
Senator says “Video games is [sic] a bigger problem than guns”

3Lamar Alexander, out of Tennessee, thinks video games are a bigger issue in the United States than guns are.  Normally I wouldn’t get myself into a tizzy when somebody out there says something kind of dumb, but there is one problem here: Lamar Alexander is a U.S. Senator.  (There is always a relevant xkcd.  Always.)

I don’t want to get into the whole debate about gun control in the U.S.–I’m already veering dangerously close to mixing games and politics–but I think even the most fervent proponent of the 2nd Amendment would agree that the Senator’s statement is fairly ridiculous.  You can check out the context in the video below.

Republican senator says guns don't kill people, video games do


Addie grew up near Detroit. After studying Cell Biology at the University of Michigan and spending a year looking into microscopes, Addie decided to volunteer--playing video games. hobbies run from gaming to music (voice, bass, guitar) to rugby. Addie is a strong supporter of indie and low-cost gaming, an area she thinks is underserved by the media.

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