
Nintendo Bringing Wii Games to Wii U’s eShop Throughout January

Nintendo Bringing Wii Games to Wii U's eShop Throughout January

Nintendo has confirmed plans to roll out Wii games for download on the eShop for Wii U owners.

Starting today, Super Mario Galaxy 2 will be available on the eShop, followed by Punch Out!! on January 22nd, with the entire Metroid Prime trilogy coming on January 29th.

Each game will be available for $19.99, while early adopters will be able to grab each game for half that price during their first week.

Nintendo Bringing Wii Games to Wii U's eShop Throughout January

Downloading the games through the Wii U eShop will allow users to play the games through the Wii U’s gamepad by switching over the system’s “Wii Mode” typically used to play disc copies of original Wii games.

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