
Test Drive 20 Levels in World of WarCraft, Free

Hot on the heels of their big 4.2 update, Blizzard has announced that their free “Starter Edition” program for World of WarCraft has dropped its time restriction and are inviting players to experience the first twenty levels of for as long as they like.  There are no new restrictions on race, class, or the number of characters, allowing the uninitiated to experiment with the full menagerie for potentially dozens of hours, though some other anti-spam, anti-abuse measures do apply.

The following restrictions are placed on all Starter Edition Accounts:

  • Unable to trade via the Auction House, mailbox, or player-to-player.
  • In-game access to public chat channels unavailable. Players are limited to communicating using only say, party, or whisper.
  • Characters are not able to send whispers to other characters unless they have been added to the characters’ friends lists or have received a whisper from a character first.
  • Characters will not be able to invite other players into a party.
  • Voice chat disabled on Starter Edition accounts.
  • Realms experiencing login queues will prioritize players who have full, paid accounts.

For full details on how to get your Starter Edition, check out the full FAQ on Blizzard’s site.

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