
Out of the Park Baseball 13 Updated

Sports games aren’t my beat around here, but No High Scores contributor Bill Abner makes me wish they were.  He’s the commissioner of an online Out of the Park Baseball league that’s simulated over a decade of play so far and it sounds pretty darn awesome.  Entire career arcs have played out in that time, from rookie year drafts to catastrophic injuries, creating a complex legacy exclusive to Bill and his fellow franchise owners.

Bill’s league was hesitant to jump on the OOTP 13 train when the latest edition arrived earlier in the year, but perhaps this sweeping new update will prompt everyone to jump aboard.  Let’s check out the full patch notes together and see how they look:

Here’s what’s new in OOTP 13, version 13.4.17:
• Added a feature that enables online leagues to broadcast the real-time simulation screen to the league website as a real-time report, so league members can watch the league being simulated live
• Added a “Check teams for roster violations” function to the commissioner home screen
• Added the ability to edit “Projected Budget”; if set, all future budgets of a team can remain constant
• Added a “GM only” mode (in manager options) that prevents the human GM from winning the manager of the year award or appearing in the manager-related history reports
• Added the ability to add leagues to and remove them from existing associations
• Added a “Reset all Injuries & DL status” function to the league setup screen
• Added a “Reset Player Fatigue” function to the league setup screen
• Added a “Reset Player Morale” function to the league setup screen
• Added a “Reset Compensation Type of all Free Agents” function to the league setup screen
• Added an option in the league setup screen to disable automatic Hall of Fame inductions
• Added two new player split stat categories, “As Starter” and “As Reliever / Substitution”; these only work for the current season, though
• Added coach pictures to the team personnel screen
• Added player pictures to the in-game player profile screen
• The payroll between the start of the offseason and the date of free agent filings is now a projection rather than the salaries from the just finished season, resulting in more accurate projected budgets and funds available
• Shortlisted players are now highlighted by having their name displayed in upper case in player lists
• Players discovered through international scouting will now accept minor league contracts if they are very young and years away from reaching the majors
• Improved various aspects of the in-game and roster AI
• Fixed several bugs
For more information on Out of the Park Baseball 13, check out the game’s official site.

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