Invictus Launch Week returns to Star Citizen on May 19th and runs through May 30th. During the celebratory week, the game will be free to play for everyone. New vehicles and spaceships will be available to test fly as well. For more details on the event check below, and for the recap of Star Citizen so far check here.

Invictus Launch Week 2953 - One Empire

Highlights for this year’s upcoming Invictus Launch Week 2953 include:

–Fly for Free: Download the Star Citizen client and play for free during the Invictus Launch Week 2953 event. Find out more and start your journey today by visiting the official website.

–Test-Fly Every Military Vehicle for Free: Over 70 vehicles will be available for players to test fly for free, including the latest from the galaxy’s most respected manufacturers on show during the Invictus Launch Week 2953 event.

–Mirai Transforms the Ship Landscape with the Fury: Mirai, a new next-generation performance brand, unleashes its first flyable ships at Invictus Launch Week 2953. The Mirai Fury is an essential short-range ship designed to bring maximum lethality and maneuverability to any dogfight. Leveraging advanced alien technologies, the Fury sports a transformable, collapsible frame allowing it to be easily transported on larger vessels, unleashing a fatal surprise for any hostile ships. The Fury MX variant shares the same core design as the Fury, trading access to energy weapons to instead pack an impressive battery of missiles.

–Tumbril Land Systems Tempest in a Teacup: Manufacturer Tumbril plans to showcase its next combat-focused ground vehicle, which will be immediately available for purchase as a concept pledge. Stay tuned on May 25 for a full reveal.

–The RSI Lynx Rover Brings Luxury Ground Transportation: Planet surfaces may be hostile, but traversing them shouldn’t be. RSI has the solution: The Lynx rover, the only luxury all-terrain ground vehicle in the ‘verse. Seating a driver and gunner to escort two VIP passengers, the Lynx rover is used extensively by the military to transport visiting dignitaries and executives without sacrificing the comforts they expect. Designed to pair with the Constellation Phoenix luxury spacecraft for transportation between celestial bodies, the Lynx rover is the ultimate in style and comfort. More on the Lynx rover will also be revealed on May 25.

–A Helping Hand for New Players: In response to community feedback, new players in Star Citizen will enjoy an enhanced new-player experience teaching them the basics they will need to know to survive in and explore the ‘verse. Available in Area18, these tutorials will cover the basic use of the mobiGlas for player information, navigating cities on foot, and take players to the spaceport where they’ll take their first flight in an Anvil C8 Pisces. Perfectly located for this year’s Invictus Launch Week, new players can head straight to the show floor after finding their space-legs.

–Tour of the Aegis Javelin and RSI Bengal Fly-By: During Invictus Launch Week 2953, one of the most powerful warships in the ‘verse, the massive Aegis Javelin, will dock at Everus Harbor above Hurston, Baijini Point above ArcCorp, Port Tressler above microTech, and Orison. At each location, attendees will be able access and tour interior parts of the ship, where they can hear more details about the UEEN’s mighty warship from the crew members themselves. Players will also want to keep an eye to the sky to catch a glimpse of the largest vessel in the navy, the RSI Bengal, as it will be viewable with its fleet throughout the Stanton system.

To take full advantage of Invictus Launch Week, veteran pilots planning to crew up with friends are encouraged to share their referral code for a bonus 5,000 aUEC. New players ready to begin their journey in Star Citizen should also visit the Welcome Hub for helpful resources.

Follow the Star Citizen team on FacebookTwitterInstagramYouTube, and Twitch — and visit for full details and schedules on the Invictus Launch Week 2953 event.

Stay tuned to Gaming Trend for more Star Citizen news and info!


See also: PC
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