Based of the popular manga and anime series, My Hero Ultra Rumble is a new free-to-play battle royale from Bandai Namco. Play as either a hero or a villain in three member teams to take on other players in citywide maps. Classic characters such as All Might, Himiko Toga, and Izuku Midoriya are all available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. A PC version of the game is coming at a later date.
In MY HERO ULTRA RUMBLE, players will become a Hero or Villain and join a three-member team to battle against seven other teams on expansive citywide maps. Controlling classic MY HERO characters such as Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, All Might, Tomura Shigaraki, Himiko Toga, and more, fans can utilize their superhuman abilities known as Quirks to attack enemies or support and cooperate with their teammates to survive fights. Teams can also contribute to their victory by rescuing or intimidating civilians on the field to obtain powerful items that can change the tide of battle.
To learn more about the game, please visit http://playmyheroultrarumble.
Stay tuned to GamingTrend for more My Hero Ultra Rush coverage!
Noah is the resident weeb who spends most of his time gaming and watching anime. His goal is to expand his skills while meeting new people. You have probably seen him feeding the other team kills in Overwatch Comp or speculating Star Wars and One Piece. Follow him on twitter @RigsbyNoah.
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