The Rebirthday is almost here. Season 3 finally got a bunch of reveals this week, with it’s arrival on April 3rd and a Rebirth trailer. Today, via the Call of Duty Blog, Season 3 was fully detailed along with a multiplayer trailer. Honestly, I’m flabbergasted, somehow there is still more content and both Season 1 and 2 were huge. I mean, SIX 6v6 core maps are coming. Check out all the intel below.

Season 3 Warzone Launch Trailer - Rebirth Island | Call of Duty: Warzone

Leave no friend behind: The Konni Group has left its indelible mark on Fortune’s Keep and is now occupying another landmass — the infamous Rebirth Island comes back to Call of Duty®: Warzone™! Rally your squad and investigate this hottest of drops at the start of Season 3. Elsewhere in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare® III, expect one of the biggest Multiplayer map drops ever, with six new Core 6v6 maps. Also included are four free base weapons; eight Aftermarket Parts; Ranked Play (including Resurgence on Rebirth Island); the arrival of Makarov and Snoop Dogg; and two brand-new Operators to the premium Battle Pass, Banshee and Hush.

This is one of the biggest content drops in Call of Duty history, partly because this is a fully Connected experience thanks to the massive content integration with Call of Duty®: Warzone™ Mobile.

Featuring more Events, Challenges, and secrets than ever before, Season 3 for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare IIICall of Duty: Warzone and Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile goes live on Wednesday April 3 at 9 AM PT across all platforms.

Consult the Call of Duty Blog for all official comms and announcements. Check Patch Notes prior to the release of Season 3 on April 3, with separate notes for Modern Warfare® III (led by Sledgehammer Games and Treyarch), Call of Duty: Warzone (led by Raven Software), and Call of DutyWarzone Mobile (led by the Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile teams).

Consult the free official Guides to Rebirth Island and the new Season 3 Multiplayer launch maps.

Due to the breadth of content available, here are links to the various content overview sections of this blog for immediate access:








Sledgehammer Games is cooking: Six Core 6v6 Maps are coming to Season 3, including three that are brand-new, one that’s remastered, and two repurposed from Vondel and Rebirth Island points of interest.

Four game modes . . . that we know of: Capture the Flag Multiplayer Mode leads the charge at the start of Season 3. Watch your step in the all-new Minefield mode and bring a knife to a gunfight in One in the Chamber, and look for Escort and off-world Vortex Playlists later in season.

Season 3 Ranked Play: Treyarch is putting the finishing touches on the next full season, with all-new rewards to earn and Season 2 content to claim on April 3.

Perk up, Soldier!: Sledgehammer is about to change up how you play Multiplayer with the addition of three new Perk Vests, new Boots, and new Gear. Plus, a new Tactical EMD Mine and Enhanced Vision Goggles are coming during the season.

Multiplayer Maps: Six Total Core 6v6 Maps

Sledgehammer Games is dropping an incredible number of Multiplayer Maps across Season 3, and two of them were constructed in collaboration with Beenox. Expect six new battlegrounds:

6 Star (Launch)

Brand-New, Core, 6v6, Medium-Sized

An incredible feat of engineering, the Hadiqa 6 Star resort sits atop a Dubai skyscraper and caters to the most discerning of guests. You’ll have little time to marvel at the breathtaking views now that this lavish retreat is under attack. The primary flow lanes through these locations offer opportunities no matter your playstyle, and while the curved connecting corridors allow excellent access across and around the map, there are several useful shortcuts, like a vent connecting the aquarium and Oasis Lounge, a pump room that drops down into the lounge, and a precarious catwalk joining the garden helipad to a security office.

Emergency (Launch)

Brand-New, Core, 6v6, Small-Sized

Force your foes to visit the ICU after dominating this Arizonan medical facility, nestled on the summit of a remote mountain range. A nearby town lies in the wooded valley below. The entire area is the scene of a major conflagration, with black smoke billowing from the valley below, while the State Disease Control Agency facility has seen evidence of fierce fighting. The flow of the map is via an exterior forecourt, the interior reception lobby, and a medical laboratory, offering longer sightline opportunities from both the ground and atop parked vehicles. Otherwise, expect rapid and riotous combat.

Growhouse (Launch)

New (Remastered), Core, 6v6, Small-Sized

First released as Sphere during Season 3 of Call of Duty®: Vanguard, the layout of this deceptively compact map is similar, but the environment has changed significantly. This is less of an experimental test site and more of a backwoods narcotics den nestled in remote foothills. The roof of the main barn seems to have been struck by missile fire, and the rafters are still smoldering. Smaller than Meat, this map features upper and lower levels offering greater space to move than you’d initially expect, especially if you know the ladders and points of entry. Expect mid- to longer-ranged battles aboveground, and close-quarter combat inside the rickety structure. Use the ancillary structures on the east and west sides as ambush points.

Tanked (Launch)

New (Repurposed), Core, 6v6, Medium-Sized

Drop into Vondel Zoo after-hours in this fast-paced, medium-sized map developed by Beenox. The map is centered around a main Aquarium structure within the Call of Duty: Warzone point of interest, significantly reworked for Multiplayer. Expect well-lit exterior pathways with two long flanks allowing for longer-range sightlines as you navigate a tiki bar, petting zoo, concession stalls and Smiling Noodles restaurant, as well as the secondary interior of the reptile house, all surrounding the Aquarium. The action is mainly at ground level, with the most ferocious combat occurring around and in the fish-filled exhibition, with winning players making the most of the Aquarium tunnel, along with an exterior cave ambush point to the north.

Checkpoint (Mid-Season)

New (Repurposed), Core, 6v6, Small-Sized

Get a taste of Rebirth Island in Multiplayer later in Season 3, as the eastern point of interest known as Stronghold becomes the setting for some furious and fast-paced combat. Developed by Beenox, this small military comms outpost features a central checkpoint, an interior armory, storage locker room, and garage. The front gate and rear roundabout are dotted with building supplies, tarp-covered crates, and transport vehicles. The map is pleasingly dense, with almost all the action at ground level. The upper walkways and the control tower are sealed off, so combat is rapid, with plenty of cover options. Fall back toward the roundabout and the small hangar and shoreline buildings, or battle for control over the checkpoint road and its interior spaces.

Grime (Mid-Season)

Brand-New, Core, 6v6, Small- to Medium-Sized

Among the graffitied walls, navigate the piles of rubbish and brave the derelict London canal, well away from Big Ben and the bright lights in England’s capital city. As the tube trains rattle overhead, visit the murky brown waters of the docks, duck into a boathouse, and look for tactical cover throughout an abandoned SKN Comms center — with a choke point in the lobby where combat is usually the fiercest. Near the water’s edge, you’ll find Emily’s greasy spoon café. The urban layout provides a variety of cover opportunities, though you could always head to the Captain’s Dog for a pint and a punch.

Four Game Modes Arrive in Multiplayer

The popular Capture the Flag Multiplayer Mode leads the charge at the start of Season 3, supplemented by Minefield and the fan-favorite One in the Chamber. Later in the season you’ll return to escort a MAW across dangerous choke points and visit off-world locales courtesy of the Vortex Playlist.

Game Mode: Capture the Flag (Launch)

An often-requested objective game mode, beginning in the first Call of Duty Multiplayer experience, Capture the Flag (CTF) pits two competitive teams against each other, with eliminations being only part of the plan: The real tactics involve stealing the opponent’s flag and returning it to their home base, while simultaneously defending that same base and their flag from the enemy. As a flag won’t be scored as “captured” until a team’s flag is safe in its base, squads must bring both impressive offensive and defensive capabilities to win the match.

Game Mode: One in the Chamber (Launch Window)

This fun-filled Party Mode — first introduced in the original Call of Duty®: Black Ops — rewards those with impressive aiming and ammunition discipline. Each player in this free-for-all gets a single bullet to start with and one additional bullet every time you achieve a kill. You also start with three lives, and the bullet you’re firing is extremely potent, dropping foes no matter where you hit them. Enemies who succumb to this one-hit kill lose a life, while the successful marksman gains another bullet. Out of bullets? Fancy your chances at close-range combat? Then melee attacks are also an option; bring a knife to a gunfight if you (or your foes) run out of ammo.

Note: Kills, Deaths, and Wins/Losses do not affect your Combat Record in this Game Mode.

Game Mode: Minefield (Mid-Season)

In the same way that Season 2’s Hordepoint was “Hardpoint but with Zombies,” think of Minefield as “Multiplayer but with mines.” Currently applicable to almost any current game mode, Sledgehammer Games will be switching on this game variant in a variety of modes, like Kill Confirmed, Domination, and Hardpoint. Minefield uses the same rules as the mode in question, but with one important addition: When you defeat a rival player, a Proximity Mine is dropped at the enemy’s corpse. This mine cannot be picked up and remains deadly to the enemy team (but not to any friendly teammates). As the action heats up, the scattered mines across the map ramp up the action to a cacophony of chaos! Watch your step out there, Operator!

Game Mode: Escort (Mid-Season)

Those Call of DutyWarzone veterans who remember playing the entertaining, limited-time mode known as Payload know what to expect here as two teams — both with unlimited respawns — face off on a variety of maps, with one side protecting a MAW as it maneuvers across the map. Meanwhile, the opposing force has enemy takedowns and the grand prize of vehicular destruction on their minds! The attacking team’s overriding goal is to ensure the vehicle reaches its destination. The defending team’s plan of attack is to disable the vehicle by any means necessary. Once the first game of the match is completed, the teams swap objectives, and the side with the quickest vehicle takedown wins.

Game Mode: Vortex Playlist (In-Season)

The preternatural map variants – Airborne, Satan’s Quarry, Skidgrow, Sporeyard, and Tetanus – return in a special limited-time Playlist coming later in Season 3. The familiar Vortex Mosh Pit will be available, along with a new Arcade Mode, with a number of [[REDACTED]] gameplay modifiers to add yet more variety to your game.

Expect the “Vortex Vir.Rus Mainframe” Event to launch alongside this limited-time Playlist. More information on this event is available later in this blog.

Multiplayer Ranked Season 3 Intel (Launch Window)

Prepare to grind for bragging rights and a full season of content, as well as numerous all-new rewards. Multiplayer Ranked Play continues. First, here are a few reminders:

Players can earn MWIII Ranked Play rewards in three ways:

  • Rank Rewards: Available at launch and can be earned in any season. Players can continue their previous rank grind in Season 3.
  • Season Rewards: Available at the start of a season and only available in that season.
  • End-of-Season Rewards: Rewards that are awarded after the season has ended and represent either your highest attained division or an active placement in the Top 250 Division. Season 3 brings new seasonal Large Decals to unlock in MWIII Ranked Play!

