Nintendo’s been busy making new friends lately. As part of the recent initiative to expand its brand exposure into new mediums, Nintendo announced today that it has partnered with Universal Studios to begin “Creating spectacular, dedicated experiences based on Nintendo’s wildly popular games, characters and worlds.”
Universal studios and Nintendo have agreed to withhold further details regarding the project until a later time, but already fans are beginning to speculate what the new attractions will entail. Will it be real life Mario Kart racing or Mario Golf course, a Yoshi’s Island water park, or maybe an authentic recreation of the Mushroom Kingdom similar to Universal’s successful Harry Potter theme park? For now, only time will tell.
Stefan started gaming the day his dad brought home a shiny, brand new commodore 64. He's been hooked ever since. Whether he's leveling up his ninja in Final Fantasy Tactics, cruising the streets of San Andreas or working on his Terran build order, videogames are never far from his mind. He is currently on the lookout for an appropriate 12 step program to address his electronic addiction.
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