The popular free-to-play MMORPG will be hosting its Halloween event starting October 24. Headlining the event is Ling Han, a new simulacrum that’ll be expanding the ever-growing roster. Ling Han isn’t the only thing new as themed challenges, rewards, and a limited time game mode called Maze of Dread will go live for players to enjoy. More details from their official announcement can be found below:
Today, publisher Level Infinite and developer Hotta Studio announced that new simulacrum Ling Han, will join Tower of Fantasy, the hit free to play, open-world MMORPG on October 24. Ling Han is in charge of overseeing Marshville and serves as the head of Longjian Pavilion, where she commands the Domain Guards spanning the entirety of Domain 9. Despite her reserved nature, she possesses great strength and shows no mercy to her enemies. Ling Han’s mentor and cherished friend, Nan Yin, has recently succumbed to the Darkness, and she now seeks both the truth behind Nan Yin’s dark transformation and vengeance for those fallen at the hands of her now-corrupt friend.
Wanderers can also enjoy the brand new Trick-or-Treat events in celebration of Halloween. In the upcoming event A Sweet Night of Horror, Wanderers will battle three random enemies to win candy prizes in exchange for special rewards at the store. During the Wandering Jack-O-Lantern event, up to 5 pumpkin gift boxes will appear every 2 hours at the pumpkin lantern area on Mirramoon Street in Mirroria for Wanderers to collect and redeem. While in the exciting 8-player competitive event called Maze of Dread, one player will be transformed into a ghost, while the remaining players work to catch them within a maze-like environment, receiving rewards according to the points they collect during the haunted chase.
Stay tuned to GamingTrend for more Tower of Fantasy coverage!