New Season 3 Ranked Rewards: Throughout Season 3, you can unlock the following coveted rewards as you rank up:

  • Win 5 Ranked Matches: “MWIII Season 3 Competitor” Sticker
  • Win 10 Ranked Matches: “Pro Issue Rival-9” Weapon Blueprint
  • Win 25 Ranked Matches: “Absolute Banger” Charm
  • Win 50 Ranked Matches: “Hold This L” Large Decal
  • Win 75 Ranked Matches: “MWIII Ranked Play Season 3” Loading Screen
  • Win 100 Ranked Matches: MWIII Season 3 Ranked Veteran” Weapon Camo

New End-of-Season Rewards: At the end of Season 3, you will be receive Skill Division rewards that represent the highest division that you attained during Season 3 or an active placement in the Top 250 Division.

Earn higher Skill Division Operator Skins and cosmetics for having a season-high placement within the Gold Division or above, with special rewards for the Top 250 and No. 1 player in the world at the end of the season. If you didn’t get a chance to earn the Gold, Platinum, Crimson, or even Iridescent Ranked Play Operator Skin set, this is the season to focus on one of these unlocks!

New Season 3 Division Rewards: Here are the end-of-season rewards for Season 3, related to the highest placement in your Skill Division:

  • Bronze: “MWIII Season 3 Bronze” Emblem
  • Silver: “MWIII Season 3 Silver” Emblem
  • Gold: “MWIII Season 3 Gold” Animated Emblem
  • Gold: “MWIII Season 3 Gold” Large Decal
  • Platinum: “MWIII Season 3 Platinum” Animated Emblem
  • Platinum: “MWIII Season 3 Platinum” Large Decal
  • Diamond: “MWIII Season 3 Diamond” Animated Emblem
  • Diamond: “MWIII Season 3 Diamond” Large Decal
  • Crimson: “MWIII Season 3 Crimson” Animated Emblem
  • Crimson: “MWIII Season 3 Crimson” Large Decal
  • Iridescent: “MWIII Season 3 Iridescent” Animated Emblem
  • Iridescent: “MWIII Season 3 Iridescent” Calling Card
  • Iridescent: “MWIII Season 3 Iridescent” Large Decal
  • Top 250: “MWIII Season 3 Top 250” Animated Calling Card
  • Top 250: “MWIII Season 3 Top 250” Animated Emblem
  • Top 250: “MWIII Season 3 Top 250” Large Decal

Seasonal Division Operators: Earn the previously-unlockable Skill Division Operator Skin for use with both the CDL Male and Female Operators (for both factions) to represent your highest Skill Division. Once the Skins from one Skill Division have been unlocked, they can be permanently used in the future seasons of Modern Warfare III and Call of Duty: Warzone:

  • Gold Competitor Skin (Male and Female, SpecGru and KorTac): Reach this division.
  • Platinum Competitor Skin (Male and Female, SpecGru and KorTac): Reach this division.
  • Diamond Competitor Skin (Male and Female, SpecGru and KorTac): Reach this division.
  • Crimson Competitor Skin (Male and Female, SpecGru and KorTac): Reach this division.
  • Iridescent Competitor Skin (Male and Female, SpecGru and KorTac): Reach this division.
  • Top 250 Competitor Skin (Male and Female, SpecGru and KorTac): Reach this division.

Season 3 Ranked First Place Player: The player who finishes Season 3 in the No. 1 position on the Top 250 Leaderboard will receive ultimate bragging rights and the following one-of-a-kind rewards:

  • #1 Overall: “MWIII Season #1 Overall” Animated Calling Card
  • #1 Overall: “MWIII Season #1 Overall” Animated Emblem

If you need a refresher on Ranked Play for Modern Warfare III, consult the Multiplayer Ranked Play Guide here. Also check the Patch Notes for additional Ranked Play insights, updates, and more.

New Perks and Equipment (Launch and In-Season)

Perk up, Soldier! Sledgehammer Games is about to change how you play Multiplayer with the addition of three new Perk Vests, new Boots, and new Gear. Plus, a new Tactical Mine and Enhanced Vision Goggles are coming during the season.

New Perk (Vest): Gunslinger Vest (Launch)

Secondary Weapon specialist.

  • Weapon Slots: No Primary Slot, Secondary Weapon Slot (2)
  • Equipment Slots (4): Tactical (2), Lethal, Field Upgrade
  • Gear Slots (4): Gloves, Boots, Gear (2)

The following benefits apply to Secondary Weapons only:

  • Refreshes stamina on kill.
  • Improved reload speed.
  • Reload while sprinting.
  • Increases weapon swap speed by a minimum of 40% (swap speed bonus differs between weapons).
  • Spawn with maximum Reserve Ammo.

Duplicate effects do not stack. If equipped with Quick-Grip Gloves or Commando Gloves, gain the effects of Marksman Gloves. If equipped with Mag Holster, gain the effects of Mission Comlink.

New Perk (Vest): Modular Assault Rig (Launch)

Lethal and Tactical scavenger.

  • Equipment Slots (5): Tactical (2), Lethal (2), Field Upgrade
  • Gear Slots (3): Gloves, Boots, Gear
  • Start with maximum Reserve Ammo. Resupply Lethals and Tacticals from dead players.

New Perk (Vest): Compression Carrier (Launch)

Assisted healing and gas protection.

  • Equipment Slots (1): Lethal
  • Gear Slots (3): Gloves, Boots, Gear
  • Immediately regenerate health after a kill or objective capture. Reduced effects from gas grenades.

New Perk (Boots): Reinforced Boots (Launch)

  • Immune to movement reduction effects.

New Perk (Gear): High-Gain Antenna (Launch)

  • The minimap is zoomed out for you and nearby allies.
  • Enemies remain on radar longer for you and nearby allies if a nearby ally has the CCT Comms Vest Perk.
  • See nearby ally radar pings from Intel Jacker and compass indicators from nearby ally Signal Jammers.

New Tactical: EMD Mine (Mid-Season)

  • Proximity-triggered mine that sticks to surfaces. Once triggered, the mine shoots out tracker devices that reveal the enemy location and direction until removed.

New Field Upgrade: Enhanced Vision Goggles (EVG) (Mid-Season)

  • Toggle between normal vision and enhanced vision with integrated target highlighting. Has limited battery.



The Dark Aether Story Continues: Take a chance on Jansen as a full-scale rescue mission is launched after the doctor enters a new and terrifying region of the Dark Aether.

Take on the Third Rift: An ethereal voidscape houses insanity-inducing horrors within, including a new and diabolic Disciple variant. Provide fire support for Ravenov, and find Dr. Jansen before she’s consumed by darkness.

Season 3 Challenges and Schematics: Unlock Prestige levels to acquire Zombies Challenges, and gather three new Schematics to aid your progress, including a way to disguise yourself among Mercenaries, Dead Wire your explosive weaponry, and outlast the gas.

Warlord Rainmaker: Holed up on Rahaa Island, this heavily armored psychopath makes it rain artillery fire and has little regard for his own forces. Though his compound is easy to reach, stepping foot on the island with your limbs still attached may be more of a challenge.

The Dark Aether Story Continues: Saving Dr. Jansen (Mid-Season)

An unknown force of disturbing power has its psychic tendrils wrapped tightly around Dr. Ava Jansen. The doctor has been lured unto a new region of the Dark Aether under this malignant influence.

Strike Teams from Operation Deadbolt have converged to assist Sergei Ravenov as he attempts to locate and rescue Dr. Jansen from the unknown. Your expertise surviving and escaping the Dark Aether is required. The time has come to explore a new part of the Dark Aether, and rescue Dr. Jansen, and readying up for another Dark Aether Gate hunt.

Additional Unlock Quest, a Third Rift, and More (Mid-Season)

This third Dark Aether Rift is just as ornery as past two; expect a series of unlock objectives focusing on finding and attuning several relics, allowing access through the Gate. Accomplish these tasks to step into the ethereal voidscape and face the terrifying horrors lurking within, claiming valuable rewards if you survive. Squad up and help Operation Deadbolt continue to contain the onslaught of the undead.

Naturally, you’re also here to complete activities and contracts, discover arcane secrets, and secure some highly classified schematics!

Naturally, you’re also here to complete activities and contracts, discover arcane secrets, and secure some highly classified schematics!

New Challenges and Schematics (Mid-Season)

Prestige Challenges

Unlock new Prestige Calling Card Challenges at each level of prestige reached, and select up to five challenges to track, including any from across the game.

Camo Challenges

With four new weapons comes over a dozen new unique Camo challenges to grind through – play to access the new challenges for the Gladiator Melee weapon and multiple unique Camos for the BAL-27 (Assault Rifle), FJX Horus (Submachine Gun), and MORS (Sniper Rifle).

New Schematics

In addition, some highly classified Schematics are located in deviously secretive locations, all available depending on your success during the Rift:

Dead Wire Detonators (Schematic): Are you still shocked at the impressive electrical damage the Dead Wire Ammo Mod inflicts? Then you might want to employ the Dead Wire Detonator, and attach it to all your explosive weaponry, including Lethals and Launchers!

Golden Mask Filter (Schematic): A prized schematic with a shiny hue and an impressive, long-lasting effect — gain a self-regenerating gas mask for the rest of the match. This comes in extremely handy for surviving zombie strongholds and any surprises in the rifts.

Sergeant’s Beret (Schematic): Your outcomes no longer need to be terminal when dealing with Zakhaev’s hired guns; simply don the Sergeant’s Beret to disguise yourself among the Mercs, and summon a trusty Merc Bodyguard who shadows you to the end.

Warlord: Rainmaker (Mid-Season)

Additional caution is advised when operating in the southeastern part of the Urzikstan Exclusion Zone, as Warlord Rainmaker has commandeered and heavily upgraded the defenses of his fortress on Rahaa Island, across the water from Shahin Manor. As his code name suggests, this Warlord is an artillery and demolitions expert, and though his island compound is relatively easy to reach, stepping foot on the island with your limbs still attached may be more of a challenge.

Expect mortar rounds and RPG fire to descend on your squad, with assault maneuvers made even more difficult due to the water surrounding Rainmaker’s lair. Fast transport is recommended, and once you disembark, try to ignore the chaos and focus on the fortress. Rainmaker’s forces are expendable, and he almost enjoys sacrificing his own men to take out intruders. With the fortress breached, slow your progress, as the compound is brimming with tripwires and traps. Stepping on a mine at this point would be unfortunate. Then prepare to change your gameplan once you finally corner Rainmaker; he’s capable of some nasty surprises you won’t be expecting.



