While the Metroid franchise has seen some great highs in recent years, from 2017’s Metroid: Samus Returns to the inclusion of Ridley in Super Smash Bros Ultimate, we still haven’t heard much from Metroid Prime 4. Today on Nintendo’s Youtube channel, Senior Managing Executive Officer Shinya Takahashi released a statement on behalf of the company for Metroid Prime 4. While details of the game remain sparse, the video details future plans with the title, including involvement from a familiar face.

In the video, he acknowledges the anticipation for the upcoming Switch title, but also notes problems with development and reveals the decision to change the development structure for the game. While this means that the game’s release date is still undecided, Nintendo has started to collaborate with American developer Retro Studios, responsible for the first three Metroid Prime games.

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See also: Culture | Switch
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