Modiphius Entertainment launched their Kickstarter for Discworld: Adventures in Ankh-Morpork today. This new system will use the polyhedral ‘Narrativium’ System which seems befitting of Discworld. Learn more about the Kickstart below:
Publisher of tabletop RPGs, wargames and board games, Modiphius Entertainment Ltd. has today launched its Kickstarter campaign for the Discworld: Adventures in Ankh-Morpork tabletop roleplaying game. The Kickstarter will run from 15th October to 7th November.
Securing the rights to produce the first new roleplaying game for Terry Pratchett’s internationally bestselling Discworld series in over 20 years, Modiphius is offering six different reward tiers for players to immerse themselves in the world of Ankh-Morpork.
The reward tiers are:
- Lance-Constable – £40: PDFs of the core rulebook, gamemaster’s toolkit, and adventure book.
- Sergeant-at-Arms – £50: PDF and hardback core rulebooks, and a set of Octarine dice.
- Captain – £80: the Collector’s Edition* core rulebook, core rulebook PDF, and Octarine dice.
- Commander – £100: a core rulebook, gamemaster’s toolkit, adventure book, Octarine dice, and PDFs of each.
- Duke of Ankh – £130: a Collector’s Edition* core rulebook, gamemaster’s toolkit, adventure book, Octarine dice, and PDFs of each.
Blackboard Monitor – £300: a Collector’s Edition core rulebook, standard edition core rulebook, gamemaster’s toolkit, adventure book, 4 sets of Octarine dice, and PDF copies of all books, as well as a print of the Paul Kidby cover illustration, and a Norse Foundry dice Tray of Holding™ featuring Death on its lid.
Modiphius is also offering the Blackboard Monitor reward tier with a signed print of the Collector’s Edition* cover, signed by Paul Kidby, limited to only 250 backers.
The game will be available in English, Spanish, French, German, and Polish, thanks to Modiphius partnering with tabletop studios across Europe for localisation.
With 2024 dubbed ‘the Year of Discworld’, a year-long celebration leading off from the 40th anniversary of the release of The Colour of Magic last November, Modiphius’ roleplaying game will be the first RPG for Discworld since 1998, when Steve Jackson Games published a sourcebook using its GURPS rules.
Of the project, Cameron Dicks, Managing Director at Modiphius, said, “Sir Terry’s work is a foundational memory for lots of the staff at Modiphius in their love of fantasy fiction, and it’s always been on the top of the dream project list for me. We have tried for a few years to think of the right way to approach Discworld and just at the right time Chris Birch approached the Terry Pratchett estate about working together. It was our lucky day because not only did they want to work with us, but they already knew of our reputation for faithful tabletop adaptations.
To be able to bring something with such an emotional connection to so many at Modiphius was incredibly exciting, and set a lot of our creative staff down some incredible paths and we are so so excited for you all to see it.”