Resurgence Rebirthed: Welcome back to Rebirth Island! The weather is clear, the visibility across the island is excellent, and the action is about to heat up. What surprises are in store?

Welcome Back to Rebirth Island: A thorough inspection of the 11 major Points of Interest throughout Rebirth Island is underway. Is the map just how you remember it? Read on to find out.

New Modes and Gameplay Features: Resurgence modes and variants.  Biometric Scanners. Smart Displays. Weapon Trade Stations. A new Resurgence Champion’s Quest in Rebirth Island. Variable time of day conditions that change the atmospheric mood but not the visibility of the action. Infil Strikes where the Water Tower, Lighthouse, and even the Prison roof is destroyed as your infil begins. And a host of secrets to discover. Optimized combat for Rebirth Island arrives in Season 3.

Call of Duty: Warzone Ranked Play — Resurgence on Rebirth: Ranked Play continues with a new map to master. Use the same Resurgence rules and innovations, claim the stack of impressive rewards for your grind, and drop into Rebirth Island throughout the new season.

Happy Rebirth Day: Welcome Back to Rebirth Island (Launch)

Rebirth Island returns at the launch of Season 3! The island feels incredibly familiar; veteran players will find all the Points of Interest instantly recognizable. The structures and topography of the island remain intact, and though some of the POIs have become more weathered, the island’s latest occupying force — Konni Group — hasn’t ignored the structures that are important to its machinations, retrofitting and thoroughly modernizing them, both outside and in. While a small power plant known as Building No 06 is the only new structure on the map, expect more than a few surprises as you return to Rebirth Island!

Developed by Beenox, the return of Rebirth Island represents your new destination for Resurgence Matches, as well as your home for Season 3 Call of Duty: Warzone Ranked Play: Resurgence developed by Treyarch and Raven Software.

Return to Rebirth: Points of Interest Intel

Swimming and water combat. Submerged and new shoreline access points. Biometric Scanners. Smart Displays. Weapon Trade Stations. A new Resurgence Champion’s Quest. Variable Time of Day that changes the atmospheric mood but not the visibility of the action. Infil Strikes where the Water Tower, Lighthouse, and even the Prison roof are destroyed as your infil begins. We’ll detail all of this later in the blog, but for the moment, let’s reacquaint ourselves with the 11 major POIs across Rebirth Island:


One of the bona fide hot drops, this three-floor brick and steel building is easily spotted on its coastal corner along the northern edge of the island. While much of the structure has been left to rust and decay over the decades, the Konni Group has thoroughly modernized the third-floor laboratory with the latest in research technology. The same cannot be said for the atrocious basement showers and the remains of an office floor within the building. A great place to make a stand, the roof is accessible by parachute and by interior and exterior stairs. For a quick escape, take the zipline over to Chemical Engineering.


Overview and Exterior: This low-lying structure nestled below the helipad plateau has received more than a new coat of red and white paint. But the flanking alley between the two areas is still a good place to take cover, and there are plenty of doors and breakable windows allowing you access into the main, two-floor interior. Head southeast to the bridge connecting to the road close to the Prison.

Interior: The interior of this giant storage structure has been cleaned up considerably and features a white polished floor and impressively enhanced visibility when checking the dark corners and crate stacks within. Don’t miss the side room, accessible from both floors, that leads to a tunnel cutting under the helipad to the front of Chemical Engineering.

Hilltop and Helipad: Adjacent to the long Industry building is a raised plateau, featuring a helipad and several sheds, one of them accessible with several windows providing views over the Industry rooftop. If you’re not spotted on this exposed grassy knoll, this makes a good pivot point along the road. It is adjacent to the Water Tower, a major Prison landmark.

Chemical Engineering

Smokestack and Factory: One of the few POIs to receive a complete retrofit, this area is painted in orange and white and is easily identified by the smokestacks rising from its roof. From the roadside or rocky shoreline, there are numerous entry points, and the low exterior ground level below the road offers a tunnel to Industry as well as protection. Investigate the zipline and ascenders before you enter the main, L-shaped factory floor featuring huge chemical tanks and a row of control systems, as well as smaller rooms and links to the adjacent building.

Building No. 7: Though both structures are numbered “07,” the pitched roof and visible sign of the storage and security building is a major draw for players looking to stock up on supplies and engage in combat across multiple floors. The upper levels are accessible by roadside ramps or a lower unloading area that is fully open to the elements, as well as a wraparound walkway along the shoreline. The upper floors, which include server rooms and security offices, also provide a ladder to the sloped roof, as well as commanding views across Harbor, the hilltop, Industry, and Bioweapons.


Sewage Treatment, Power Room, and Lookout: This POI stretches all along the northern shoreline of the map, beginning with a sewage treatment plant connected to Industry. Adjacent to that is Power Room 04, jutting out on an elevated concrete structure. Rusting catwalks connect these areas. There’s both an open Bunker door and a submerged pipe leading into a completely waterlogged Bunker, and likely a few secrets lost to the waves.

Wharf and Freighter: Farther along the elongated dockside, a large freighter is accessible for exploration. The deck of this ship sits in full view of the nearby gun emplacements, so watch for foes attacking from that direction. Move down the ramp and use the clusters of crates and supplies on the dockside as cover, or hide inside the ship. Climb the foremast if you’re after a sniping position.

Control Center

Once a construction site, this piece of brutalist architecture features a main building connected to a smaller section via a covered breezeway and a concrete exterior forecourt behind the structure. You’ve excellent vantage points to Prison and out toward Living Quarters. Inside, even the larger of the two buildings has tight interior spacing, with several offices on two floors to explore, ideally in Tac-Stance.


Prison Overview and Rooftop: Right in the center of the action, the sprawling Prison complex is the main draw for Operators and the largest building on the map. There are numerous points of entry: via the paved walkway, various staircases, ramps, and even the tunnel on the grassy bank above the Docks. Scattered ascenders and exterior ladders also provide direct access to the roof. This looks out across the entire island, with a 360-degree view of your surroundings, though you are vulnerable to enemy fire. The central roof has rows of pitched skylights, with several openings allowing you to drop into the Prison, as well as a tram platform that shuttles you back and forth to the Harbor.

Prison Interior: The vast interior is split into the main cell block, which is clustered across four long hallways providing excellent sightlines. The wider central floor offers a little more breathing room aside from threats above you. The numerous open cells can be used as ambush points. To the northeast is the Prison cafeteria and infirmary above, which are wider rooms with pillars to dive behind. By Headquarters is the warden’s entrance with the caged lobby, more suitable for close combat. The Prison basement features showers and a small electrical room; this entire structure is just as mazelike as you remember!

Prison Yard and Water Tower: The imposing (and rusting) Water Tower next to the Prison yard serves as the island’s main landmark and is a phenomenal watchpoint. Climb the ladder or use an ascender to reach the top. The dirt yard below has tents, vehicles, and supplies, with a wall and sentry towers. This can be a preferred location to land some eliminations before ducking into cover or using the zipline to whisk you to Industry.


Warehouse and Old Office: The southern part of Harbor stretches between Chemical Engineering and Factory, and the concrete shoreline provides quick traversal, with several smaller buildings offering the chance to lose pursuers and find cover. The lower tram platform sits adjacent to Factory and offers a ride up to the Prison rooftop. Next to that is a red-roofed building with a covered, tunnel-like service road under its dilapidated frame, connected to gray-and-white storage structures that Konni Group seem to have forgotten about.

Comms Office and Power Station (Turbine): Toward Chemical Engineering is a brick warehouse and a newly constructed power station marked “06.” While the warehouse is mainly a defensive location, the power station (with black and orange exterior cladding) has smaller monitoring offices around a main turbine room, which descends into a water-filled concrete pipe you can swim through to reach multiple exit points, perfect for repositioning and flanking unsuspecting enemies.

Headquarters (and Lighthouse)

Lighthouse (Surveillance Tower): Dominating the upper forecourt of Rebirth Island between the Prison and the three main Headquarter buildings is the Lighthouse. This is used as a surveillance tower and a sniping point, as it offers one of the two highest vantage points across from the opposing Water Tower. Expect high traffic and close combat as Operators head for this structure, using parachutes or the interior ladder from the main HQ building. The HQ houses a kitchen, sitting room, study, library, and a tight cluster of offices on the upper floor.

Command Center and Garrison: Not to be confused with the “Control Center” POI, the brown and stone structure with the truck parked outside offers excellent views surrounding this upper plateau. The explorable interior allows for cover and access to the roof. Next to that is the green-roofed Garrison, once offering a comfortable interior living space but now is a place for vicious combat. It also houses some interesting chambers below its main structure. . . .

Outside is a twisting network of exterior concrete staircases that lead down to the main road, Factory, and sloping Prison road.


Factory and Office: Clad in muddy white corrugated metal, the Factory is the largest feature on the southwestern shoreline. This commanding, three-floor building and basement comes with an exterior gantry overlooking the dockside and Harbor, and ascenders offer rapid access to the rooftop. Inside are control rooms, with a lower floor midsized storage room half-filled with barrels and boxes. This is where you’ll find a long concrete tunnel hallway with covered access to and from the Factory. Toward Stronghold is a single-level brick office with a pitched roof and views across the docks.

Dockside and Freighter: One of the lowest-lying areas on the map, the docks provide a straight and flat route around the Factory, with a crane, tower, tram station platform, and docked freighter to utilize for climbing or cover. The red hull of the freighter is visible to spot at distance, and the ship has a larger top deck compared to the yellow freighter moored at Dock.

Living Quarters

Living Quarters — Apartments and Building No. 9: A set of four apartments in an assortment of faded pastel colors allows easy recognition, especially if you’re dropping in from above. The teal and orange and the gray and red buildings are pairs, with almost identical interiors, and offer tight but reasonable hiding places. The green and white main living quarters (No. 9) stands alone in the center of this POI with double doors and broken windows, good interior access, and a ladder to the roof, which provides good views of your surroundings.

Living Quarters — Basecamp and Switchbacks: On the low plateau overlooking Stronghold is a sprawling network of military tents, medical prefabs, and a small office building. Up the craggy rocks is Headquarters. Although the structures may have changed over the years, their position has not. This is a great place to get off the road and get out of sight. Also note the storage room near the pathway switchbacks and jetty accessible by the coastal road, as well as a strange and locked bunker door. How does that open?


