Forgotten City took a unique path to E3, starting life as a mod for Skyrim. It eventually became one of the most beloved story mods released for the game, garnering 1.6 million downloads and even winning a Writers’ Guild award for its script, the first mod ever to receive the honor.
Forgotten City is now being released as a standalone game, featuring a brand new environment, new characters, improved gameplay mechanics, updated music and sound, and new twists to the original story.
Deep underground in an ancient Roman city, twenty-six trapped explorers lay dead because one of them broke a mysterious law. Within, a portal leads back into the past, allowing you to change their fate – or witness their deaths in a time loop for eternity.
Fortunately, hope remains. The Forgotten City® offers incredible freedom, inviting players to manipulate the timeline, Groundhog Day-style, so events play out differently. By talking to diverse characters, making tough choices in moral dilemmas, and thinking laterally, you can unlock vastly different endings.
The game looks to combine the freedom of an open world RPG with a more tightly controlled story and setting. The Forgotten City is set to be released in 2019.