
New Recore footage unveiled at Gamescom

Today Xbox released a new trailer for its upcoming title ReCore. The trailer shows off the game’s main character, Joule Adams, as she uses her corebot companions to fight enemies and travel around the world of  Far Eden. In ReCore, corebots are robot companions that travel with you throughout the game and help you defeat enemies and overcome obstacles. You switch which corebot you are using by removing it’s core and inserting it into another corebot.

ReCore Gamescom Gameplay Trailer

This is the second time that we have been given a glimpse of Recore’s gameplay, along with a  2 minute gameplay trailer that was released at this year’s Electronic Entertainment Expo.

Legendary video game creator Keiji Inafune, is the creative mind behind Recore. Inafune’s past works include the Mega Man series, Dead Rising, Lost Planet, and Onimusha just to name a few.

Recore is set to release on September 13, 2016 Exclusively on Xbox One and Windows 10.

Zach has been a gamer ever since he picked up a PS1 controller and played Asteroids for the first time. From FPS games to Point-and-click adventures, Zach knows no genre that he can't get into. When not playing games, he spends his time looking at the newest computer components on the market and dreaming of a day when he can buy them.

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