Another favorite location for Operators to drop into, the southwestern corner of Rebirth Island consists of a complex, low-lying construction site, an old checkpoint in need of repair, a rear roundabout, a helipad, and the landmark satellite tower. There’s plenty of caches, vehicles, and barricades to utilize, as well as confined offices and a covered walkway across the checkpoint. Climb the tower for an elevated and commanding view from various levels. If all else fails, remember you can jump onto the shoreline rocks or even swim to reposition to a more advantageous location.

Rebirth Island Tac-Atlas: Live Now!

Need an interactive overview of Rebirth Island? Our free Tac-Atlas showcasing POI boundaries and tactical intel on each map locale is now live! Click here to check it out.

New Call of Duty: Warzone Modes and Public Events

New Game Mode — Call of Duty: Warzone Bootcamp (Launch)

Available on: Urzikstan (Player Count: 44, up to 20 Players, 24 Bots).

Refine your Call of DutyWarzone tactics in a new training mode set on a randomized slice of Urzikstan. Expanding on the Modern Warfare III “Training Course,” which launched in Season 2, the all-new Call of DutyWarzone Bootcamp is designed to help new players build confidence for their first official drop-in.

Call of Duty: Warzone Bootcamp is a Quad-only training mode (either partied up or fill-squad) providing players a snapshot of the real-deal Call of DutyWarzone experience, featuring up to 20 players via mode-specific matchmaking and 24 bots to test their mettle. Warzone Bootcamp is the only mode for Call of Duty: Warzone featuring bots. If this changes in the future, we’ll ensure the community is informed ahead of time.

Player, Weapon, and Battle Pass XP progression is limited in Call of DutyWarzone Bootcamp. The new training mode will not progress Daily/Weekly Challenges, Calling Card Challenges, Weapon Challenges, or Champion’s Quest. Additionally, the new training mode will not feature public events or advanced contracts.

Drop in, learn the ropes, and get ready to take on the world.

New Game Mode: Rebirth Resurgence (Launch)

Available on: Rebirth Island (Maximum Player Count: 44).

Rebirth Island is the perfect place for the faster-paced, more aggressive playstyle that Resurgence brings to Battle Royale. As you know if you’ve dropped into Urzikstan, Ashika Island, Vondel, or Fortune’s Keep, your squad is here for the win, but accomplishing this requires more frequent engagements and greater risks. The Gulag is closed, and any time you’re eliminated, you redeploy after a short respawn timer, providing you have teammates who are still battling across the island! Come for the loot, takedowns, and rapid combat, and stay for the frantic final moments and earn that Rebirth Resurgence victory!

New Game Mode: Rebirth Resurgence Loaded (Mid-Season)

Available on: Rebirth Island (Player Count: 44).

Ditch the ground loot in matches of Resurgence and bring in your preferred Loadout and custom equipment, meaning all players come fully locked and loaded right from the start of the match, enabling you to concentrate on the win without the need for ground cache collecting. If you’re taken out during a match, you redeploy using the same Resurgence rules, but with the possibility of changing to another of your custom Loadouts. If you’re out of ammo or equipment, the higher ratio of legendary and reusable loot boxes means you’re never far from a fully kitted out Operator, though you’re here to bring the firepower, and the victory!

New Game Mode: Rebirth Lockdown (Mid-Season)

Available on: Rebirth Island (Player Count: 28).

Lockdown comes to Rebirth Island with multiple squads tasked to capture and control zones across the map, scoring points for each zone successfully held, like a large-scale Battle Royale version of Hardpoint. Total player count is adjusted due to the smaller nature of the map, allowing for balanced but chaotic combat: Drop in with your favorite Custom Loadout — or bring a new weapon you want to quickly level up — and learn the new rotations so your team occupies as many zones as possible, accruing more points to ensure victory, rather than being the last squad standing. Respawns are active, and toward the end of a match, so are High-Value Zones that offer the chance for greater point acquisition, as well as the fiercest fighting yet experienced in this mode!

New Public Event: Rebirth Infil Strikes (In-Season)

Available on: Rebirth Island.

Rebirth Island has numerous landmarks you utilize in almost every game, but what if one of those locations was leveled by an airstrike, just prior to infil? Keep your wits about you and learn new tactical movement across the rubble-filled scenery, should an Infil Strike occur during a match. These explosive infil elements occur rarely and randomly adding new gameplay experiences to that match.

On certain drops, prepare to adjust your drop point and dynamic movement around a particular point of interest, as these Infil Strikes destroy one of the following:

Lighthouse Disintegration: The lighthouse tower at Headquarters topples into the forecourt and the corner of Prison below, creating rubble ramps to the adjacent building and Prison.

Prison Roof Collapse: An aerial bombardment creates a large plume of smoke and a massive fracture across the Prison roof, with numerous small fires and rubble piles inside the now-visible interior.

Water Tower Wreckage: Missiles strike the tower’s central platform, and it crashes down into the plateau close to the helipad. A mass of mangled steel, the tank is ripped open in several places.

New Public Event: Gulag: Climb and Punishment (Launch)

Available on: Battle Royale — Urzikstan, Vondel (Gulag, Player Count: 2).

A duel to the death isn’t the only option if you find yourself in a Gulag during a Battle Royale; if this public event is announced at the start of your Gulag confrontation, it’s worth keeping your comms on and negotiating with your opponent. Two ladders will drop from the roof, providing an easy escape route, and it’s up to you both to trust each other and ascend to redeployment. Or you can engage in combat as normal and ignore the ladders or pretend to agree to escaping and then double-cross a well-meaning rival during their climb. . . .

New Public Event: Heavy Armor (Mid-Season)

Available on: Rebirth Resurgence Modes.

Announced during infil, if this public event is activated, it allows you some added protection, enabling the equipping of an additional Armor Plate for the duration of the match. The extra plate slot is visible above your health bar where plate information is normally seen:

  • This increases your Operator’s Armor Hit Points from 150 to 200.
  • The extra plate slot is applied no matter the plate carrier type you have equipped (standard 3-plate, Communications Vest, Medic Vest, Stealth Vest, or Tempered Plate Carrier).
  • You begin the match with an additional plate equipped.
  • Except for the Tempered Plate Carrier, you have four filled plates at the start of a match. 200 Health, 50 Health per plate.
  • The Tempered Plate Carrier, if equipped, has three plates, with the third one partially filled at the start of a match. A full Tempered Plate Carrier has 200 Health, 66.7 Health per plate.
  • Adjust your tactics accordingly, as this Public Event allows you to last longer between re-plating and lengthens the TTK and ammo expenditure when downing foes.

New Mission Contract: Spy Drones (Launch)

Available on: Rebirth Island.

Confirmation that spy drones of unknown origin have been observed within the area of operations has resulted in a new Contract to undertake. You and your squad are to locate the drones, which appear to be gathering data at a specific destination. Head to the rendezvous point, and immediately destroy them. Expect additional rewards for neutralizing the swarm in rapid succession, and ensure you inspect the vicinity for dropped Armor Plates, Redeploy Drones, and possibly an Advanced UAV. Fair warning: Enemy Operators active in the area can steal these rewards if they reach the designated Drone zone before your team does.

New Mission Contract: Resurgence Champion’s Quest (Launch)

Available on: Rebirth Island.

The ultimate contract mission is confirmed to be active on Rebirth Island once a certain number of consecutive wins, or a total number of wins, are achieved. Bring a game plan and some competent cohorts with you while you wait for, locate, and then defend three elements necessary to create an impressively explosive finale, and achieve complete domination over your enemies. Expect a variety of rewards, including an Animated Calling Card, Charm, Sticker, Weapon Camo, and Operator Skin for those elite enough to complete the quest.

Call of Duty: Warzone New and Returning Features

New Equipment (Field Upgrade): Squad Rage (Launch)

Available on: Rebirth Island.

Locate an enhanced version of the Battle Rage Field Upgrade by looting or purchasing at a Buy Station, and then huff the mask to your tactical advantage! Once active, Squad Rage vaporizes any gas within the radius of effect surrounding the user and grants Battle Rage to both you and any teammate standing within that radius. Stave off the gas, resist the effects of enemy Tacticals, and utilize the infinite Tactical Sprint, increased Health, and regeneration for the duration of the Rage. Weigh these advantages with keeping your crew close enough for everyone to gain these possibly match-winning benefits.

New Equipment (Field Upgrade): Utility Box (Mid-Season)

Available on: Rebirth Island.

Running low on both armor and ammunition? Only got one inventory space to carry a resupply box? Then you may want to invest in a Utility Box! Available as rare ground loot or to purchase from a Buy Station, the Utility Box combines the utility of the Armor and Munitions Boxes into one, refilling the ammo of your weapons, your Tacticals and Lethals, and your Armor Plates to maximum capacity. Any extraneous equipment will be dropped for your teammates to use, and the Utility Box functions as a resupply for your squad as well.

New Equipment (Killstreak): Foresight (In-Season)

Available on: Rebirth Island.

To be forewarned is to be forearmed, and for those wanting a less bombastic Killstreak, Foresight can offer incredible insight regarding the future of your match! Returning from the original Call of DutyWarzone, Foresight was last available at a Containment Monitor Station and in the Black Market. For Season 3, Foresight becomes a Killstreak, a piece of rare loot, purchasable at a Buy Station, or found on the corpse of a fallen foe. Foresight shows you the location of every future gas circle, so you’ll know where the game ends. Plan your tactics accordingly!

Returning Equipment (Perk Package): Specialist (In-Season)

Available on: Rebirth Island.

It’s back! The most prized Perk possession in all of Call of DutyWarzone returns! This hexagon of omnipotence may be incredibly difficult to discover — in fact, it’s only very rarely found at a [[REDACTED]] or in specific [[REDACTED]] — but its effectiveness cannot be understated. Once found, this grants you every applicable Perk in the game and continues to function even if you subsequently access your Loadout Drop with your chosen Perks. In addition to the default Perks available to all Operators (Tac Pads, Commando Gloves, Quick-Grip Gloves, Climbing Boots, and Overkill), Specialist grants you the advantages of the following 29 additional Perks, but only for the remainder of the match:

  • Perk Slots 1 and 2 (all Perks active): Battle Hardened, Double Time, E.O.D., Focus, Irradiated, Mechanic, Mountaineer, Scavenger, Shrapnel, Sleight of Hand, Spotter, Strong Arm.
  • Perk Slot 3 (all Perks active): Cold-Blooded, Escapist, Payout, Primed, Quick Fix, Resupply, Stalker, Survivor, Tempered, Tracker.
  • Perk Slot 4 (all Perks active): Birdseye, Combat Scout, Flex, Ghost, High Alert, Resolute, Shrouded.

Updated Movement: Aquatic Gameplay Comes to Rebirth Island! (Launch)

Available on: Rebirth Island.

