Super Boss Monster, a new 1-4 player dungeon building card game, is now on Kickstarter. Super Boss Monster introduces a few new mechanics to the popular Boss Monster series, including the ability for players to send minion meeples into town to do their bidding and a Town Board, a new mechanic which features 5 different landmarks with various action spots. You can check out the Kickstarter here and read below for more information:
12 years ago, Brotherwise Games Kickstarted their first game ever: Boss Monster. The Kickstarter was very successful, and so successful that they crowdfunded Boss Monster 2: The Next Level a couple of years later. Since then, they have published over 20 new titles and grew the Boss Monster Universe with Overboss and Dungeon Kart!
Brotherwise Games is now going back to the beginning with Super Boss Monster, the super-powered dungeon building card game. 1-4 players will compete to build the ultimate side-scrolling dungeon by drafting room cards, playing spells, and luring in hapless adventurers.
What’s New?
Super Boss Monster introduces the Town Board, which adds a couple of new mechanics to the game such as worker placement and market drafting. There are 5 different Landmarks on the Town Board with various action spots. These Landmarks include the Temple, the Stadium, the Library, the Hide-Out, and the Tavern.
Players will now have Minion meeples that they’re able to control and send into Town to do their bidding! There are actions spaces located on each Landmark that have a variety of evil things to do. Visit the Temple to draft another Room or Spell card, visit the Hide-Out to add a +2 heart token to the last Room in a dungeon, or even lure heroes out of Town into another player’s dungeon!
Super Boss Monster now introduces a Solo Mode. In this mode, players will be trying to lure and slay as many heroes as possible. Players will need to keep an eye on damage, but luring is key to success; if too many heroes stack up in town, they’ll head to the Tavern and end the game!
Super Boss Monster is 100% backwards compatible with all existing Boss Monster cards. As a standalone game, Super Boss Monster will contain everything that 1-4 players need to play.
The Kickstarter Campaign includes stretch goals for extra cards, component upgrades, and even a soundtrack for players to listen to while playing!
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