Way of the Fist, a side scrolling action arcade brawler from Household Games, will be released early next month on PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One.
In Way of the Fist, you play as the wander as you pass through Zircon V, a dying mining colony on the brink of destruction. Unlike other arcade beat ’em ups where players master combos to take out appointments, Way of the Passive Fist’s main mechanic is countering your opponents attacks. Players must read the enemies careful and time their attacks to take out their foes.
This game will feature customized difficulty settings, a story mode and an arcade mode where you play through the entire game with limited lives.
Way of the Passive Fist will be released on PlayStation 4 and PC via Steam on March 6th, 2018. Xbox One players will have to wait until the next day, March 7th, to battle through Zircon V. For more information on this game, visit the official website.