The last time Operators descended on Rebirth Island, the ocean was very much out of bounds. Not so in Season 3, as a variety of watercraft and the ability to swim are available to any player wanting to get their feet wet. There are now new ways to traverse land and sea, including waterlogged tunnels and even a flooded bunker to explore.

New Feature: Biometrics Scanner (Launch)

Available on: Rebirth Island.

Dotted around Rebirth Island’s upgraded communications facilities is a series of 10 Biometric Scanners, terminals that include full biometric scanning capabilities. Once per match where these Scanners are active, you can approach a Biometrics Scanner and quickly check your statistics. The Scanner produces a Keycard based on your identity (placed directly into your Backpack), along with an XP reward. Inspect the Keycard, and you’ll see it contains your Operator name, Clan Tag, and Access Level.

Keycards: These take up a slot in your Backpack, can be dropped or looted, and can unlock a special menu in any Rebirth Island Buy Station for the duration of the remaining match.

Keycard Rarity: There are six different rarities of Keycard:

  • Bronze (common)
  • Silver (relatively common)
  • Gold (uncommon)
  • Platinum (rare)
  • Polyatomic (very rare)
  • Orion (incredibly rare)

The percentage chance of receiving a specific rarity is [[REDACTED]], but your chances improve if a squadmate is close by during a scan, or if you repeat the scanning process the next in-real-life (IRL) day.

Buy Station Access and In-Match Rewards: Bring your Keycard, or one you’ve looted from the corpse of a foe to any Rebirth Island Buy Station, and a special Keycard menu will be accessible, based on the highest card you have in your possession. General examples of expected items from each Keycard menu are as follows (with any Equipment and Perks selected from your favorite Loadout):

  • Bronze: Random ammunition, Cash ($), Armor Plates, Lethals, and Tacticals.
  • Silver: Random ammunition, Cash ($$), Armor Plates, Lethals, Tacticals, Perk Package.
  • Gold: Random ammunition, Cash ($$$), Armor Plates, Lethals, Tacticals, Perk Package, Armored Vest, Field Upgrade.
  • Platinum: Random ammunition, Cash ($$$$), Armor Plates, Lethals, Tacticals, Perk Package, Armored Vest, Field Upgrade, Killstreak.
  • Polyatomic: [[REDACTED]] free equipment selects at the Buy Station, [[CLASSIFIED]] Weapon.
  • Orion: [[REDACTED]] free equipment selects at the Buy Station, [[CLASSIFIED]] Weapons, additional [[RECACTED]].

Additional and Permanent In-Game Rewards: There is growing evidence that returning to a Biometric Scanner on subsequent but nonconsecutive visits may unlock a variety of additional assets — including camouflage for your armaments — as well as communications deemed “Most Secret.” No further details have been authorized.

New Feature: Variable Time of Day (In-Season)

Available on: Rebirth Island.

As Season 3 progresses, the atmospheric conditions of Rebirth Island may begin to vary, with an increasing chance of variable changes to the weather. The visibility of your squad and enemy players is always of overriding importance, as this weather mainly serves as pleasing new ambience to the backdrop you’re fighting in. Rebirth Island’s weather is almost always sunny, with clear skies.

Occasionally there may be matches where the sky is brooding and overcast, the sun is setting, or light sea fog begins to roll in. Sometimes the change in weather lasts the entire match, and sometimes the weather may change part way through; and the changes in conditions mean extra vigilance is recommended, as unique items may spawn across the map during these infrequent events. Take advantage of every situation to win the game!

New Feature: Smart Displays (Launch)

Available on: Rebirth Island.

Bolted onto both exterior and interior walls across Rebirth Island are over a dozen smart display panels, offering Operators the latest in Konni propaganda, the general weather forecast for Rebirth Island, and more tactically, where the largest “heat zone” is (the congregation of players fighting during a match). Operators who’ve secured Biometric Scanner Keycards may also be shown on these big screens, as well as the first “demon” Operator to hit 10, 15, or even 20 kills in a game, so you know who to take down (or avoid)! Unsubstantiated rumors also indicate [[REDACTED]] comms from an unknown entity have occasionally breached the security systems running these displays.

New Feature: Squad Assemble and Squad Play Bonus (Launch)

Available in: Resurgence (excluding Ranked Play) and Battle Royale.

The squad that stays together, slays together: During the infil of Resurgence and Battle Royale, expect to earn match rewards if you land near your more enthusiastic teammates who led the way. When active, you’ll receive a message to land with your squad to earn bonuses. This is purely optional, though you may find staying closer during enemy encounters helps your overall team dynamics as well as getting those Ws.

The preceding image (above) shows the three main landing examples (this is for demonstration purposes only). The circle radii shown don’t appear on your in-game Tac Map. When your first teammate lands, they create a small radius around them, roughly the size shown in the previous image. The rest of the team simply needs to land within that radius to “land together,” as follows:

  • Full Squad Landing (Quads): All four Operators’ landing radii overlap with at least one other.
  • Full Squad Landing (Trios): All three Operators’ landing radii overlap with at least one other.
  • Two Half Squad Landing (Quads): Two pairs of Operators land separately, with each pair’s landing radius overlapping.
  • Majority Squad Landing (Quads): Three of the four Operators land with overlapping radii, and one Operator lands separately.
  • Majority Squad Landing (Trios): Two of the three Operators land with overlapping radii, and one Operator lands separately.
  • Duo Squad Landing (Duos): For Duos, both squadmates need to land with their radii overlapping.
In-Match Rewards: Did your team successfully land (somewhat) together? You’ll know if you did, as you’re awarded XP, Cash, and even a special Supply UAV revealing legendary and personal loot cache locations across the nearby vicinity.
  • Mark the Landing Destination: Each squad member receives XP if any teammate pings the location where you land before the first squad member touches the ground.
  • Full Squad Landing (Quads, Trios): Land as a full squad for a sizeable XP and Cash bonus, as well as a Supply UAV.
  • Majority Squad Landing (Quads, Trios): Land with two other members (Quads) or one other member (Trios) for a reasonably XP and Cash bonus, as well as a Supply UAV.
  • Half Squad or Duo Squad Landing (Quads, Duos): Land with one other teammate (Quads) or land with your teammate (Duos) and both of you receive a modest XP and Cash bonus.

Returning Feature: Weapon Trade Station (In-Season)

Available on: Rebirth Island.

The newly improved Weapon Trade Station (WTS-2) is currently being installed across Rebirth Island for an in-season activation. This acts in a similar manner to the previous version. Access this reinforced locker and trade an unwanted weapon for one of lesser quality and some extra loot. The quality of the weapon you trade in is related to its rarity, which is a measurement of how many attachments the weapon has. Each rarity has an associated color in the info box you view when you pick up a weapon:

  • Common Weapon (Gray): 0 or 1 Attachment
  • Uncommon Weapon (Green): 2 Attachments
  • Rare Weapon (Blue): 3 Attachments
  • Epic Weapon (Purple): 4 Attachments
  • Legendary Weapon (Orange): 5 Attachments
  • Ultra Weapon (Orange): 5+ Attachments

The rarity of the weapon you receive is two levels “more common” than the weapon you dropped into the Weapon Trade Station. For example, if you find an Epic Rarity weapon with four attachments, you can trade it in for an Uncommon weapon with two attachments, plus a random assortment of additional items, at the Weapon Trade Station.

Additional Weapon Trade Station items that are dropped at the completion of the trade can include ammo, cash, equipment (Tacticals, Lethals, Field Upgrades, Killstreaks, Gas Masks), and — on very rare occasions if you’re incredibly lucky and trade a formidable weapon — the Specialist Perk Token!

Unsubstantiated Intel (Launch)

Available on: Rebirth Island.

It seems the island contains a great many secrets, perhaps some completely undiscoverable? All of this is off the books, and some [[REDACTED]] requiring a multistep process. A multitude of Challenges, not [[REDACTED]] remaining untracked [[REDACTED]], but not related to the custom weapons available [[REDACTED]].

Additional: It seems Makarov’s recent infiltration of Rebirth Island has not gone unnoticed. Overriding the systems [[REDACTED]] one example being the phones [[REDACTED]] related to Keycards [[REDACTED]] slightly modulated [[REDACTED]] seen as building goodwill and trust [[REDACTED]] codenamed “Exe.” Suggest the contact be made immediately.

New Feature: Bunker Entrances (In-Season)

Available on: Urzikstan.

Late breaking reports suggest that the unsealing of bunkers across the entirety of Urzikstan may be underway. Previous, non-corroborated reports of Bunker #5’s opening remain unverified, though some Operators have described large tanks containing human remains within this location. Now that additional bunker opening mechanisms may have activated, all Operators are encouraged to explore with extreme caution, though scans of the area have not substantiated any imminent threats.

Call of Duty: Warzone Ranked Play on Rebirth Island (Launch Window)

Call of Duty: Warzone Ranked Play: Resurgence continues, with a new location to hone your talents: Rebirth Island! The ruleset that was detailed in the Season 2 Announcement Blog continues into Season 3; drop into Rebirth Island and battle your way to the Top 250 players worldwide and earn a variety of rewards for both Ranking up and advancing through the Skill Divisions.

As with Multiplayer Ranked, there are a few rewards reminders you should be aware of. Players can earn Call of Duty: Warzone Ranked Play: Resurgence rewards in three ways:

  • Rank Rewards: Available at launch and can be earned in any season. Players can continue their previous Rank grind in Season 3.
  • Season Rewards: Available at the start of a season and only available in that season.
  • End of Season Rewards: Rewards that are awarded after the season has ended and represent either your highest attained division or an active placement in the Top 250 Division. Season 3 brings new Seasonal Weapon Camos to unlock in Call of Duty: Warzone Ranked Play: Resurgence!

New Season 3 Rewards: Throughout Season 3, you can earn the following rewards related to your match placement, as well as your Kills and Assists:

Placement Challenges:

  • Finish in the Top 15, 25 Times: “Eat. Sleep. Ranked. Repeat” Large Decal.
  • Finish in the Top 5, 25 Times: “Pro Issue WSP Swarm” SMG Weapon Blueprint.
  • Finish First: “Straight Fire” Weapon Charm.
  • Kill and Assist Challenges:
  • Get 25 Kills or Assists: “WZ Ranked Play Season 3 Competitor” Weapon Sticker.
  • Get 100 Kills or Assists: “WZ Ranked Play Season 3 Competitor” Loading Screen.
  • Get 500 Kills or Assists: “WZ Ranked Play Season 3 Veteran” Weapon Camo.

