Taroth.
Kulve Taroth is a massive new Elder Dragon with a heavy golden mantle. While not quite on the scale of Zorah Magdaros, it’s best to squad up to take this beast down. But, sometimes, just four of you isn’t enough, which is why Monster Hunter World will be receiving a new mode, Siege.
In Siege mode, players coordinate with all 16 players in the lobby to contribute to progress and break off more parts of the Kulve Taroth. While split into four groups of four, the progress made will be shared. However, SOS flares are disabled during these missions and the player must make use of public lobbies if they don’t have enough friends on hand.
The goal of fighting the Kulve Taroth is to repel it, not defeat it. But, it does have large golden relics on its armor that can be broke up and shared with the party. This means that an entirely new armor set will be released with the Elder Dragon. However, this Siege will only be available for a limited time, but it will return eventually.
The Kulve Taroth update will be released tomorrow, April 18th, 2018, and 5:00PM PDT. For more information, check out the official blog post. Haven’t had a chance to check out Monster Hunter World yet? Check out editors Calvin and Codi’s review on the game.