
Launch trailer for Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor introduces you to main character

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor’s release is finally upon us and coupled with that is the launch trailer published  by WB Games and Monolith.

The trailer shows off a good bit of information on Talion’s, the main character, motives all while highlighting the popular interrogation skill. You are also shown some of the fantastic Lord of the Rings lore that has become so immensely popular over the years.

Talion, a Ranger of the Black Gates, is slaughtered alongside his family and is resurrected by the powerful Wraith, Celebrimbor. The two will face the might of Sauron’s Army and Black Captains with the aid of unexpected allies, ultimately confronting The Dark Lord himself.

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor is available now and you can read our review right here.

Avid video game lover who enjoys Tennessee Vol athletics more than one man should. I also listen to hip-hop whenever possible. I'm an odd fellow. Currently attending the great University of Tennessee. Avi by @DiceSMS

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