New End of Season Rewards: At the end of Season 3, you will be awarded Skill Division rewards that represent the highest division that you attained during Season 3 or an active placement in the Top 250 Division. 

New Season 3 Division Rewards: Here are the End of Season Rewards for Season 3, related to the highest placement in your Skill Division:

  • Bronze: “WZ Season 3 Bronze” Emblem
  • Silver: “WZ Season 3 Silver” Emblem
  • Gold: “WZ Season 3 Gold” Animated Emblem
  • Gold: “WZ Season 3 Gold” Weapon Camo
  • Platinum: “WZ Season 3 Platinum” Animated Emblem
  • Platinum: “WZ Season 3 Platinum” Weapon Camo
  • Diamond: “WZ Season 3 Diamond” Animated Emblem
  • Diamond: “WZ Season 3 Diamond” Weapon Camo
  • Crimson: “WZ Season 3 Crimson” Animated Emblem
  • Crimson: “WZ Season 3 Crimson” Weapon Camo
  • Iridescent: “WZ Season 3 Iridescent” Animated Emblem
  • Iridescent: “WZ Season 3 Iridescent” Weapon Camo
  • Top 250: “WZ Season 3 Top 250” Animated Calling Card
  • Top 250: “WZ Season 3 Top 250” Animated Emblem
  • Top 250: “WZ Season 3 Top 250” Animated Weapon Camo

Seasonal Division Operators: New in Call of Duty: Warzone Ranked Play: Resurgence, you also earn the Skill Division Operator Skin sets for use with both the CDL Male and Female Operators (for both factions) to represent your highest Skill Division above gold. These Skins are the same as the ones you can unlock in Modern Warfare III Multiplayer Ranked Play.

Once you unlock the Skins from one Skill Division, you can permanently use them in the future seasons of Modern Warfare III and Call of DutyWarzone:

  • Gold Competitor Skin (Male and Female, SpecGru and KorTac): Reach this division.
  • Platinum Competitor Skin (Male and Female, SpecGru and KorTac): Reach this division.
  • Diamond Competitor Skin (Male and Female, SpecGru and KorTac): Reach this division.
  • Crimson Competitor Skin (Male and Female, SpecGru and KorTac): Reach this division.
  • Iridescent Competitor Skin (Male and Female, SpecGru and KorTac): Reach this division.
  • Top 250 Competitor Skin (Male and Female, SpecGru and KorTac): Reach this division.

Season 3 Ranked First Place Player: The player who finishes Season 3 in the No. 1 position on the Top 250 Leaderboard will receive ultimate bragging rights and the following prestigious rewards:

  • #1 Overall: “MWIII Season #1 Overall” Animated Calling Card
  • #1 Overall: “MWIII Season #1 Overall” Animated Emblem

If you need a refresher on Call of Duty: Warzone Ranked Play Resurgence for Call of DutyWarzone, consult the Call of Duty: Warzone Ranked Play Guide here. Also check the Patch Notes for additional Ranked Play insights, updates, and more.

Welcome to Ranked Play Resurgence: Time to claim the top Rank as your Rebirthright!



Launch and Content Recap: After a monumental launch only six days ago, Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile is delivering big-map gameplay on the go via drops into both Verdansk and Rebirth Island, available right now, along with Multiplayer maps and Playlists. Link your account to ensure your connected content levels up and unlocks with you, no matter which platform you play on.

Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile’s New Season Launch: At launch, the first unified season of Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile is connected with Season 3 of Call of Duty: Warzone and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III.

Season 3 Connected Content: Claim new free Base Weapons and eight new Aftermarket Parts, unlock new Operators, and earn over 100 pieces of content with the BlackCell and Battle Pass.

Rust Arrives, Plunder Drops: The fan-favorite map Rust is added to the map pool, along with two new Battle Royale Modes — Plunder and Buy Back! Plus, UAV Towers are ready to reveal enemy locations across Rebirth Island.

Events and The Keep: Assemble the perfect squad by playing each of the weekly events and obtaining Operator Skins and Weapon Blueprints in The Keep!

Operators across the globe have dropped into Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile in massive numbers since the Worldwide Launch only six days ago, and Season 3 is set to deliver even more content!

Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile — Launch Recap

Available on your preferred mobile device right now, Call of DutyWarzone Mobile (WZM) features two large-scale action experiences — Battle Royale combat throughout the original Call of Duty: Warzone Map Verdansk and Resurgence gameplay across Rebirth Island, as well as Multiplayer Playlists that include combat on Shoot House, Shipment, and more. There’s plenty of grinding, challenges, and leveling to complete. But we’re just getting started!

Connected Content Recap

Link your Activision Account ID when playing Call of DutyWarzone Mobile for the first time to ensure that all your current Connected Content is available! This includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • All your weapons and attachments from Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® IIModern Warfare III, and Call of DutyWarzone.
  • Store Bundles and cosmetic items from these games, including Operators, Skins, Weapon Blueprints, Calling Cards, Stickers, Decals, Loading Screens, and more.
  • Your Battle Pass progress.

This content can be used and leveled up (where applicable) in one game and is updated when you continue to play on the other game.

CONNECTED NOTE: The “Connected” section of this Announcement Blog has a “WZM” related content that is also available in Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile. These are also listed below.

Daily Login Rewards

Even before you begin the first Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile match of the day, you’re rewarded with a free item thanks to the Daily Login. Expect a variety of instantly accessible content available daily, including Skins and Blueprints!

Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile: Unified Season 3 Content

Season 3 Connected Content

Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile enters the greater Call of Duty universe with the New Season, the first ever global season launch that unifies Call of Duty into one connected experience. This includes a leveled up shared Battle Pass and content that can be accessed across Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III and Call of Duty: Warzone. Learn more about this new feature in the “Connected Content” section of this blog. Here’s what you can expect to access:

  • Three of the four new Base Weapons (Free Tiers in the Battle Pass)*.
  • Eight new Aftermarket Parts (Free in the Arsenal Store throughout the season).
  • BlackCell content (purchase in MWIII, WZ or WZM, and progress in any of those games).
  • Battle Pass content (purchase in MWIII, WZ or WZM, and progress in any of those games).
  • New Operators (Stasis, Makarov, Snoop Dogg, Banshee, Hush).
  • New Store offerings and Bundles.
  • Four Weekly Events, designed for WZM.
  • Season 3 Prestige Levels (10, 11, 12, and 13) as well as past Prestige Levels.

(*The MORS Sniper Rifle, its weapon blueprints, and certain other content will not be available on Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile at the start of the Season. We will update the community at a later date, when this weapon becomes available.)

Multiplayer: Core 6v6 Map: Rust (Launch)

Brand-New, Core, 6v6, Small-Sized

The crowd-favorite map from Modern Warfare® II is coming to Call of DutyWarzone Mobile for the first time at the start of Season 3. This small-sized map is set in a desert oil yard and features a large central tower overlooking a field of pipes, fuel, shipping containers, and other sand-blasted scenery. The tower’s top platform offers a near total view of the area below and is an impressive power position. The barricades and fuel depots below offer close cover where savage combat shines. Be ready to engage at a moment’s notice and within the maze under the tower.

Battle Royale: Plunder Mode (Launch)

Battle to earn the most cash in this new game mode. Drop into Verdansk and loot cash from the map, complete contracts, and battle opponents to be the first team to earn $2 million in in-game cash. Reaching that cash threshold triggers a three-minute overtime where cash values double. Be the top-earning squad when time expires to win. Respawn is enabled in Plunder, and players always deploy with their selected Loadout. This makes Plunder ideal for leveling up weapons and exploring the map without the looming threat of an enclosing gas circle. The free-form nature also makes for a variety of viable strategies.

New Mode: Buy Back Battle Royale (In-Season)

Infil into Verdansk in this variation on the main Battle Royale, where the rules are generally the same, aside from one important difference: The Gulag is closed, and should an enemy take you out, you have a single respawn to drop back into the action, so make it count! Additionally, for Duos, Trios, and Quads, you can buy back any teammate who hasn’t made their second chance count. Expect this new mode to enter the Playlist rotation during the initial launch window of Season 3.

Feature: UAV Towers (Rebirth, Launch)

Learn the location of all your nearby adversaries as a network of UAV Towers comes online in Rebirth Island. Marked on your Tac Map so you can easily locate them, UAV Towers are vital fixed sources that you can activate during a match to gain intel on your enemy’s position. After interacting with a tower’s on-board computer, an Operator and their allies will receive several circular UAV sweeps from the tower’s location out to a few dozen meters. A quick word of warning to those ready to punch into every tower on the map: Operators will receive an audible notification when a UAV Tower is activated, and the icon for active towers will be visible on the Tac Map and overworld. What happens when all the UAV Towers are activated? Drop in and find out!

Mid-Season Additional Content: Expect additional modes and other new content for both Verdansk and Rebirth Island at Mid-Season.

Events and The Keep (Launch to Mid-Season)

Every week, Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile will have an event where a variety of exceptional cosmetics can be unlocked. These are designed for use only in Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile. With each event comes a new Keep, an optional and entertaining way to obtain more items of varying rarity levels by spending COD Points, including Operator Skins and Weapon Blueprints!

Need more intel on how The Keep awards these items? Click here.

Week 1 Event: The Recruit (WZM) Launch, April 3 to 10

Total Event Rewards: Six

Rewards Highlights

  • Basilisk:  Annihilation Weapon Blueprint
  • Hutch: Ghostly Operator skin

Week 2 Event: The Assassin (WZM) Launch Window, April 11 to 17

Total Event Rewards: Five

Rewards Highlights

  • Crossbow – Duskfire: Weapon Blueprint
  • DG-58 LSW – Bandit’s Breath: Weapon Blueprint

Week 3 Event: To the Metal (WZM) In-Season, April 18 to 24

Total Event Rewards: Five

Reward Highlights

  • Pickaxe – Scale Issue: Weapon Blueprint
  • LTV – High-viz: Vehicle skin

Week 4 Event: Cover Me (WZM) In-Season, April 25 to May 1

Total Event Rewards: Five

Reward Highlights

  • MTZ Interceptor – Disruption: Weapon Blueprint
  • ATV – Loom and Doom: Vehicle skin



Weapons Detail: Unlock three weapons for free at the start of Season 3 — the FJX Horus SMG, MORS Sniper Rifle*, the Gladiator Melee punch knife — and expect the BAL-27 Assault Rifle later in the season.

Get More Attached: Try out a variety of Aftermarket Attachments that range from the esoteric to the insane, including a fully automatic M16 from MWII and akimbo lever-action shotguns!

