Popular Virtual-Table-Top Roll20 is adding a feature that's has been requested on their forums for for ten years. The feature being added is the Foreground Layer. This is a layer that can be used to add even more immersion to VTT games by being able to fade or remain opaque as character move underneath them. Here's a quick explaination from the Roll20 blog:

What is the Foreground Layer?

Roll20’s Foreground Layer is a GM-accessible layer that renders above the token layer. While it sounds simple enough, the creative possibilities unlocked with this addition are vast, and a lot of work went into building it correctly.
The Foreground Layer opens a whole can of worms, but at least we can go fishing now! – Frances B., Senior Product Designer

How it Works

GM’s can utilize the Foreground Layer to design immersive and interactive environments to surprise and delight their players. Foreground objects can either “fade” when a token moves underneath them or remain fully opaque depending on GM settings. Imagine a rooftop that fades or disappears when a player enters a building, a spiderweb obscuring an exploring player’s vision, or a looping, animated rainstorm creating a moody atmosphere over your entire map.

For a full explanation check out Roll20's blog on the Foreground Layer.

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