Today, Capstone Games announced that it will open pre-orders for the upcoming railroad game Ride the Rails, which will be released this July. The pre-order period will close on March 16, and those who pre-order the game during this period will receive their games in May.
The station is jam-packed full of excited people ready to ride the rails. Mason is off to Chicago, Ashley to Denver, and Hunter is going all the way to San Francisco. The train arrives, and passengers start detraining the sleeper cars with the red-caped porters expertly loading their luggage onto the baggage carts. Enthusiastic travelers crowd the doors, anxiously anticipating their adventure cruising across America in style!
In Ride the Rails, you will invest in railroad companies, build railway track across America, and deliver passengers to as many cities as possible. Each round, a new Railroad company is introduced to the game, and each Railroad company has its own special placement rules! Deliver passengers to as many cities as possible to earn the most points. Be cautious in your travels, as shareholders of Railroads that you use will also earn points!
Stay tuned for more news here on Gaming Trend.