BlackCell: Mainline the Mainframe with BlackCell — aa bespoke collection of animated Operator Skins in shimmering gold with vertical glyph streams, plated tattoo work, and glitch-wear masks are yours to own.

Operators: Vladimir Makarov, Snoop Dogg, Banshee, Hush, and BlackCell Stasis Operators headline a packed Season 3 Battle Pass. Purchase the Battle Pass to instantly unlock Makarov and the Doggfather himself, Snoop Dogg.

New at the Store: Claim your free Call of Duty: Warzone 4th Anniversary Blueprint, join Godzilla and Kong with three all-new Monsterverse-themed Operators, play as best buds Cheech and Chong, rule your roost with the CDL Emperor Pack, and much more!

Even more Challenges, Events, and Progression: Learn the rewards for completing the Weekly Challenges, ready up for the Season 3 Events beginning with the first Event: Godzilla X Kong Battle for Hollow Earth! Also check out the Prestige prizes for grinding all the way to Level 650.

Weapons Detail: Four New Weapons (MWIII, MWZ, WZ, WZM)

FJX Horus (Submachine Gun — Launch, Battle Pass Sector 8)

Levels: 18

“An ultra-compact SMG with best-in-class CQC damage and mobility.”

Versatility is the name of the game with this machine pistol SMG, a favorite of those who like to pack a punch on the run. This weapon has an incredible fire rate and class-leading mobility, and handling help mitigates the recoil control.

MORS (Sniper Rifle — Launch, Battle Pass Sector 4)*

Levels: 19

“This single-load railgun delivers a high-damage payload with excellent velocity and penetration.”

An advanced form of sniper warfare, the Military Operated Rail Sniper (MORS) is a one-shot beast, offering high damage with exceptional handling. Distance is an afterthought with this long-range and accurate Sniper Rifle with what might be the perfect combination of accuracy and damage. The weapon has single-round devastation with a reasonably rapid reload rate.

(*The MORS Sniper Rifle, its weapon blueprints, and certain other content will not be available on Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile at the start of the Season. We will update the community at a later date, when this weapon becomes available in that game.)

Gladiator (Melee — Launch, Battle Pass Sector 15)

Levels: 6

“A compact, concealable punch knife that was initially used by gamblers and politicians.”

Close combat was never so quick and painful, with the Gladiator rivaling the Karambit for supreme mobility, handling, and damage potential. Cut straight to the bone with haste and ease, but ensure you’re close enough to make your lethal stabs count.

BAL-27 (Assault Rifle — Mid-Season, [[REDACTED]])

Levels: 19

“A bullpup prototype weapon designed to increase fire rate over time while the trigger is squeezed. The first 4 shots are slower to fire but highly accurate.”

Top-loading with a reasonably rapid ammo swap, this fast-firing future-proof Assault Rifle shreds at closer ranges, has a moderate kick that drifts upward, offers great default reticles, and comes with a 60-round magazine once you’ve leveled it up, doubling the available ammo between reloads.

Getting More Attached: Eight New Aftermarket Parts (Launch, In-Season, MWIII, MWZ, WZ, WZM)

Season 3 introduces an incredible eight new Aftermarket Parts, many unlockable via Weekly Challenges. These bring unusual, impressive, and downright deranged modifications to your favorite armaments, including a selection from Modern Warfare II! Need to make a shotgun into an automatic Battle Rifle? Been waiting to turn the M16 from MWII into a fully automatic AR? Or are you here for the akimbo lever-action Shotguns? This season’s Aftermarket Part attachments are listed below:

WZM CONNECTED: All Season 3 Aftermarket Parts are also unlockable throughout the season by spending Arsenal Coins in the Arsenal Store (Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile only), after which they can be used across all games.

JAK Cutthroat (Weekly Challenge Unlock)

Compatibility: MCW (MWIII), MTZ (MWIII), M4 (MWII) (Assault Rifle), and AMR9 (MWIII) (Submachine Gun) Platforms

This 3D-printed stock provides an unrivaled combination of speed and stability while aiming down sights.

JAK Revenger Kit (Weekly Challenge Unlock)

Compatibility: BP50 (MWIII) (Assault Rifle)

This conversion kit turns the BP50 into a CQC legend. A 9mm caliber conversion with shortened receiver and high-capacity magazine.

JAK Jawbreaker (Weekly Challenge Unlock)

Compatibility: KV Broadside (MWII) (Shotgun)

Converts this Shotgun into a hard-hitting, automatic Battle Rifle.

JAK Shadow Titan Kit (Weekly Challenge Unlock)

Compatibility: Bruen Mk9 (MWIII) (Light Machine Gun)

Converts the Bruen Mk9 into a compact and integrally suppressed light support weapon chambered in 300 blackout.

JAK Patriot (Weekly Challenge Unlock)

Compatibility: M16 (MWII) (Assault Rifle)

Converts the M16 into a fully automatic rifle with a heavy ported barrel built to provide superior recoil control and firing aim stability.

Wardens (Weekly Challenge Unlock)

Compatibility: Lockwood Mk2 (MWII) (Marksman Rifle)

Relive the glory days, stir up the hornet’s nest, and take down your enemies, leaving no loose ends with these museum-worthy akimbo lever-action Shotguns.

JAK Atlas Kit (Weekly Challenge Unlock)

Compatibility: AMR9 (MWIII) (Submachine Gun)

Converts the AMR9 into an extremely lethal and accurate 5-round burst carbine chambered in 556.

Photonic Charge Barrel ([[REDACTED]] Unlock)

Compatibility: MORS (MWIII) (Sniper Rifle)

This hyper-advanced barrel is more than simply a barrel. Holding the trigger charges the rifle and releasing fires a single, high-power energy projectile.

Mainline the Mainframe. Maintain the Stasis with BlackCell (MWIII, MWZ, WZ, WZM)

The BlackCell offering for Season 3 grants you an extensive collection of digitized and animated Operator Skins in shimmering gold with vertical glyph streams, plated tattoo work, golden glitch-wear masks, black fabric, and vivid teal blue accent accoutrements! A variety of finely crafted premium items are yours, with full access to the Season 3 Battle Pass. BlackCell owners can enter the Season 3 Battle Map through the exclusive BlackCell Sector, instantly unlocking 20 Battle Token Tier Skips to quickly unlock items across the adjacent Sectors.

The BlackCell Sector unlocks immediately upon purchase, granting immediate access to the new “Stasis BlackCell” Operator, plus the “Aggressive Action” Frag Grenade Blueprint with Death Effect, the “Double Barrel Disrespect” Finishing Move, the “All that Glitters BlackCell” Animated Blueprint for the BAS-B Battle Rifle with Async Tracers and Desync Dismemberment Death Effects, and 1,100 COD Points.

Claim your Tiers and work through the Sectors of the Season 3 Battle Pass, and BlackCell members can earn an exceptional BlackCell offering, including 12 Operator Skins for Stasis (New BlackCell Operator), Makarov (two Skins), Snoop Dogg, Swagger, Ripper, Doc, Riptide, Banshee (new Operator), Corso, Byline, and Hush (new Operator); 7 animated Weapon Blueprints; and one for Lethal Equipment.

This is in addition to the 110 regular Battle Pass items.

Players who upgrade to BlackCell after purchasing the Battle Pass will also receive 1,100 COD Points back.

CONNECTED NOTE: Remember you only need to purchase BlackCell or the Battle Pass once, in Modern Warfare IIICall of DutyWarzone, or in Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile. All progression will be tracked across Modern Warfare IIICall of DutyWarzone, and Call of DutyWarzone Mobile. Remember that COD Points unlocked in specific Battle Pass Sectors are available only for the device you unlocked them in (console, PC, or mobile).

Operators: Makarov, Snoop Dogg, Banshee, and Hush Headline the Season 3 Battle Pass

As Konni forces have apparently infiltrated every corner of Rebirth Island, it seems only fitting that Vladimir Makarov would step out of the shadows to dominate the Season 3 Battle Pass, in both his “Dominus” and “Fenrir” forms. Previously, Makarov was only available as a Modern Warfare III Vault Edition Operator, and now his Dominus skin is instantly unlocked via the purchase of the Season 3 Battle Pass.

Also present as an instant unlock when you purchase the Battle Pass is the Doggfather himself! Unlock the “Snoop Dogg II” Skin and prepare to smoke out the competition.

The Season 3 Battle Pass is stacked with 110 pieces of unlockable content, including three free Base Weapons (detailed previously), two new Operators (Banshee and Hush), and new Skins for Makarov (two Skins), Snoop Dogg, Swagger, Ripper, Doc, Riptide, Banshee (new Operator), Corso, Byline, and Hush (new Operator).

Need a deep dive into the full Battle Pass offering? Expect the COD Blog to showcase this on April 2, just prior to Season 3 launch.

Vladimir Makarov (KorTac, Launch)

Dominus Skin: Instant Reward Sector

Fenrir Skin: Completion Sector: Tier 100

Recently a liberated man, Makarov’s plans to resume his operations against Urzikstan and its allies are now fully underway, and the ultranationalist has recently been observed on the remote Rebirth Island, which appears to be almost fully under the control of the Konni Group. He brings with him two supremely adept KorTac fighters, Banshee and Hush.

Snoop Dogg (SpecGru, Launch)

Snoop Dogg II Skin: Instant Reward Sector

All biographical information for this Operator has been [REDACTED].

Banshee (Orla Murphy (KorTac, Launch)

Operator and Skin: Sector 13

A natural scrapper, Orla Murphy always finds a way to get what she wants.

Orla Murphy grew up as one of six children in a working-class home in Dublin. Her delinquency started with minor vandalism and petty theft and eventually expanded to joyriding and robbery. Eventually caught behind the wheel of a stolen car, she was sent to a children’s detention facility. The intention was to straighten her out, and for a time it worked. Once she turned 18, Orla joined the Defence Forces. She excelled with the routine of military life and thrived in a team dynamic, but the salary failed to impress her. Orla started doing off-the-books jobs while deployed, including smuggling contraband. She also attracted the attention of KorTac, who approved of Orla’s tendency to bend the rules and dirty her hands. Following her discharge, KorTac was quick to offer her a mercenary contract to simply be herself.

Hush/Bashiir Shirwa (KorTac, Launch)

Operator and Skin: Completion Sector: Tier 100

Once a simple farmhand thrust into the chaos of Mogadishu, Bashiir Shirwa was forged in the city’s fire and became its most capable agent.

