Taking place in modern day Paris, Night Call is a narrative experience with a touch of resource management and investigative mechanics. The story of the game is told primarily through its 70+ cab passengers.
We look at Night Call as a strong narrative experience with light resource management and investigation mechanics. Its power is certainly in the stories being told by the 70+ passengers you’ll encounter in the back of your cab. Some passengers detail whimsical lighthearted moments, others peculiar and thought provoking, and a few will come into the backseat with very dark accounts exploring themes not often seen in games. Night Call is not one story but rather a collective narrative from all these characters who have something to share and contributing to the greater investigation that you are now charged with being a part of. Will you find the killer running rampant in Paris?
Night Call is available now on PC via Steam and Xbox Game Pass. For more information, visit the game’s Steam page.
Sean Anthony likes to combine two of his passions: gaming and writing. Gaming has been a huge part of his life ever since he played his first game as a child, Kirby's Adventure. He aspires to have his name attached to an article that makes the whole world go, "Huh, that's neat, I guess."
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