Right ahead of E3, the ESA Foundation and Red Bull Media House have partnered to launch We Are, a platform meant to highlight women in the video game industry and inspire more women to join.
They have launched a website to connect and empower women inside and outside of the industry with Anastasia Staten, executive director of the ESA Foundation saying:
Inspiring new female voices and talent to join the video game industry begins with showcasing the legacy of women and the impact they continue to have on video games. Only 21 percent of game developers are women, but their contributions to video games are immeasurable. This initiative is about showing the next generation the difference they can make and guiding them on the path to make it happen.
A broader range of voices creating games can only help to produce more unique and valuable content to move games forward. The website, wearevideogames.org, serves to showcase the impact that has already been made and push us further in that direction. They have a gallery of dozens of different women working in video games with quotations from all of them and a few blog posts giving more detail about the women.
They will be at E3 with a booth and at panels this weekend, so if you’re lucky enough to be at E3, you can head over to their website for more information about their schedule. After E3 and into 2019, the initiative will continue to hold panels and marketing or fundraising events around the country.
As always, keep it here on Gaming Trend for more information out of E3 as we hunker down for all the news coming out of the show.