Bashiir spent much of his early life working the fields with his father and brothers. But with famine quickly spreading, most of his siblings would begin fishing in the port of Baraawe. Bashiir set out for the city of Mogadishu and began earning a wage as a security guard. He learned the rules of survival the hard way after a near fatal slashing that left him with terrible scars that still itch. Nevertheless, he adapted to the chaos of the city, learning both the street smarts necessary for survival and the skills to defend himself with ease. Within a year, his name was known throughout Mogadishu as a reliable and effective fixer. Attracting the attention of a KorTac recruiter, Bashiir enlisted and began his journey as an international mercenary. Now he stands among KorTac’s finest, a soldier for the highest bidder among KorTac’s clientele.

Stasis (KorTac, Launch, BlackCell Instant Reward)

All biographical information for this BlackCell Operator has been [REDACTED].

New Store Offerings (MWIII, MWZ, WZ, WZM)

Ahead of the BlackCell, Battle Pass, and Bundles Blog on Tuesday April 2, here are some Store highlights, with Bundles showcasing new Operators, Tracer Packs, Ultra Skins, and animated Weapon Camouflages that cater to your preferred style of Operator and play.

Free Gift — Call of Duty: Warzone 4th Anniversary Pack

Available: April 3

On March 10, Call of Duty: Warzone celebrated an incredible four-year anniversary milestone! Whether you were here in Verdansk on day one, or you’ve just jumped into the action on Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile, or you’re planning your Rebirthday drops for Season 3, the team at Call of Duty sincerely thanks you for your time across all the incredible maps and modes. Click here to revisit the top memories from Call of Duty: Warzone history, and log in to MWIII or WZ on April 3 to receive a free gift — a selection of 12 Stickers designed by Raven. Peel and place the “Caldera Shores,” “Fortune’s Keep,” “Gora Dam,” “Live, Respawn, Repeat,” “Oasis,” “Open Air Market,” “Paradisum,” “Rebirth Island,” “The Palace,” “Urzikstan Rail,” “Verdansk Arena,” and “Vondel” on any weapon of your choosing. Or bring out the “Well Traveled” MCW Weapon Blueprint if you want a weapon completely covered in stickers already.

Tracer Pack: Cheech & Chong

Cheech Operator voiced by Cheech Marin.

Chong Operator voiced by Tommy Chong.

Forged in the counterculture revolution, yet armed with drive and creative power, Tommy Chong and Cheech Marin turned cultural friction into comedic success. Facing systemic barriers with humor and cannabis, the duo exploited adversity to bring underground voices into the mainstream. Chong’s ingenuity and Marin’s heritage primed them for fame, while their comedic chemistry made them icons. Their albums and films exposed injustice with subversive joy, pioneering stoner comedy and becoming symbols of irreverent truth.

The Tracer Pack: Cheech & Chong brings you both Operators, three Weapon Blueprints, a Charm, Sticker, Large Decal, Loading Screen, and the “Secondhand Smoke” Finishing Move.

Godzilla x Kong: New Empire Bundles

There’s been a Titan warning off the coast; time to get to shelter as Godzilla-themed Operators make landfall in a variety of Tracer Packs! Joining the savage “Tracer Pack Godzilla x Kong: New Empire — Kong” Bundle are three beastly new Tracer Packs:

The “Tracer Pack: Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire — Godzilla” Bundle comes with the “Godzilla” Operator Skin, two Blueprints, a Charm, Loading Screen, Large Decal, and the “Feel the Heat Ray” Finishing Move.

The “Tracer Pack: Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire — Skar King” Bundle comes with the “Ape” Operator Skin, two Blueprints, a Charm, Loading Screen, Large Decal, and the “Whiplashed Unleashed” Finishing Move.

The “Tracer Pack: Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire — Shimo” Bundle features the “Shimo” Operator Skin, two Blueprints, a Charm, Flash Grenade Skin and effect, Loading Screen, Large Decal, and the “Frostbite Finish” Finishing Move.

Purchase all four Bundles to complete the Titan Collection and unlock the exclusive “B.E.A.S.T. Glove” Gladiator Skin Melee Weapon. Equip any of the four Bundles during the Godzilla x Kong: Battle for Hollow Earth Event for an XP boost. The King of Monsters and the King of Skull Island have returned to take their Call of Duty throne!

The “Emperor” Pack Is Coming!

Congratulations are in order to the Atlanta FaZe , who brought the firepower and displayed incredible fortitude to become the Miami Heretics Major II Tournament Champions! The action continues as we gear up for the Major III: Qualifiers, which begin on Friday, April 12 on Tickets for the Major III Tournament in Toronto are on sale now!

Grind your opponents down into fine marble by picking up the newest “Emperor Pack,” starting with the “Emperor” Operator Skin, and prove your hierarchy with the “Carved and Casted” Weapon Blueprint, “It’s Over” Sticker, “Get In” Calling Card, and 60 minutes of 2XP, 2WXP, and two Battle Pass Token Skips.

Other Incoming Bundles

Here’s a glimpse of Season 3 Store offerings, which include the Tracer Pack: Stoney SlothTracer Pack CODasaurus Ultra SkinTracer Pack: Big Brain Ultra Skin, and Tracer Pack Horseman: V1.Rus Ultra Skin, and more! Look for a showcase of BlackCell, Battle Pass, and Store Bundle content right here on April 2!

New Challenges, Events, and Seasonal Progression

Season 3’s content tsunami doesn’t stop! Prepare to unlock additional content with all-new Weekly Challenges, Seasonal Prestige progression, and multiple events. Here are some highlights:

Weekly Challenges (MWIII, MWZ, WZ)

Get your Season 2 Weekly Challenges in order and unlock that animated “Rotten Inferno” Weapon Camo before April 3, as Season 3 drops all-new sets of Weekly Challenges across Multiplayer, Zombies, and Call of Duty: Warzone. This time, there’s a full complement of Aftermarket Parts on order.

Grind to complete more than five Challenges in a week for sizable XP gains! Then check back throughout Season 3 to unlock more functional weapon parts. What’s the ultimate reward for completing all eight Weekly Challenge sets? The “Allegiances” animated Mastery Weapon Camo!

Season 3 Events (MWIII, MWZ, WZ)

EVENT: Godzilla x Kong: Battle for Hollow Earth

Launch: April 3 to 10

Discover the mysterious power of the Monsterverse’s mightiest Titans. Earn XP to unlock exceptional rewards. Equip the Godzilla, Kong, Shimo, or Skar King Operator Skins for a boost.


Launch Window

How high are you? Er, I mean, Hi! How are you? Complete event challenges for exclusively dank rewards. Warning: Event may cause the munchies.

EVENT: High Trip (WZ)

Launch Window

Jump into this limited-time event and get ready for some heightened fights. Collect gummies to sharpen your senses and smoke out the competition.

EVENT: Vortex: Vi.Rus Mainframe (MWIII, WZ)


It’s not a system error: Vi.Rus has made his way into the Vortex. Earn XP to unlock rewards. Equip the Bacillus Skin from the Tracer Pack: Horsemen: Vi.Rus Ultra Skin for a boost.


Expect additional events once Season 3 Reloaded commences, including a Call of Duty Endowment Event to celebrate Military Appreciation Month.

Season 3 Prestige Challenges (MWIII, MWZ, WZ, WZM)

Season 3 brings an additional 200 levels and four additional Prestiges (10, 11, 12, and 13) for you to unlock. At launch, the level cap is raised from 450 to 650, and additional sets of Tiered Calling Card Challenges become available for both Multiplayer and Zombies. Naturally, previous seasonal Prestige challenges continue to be available. Here are the new Prestige Ranks:

Prestige 10: Unlocked at Rank 500

  • Emblem Reward
  • MP: Four Tiered Calling Card Challenges, one Prestige 10 Mastery Calling Card Challenge.
  • MWZ: Four Tiered Calling Card Challenges, one Prestige 10 Mastery Calling Card Challenge.

Prestige 11: Unlocked at Rank 550

  • Emblem Reward
  • MP: Four Tiered Calling Card Challenges, one Prestige 11 Mastery Calling Card Challenge.
  • MWZ: Four Tiered Calling Card Challenges, one Prestige 11 Mastery Calling Card Challenge.

Prestige 12: Unlocked at Rank 600

  • Emblem Reward
  • MP: Four Tiered Calling Card Challenges, one Prestige 12 Mastery Calling Card Challenge.
  • MWZ: Four Tiered Calling Card Challenges, one Prestige 12 Mastery Calling Card Challenge.

Prestige 13: Unlocked at Rank 650 and the level cap until the end of Season 3.

  • Emblem Reward
  • MP: Four Tiered Calling Card Challenges, one Prestige 13 Mastery Calling Card Challenge.
  • MWZ: Four Tiered Calling Card Challenges, one Prestige 13 Mastery Calling Card Challenge.
  • Blueprint Reward: “Supreme Killer” Blueprint for the Holger 556 AR. Prove your Prestige with this Blueprint that favors enhanced range and recoil control and comes with four Attachments.

Remember! Up to five of these Prestige Calling Card Challenges can be tracked and added to the Tracked Challenges, visible in the Lobby as well as in the Pause menu during matches. Like previous seasons, you can continue ranking up from the level you reached within the Prestige Ranks at the end of Season 2, allowing players to catch up in later seasons. As always, no progress is reset for anyone.

Modern Warfare III: Free Trial

For a limited time from April 4 until April 8, play Multiplayer and Modern Warfare Zombies in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III for FREE.

Dive into Multiplayer in Call of Duty and check out the brand-new 6v6 map Emergency, along with five more 6v6 maps such as Das Haus, Stash House, and Rust — playable across five core modes, including Capture the Flag, new to Season 3. Plus, the free access offering includes not only Modern Warfare Zombies but also the MWIII mode Hordepoint, playable on reskinned maps like Tetanus, Satan’s Quarry, and Skidgrow. It’s time to rally the squad and leave no friend behind.

Upgrade to Modern Warfare III

With season after season of incredible premium content, including seven Core 6v6 maps for just Season 3, it’s never been a better time to purchase Modern Warfare III and experience the rapid, fast-action combat Call of Duty is famous for. In addition to the wide and continuously updated variety of Multiplayer content, you can also explore the Exclusion Zone of Modern Warfare Zombies in its open-world setting, as well as a campaign that finds Task Force 141 facing off against the ultimate threat — Season 3’s main Operator, Vladimir Makarov.

Upgrade to the Vault Edition to unlock the Soap Operator Pack, the Nemesis Operator Pack, two Weapon Vaults, plus one season’s worth of BlackCell, a Battle Pass, the BlackCell starting Sector (including an 1,100 CP bonus), extra Battle Token Tier Skips, and more.

Stay frosty.

Stay tuned to GamingTrend for more Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III & Warzone news and info!

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