As the 2024 Dungeon Master’s Guide arrives for 5th Edition D&D, Roll20 wants you to show off your own bastion creations. The best part you could win a prize package from Roll20:

Roll20, the online home for tabletop roleplaying games, today announced a contest co-launched with Dungeon Scrawl that celebrates the release of the 2024 Dungeon Master’s Guide, the new rulebook featuring guidelines for designing Bastions, personal strongholds that reflect characters’ personality and ambitions in-game. Players are invited to create their own Bastion map using Dungeon Scrawl, Roll20’s free, online map-making tool, and submit it for the chance to win a Roll20 prize package featuring subscriptions to both platforms and a copy of the 2024 Dungeons & Dragons Core Rulebook Bundle.

“We’re proud to support D&D’s 2024 Core Rulebooks on Roll20 and are especially excited about the creative potential the Bastions system unlocks,” said Jayme Boucher, Roll20’s Senior Marketing Manager. “This contest provides the opportunity to celebrate the individuality and imagination that players bring to their campaigns, and we’re eager to see how Dungeon Scrawl helps bring unique designs to life.”

Submissions are open through December 18, 2024 and winners will be announced on Discord and Roll20’s Twitter by the following day. There are two ways to submit a Bastion map to the contest:

Join the Dungeon Scrawl Discord Server and post your Bastion in the #mapmaking-challenge channel

Submit your entry using our Google Form.

Contest details, including the full Terms and Conditions, can be found here.

Roll20’s Dungeon Scrawl Integration Update

Acquired by Roll20 last fall, Dungeon Scrawl stands out among map builders due to its ease of use, versatility, and accessibility. During Roll20’s annual Roll20Con Roundtable event this September, Founder-in-Residence Riley Dutton live-streamed a preview of the first phase of its upcoming integration, which will allow GMs to link their Dungeon Scrawl sessions directly to the virtual tabletop in real time. The new functionality will eliminate the need for manual exporting and uploading between programs and is scheduled to launch by the end of the year.

Roll20’s New Bastion Support

In addition to the Build a Bastion contest, Roll20 is supporting the 2024 Dungeon Master’s Guide release with a new Bastion Sheet, enabling players to create Bastions, track key details, and more. To access the feature, players create a new Character Sheet (D&D 2024), name their Bastion, and click Save. In the Character Builder, players select “Build a Bastion” and customize it by adding Character details, creating hirelings, and more. Players who own the 2024 Dungeon Master’s Guide on Roll20 can drag and drop any basic or special facility directly onto their sheet. For those without the guide, the tracker remains free to use, allowing players to input the data manually.

For a limited time, ordering the complete 2024 Core Rulebook Bundle on Roll20 unlocks two exclusive bonuses: a free Eberron starting adventure from Imogen Gingell and Keith Baker, and a Fantasy Setting Starter Pack featuring seven dynamically-lit maps and pre-made characters.

See also: Roll20 | Tabletop
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