Viewers of the 2023 Upload VR Showcase were treated well as VR powerhouse, nDreams, brought new footage from three upcoming titles. Synapse, Powerwash Simulator VR, and Little Cities made an appearance, which you can rewatch down below:
The Synapse Gameplay Trailerprovided a deeper dive into how players will be upgrading and evolving their arsenal and telekinetic abilities, as they fight deep into the mind of an enemy of the state this 4 July. It also provided some additional narrative context to the game’s setting, including insights into Peter Conrad (voiced by David Hayter) and Clara Sorensen’s (voiced by Jennifer Hale) in-game dynamics.
The PowerWash Simulator VR Gameplay Trailerwelcomed players to showcase their play style,from The Perfectionist to The Dirt Destroyer. PowerWash Simulator VR allows the player to express themselves any way they please, adding an extra layer of immersion and interactivity to busting dirt with the power of VR!
Finally, the Little Cities Sandbox Update Trailerfocused on the heavily-requested Sandbox Update, the latest addition in the game’s post launch roadmap. Arriving on 29 June, the Sandbox Update features the ability to craft islands from scratch! Fully customise (or randomise) your experience with a landscape editor, fresh Attractions, ruins, and lots more…
Stay tuned to Gaming Trend for more VR news and info!