We have already seen the incredulous amount of content coming in Season 1 of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 and Warzone. That said, the details of the battle pass are always right before launch, and today, the Call of Duty Blog hit the net to show us what we’ll be grinding for, along with the bundles incoming. There’s some amazingly cool stuff, and the first store update, so check it out below as you prep for the grind.
As Rogue Black Ops attempt to topple the Luttazzi Crime Family and drive Crimson One forces out of Avalon, Operators in the field are going to need the finest gear and weapons for the battles ahead. Ready up with the Season 01 Battle Pass, BlackCell, and Store content dropping into Call of Duty®: Black Ops 6 and Call of Duty: Warzone™ on November 14, and throughout the first part of the season.
An all-new Battle Pass System grants you the opportunity to earn 100+ rewards, including free base weapons, numerous Weapon Blueprints, Equipment Skins, Operator Skins, and much more. There are three ways to obtain some or all of this content:
Earn 20+ free rewards, including cosmetic content and base weapons.
Purchase the premium Battle Pass and earn up to 1,100 COD Points as you progress through the Battle Pass Pages.
Or purchase BlackCell for the ultimate seasonal experience, including a variety of molten hot Operator Skins, Weapon Blueprints, COD points, and other rewards.
Turning the Page: The Season 01 Battle Pass Expanded Overview
The Season 01 Black Ops 6 Battle Pass is brimming over with content, which is both showcased and unlocked in a brand new “Page” system. Think of the Battle Pass as a book, with 17 total pages. The first Page displays BlackCell Instant Rewards and the second Page shows premium Battle Pass Instant Rewards, followed by 100 in-game Battle Pass rewards across 14 Pages and a Completion Page that is instantly unlocked once all other Pages are completed. Pages include Free and Paid content. As always, all Base Weapons are free to unlock.
Purchase the premium Battle Pass for 1,100 COD Points for the ability to earn all Battle Pass rewards. For a head start on the season, grab the Battle Pass Bundle for 2,400 COD Points, including 20+ Tier Skips.
Starting Your Battle Pass Journey: Page 1
The Season 01 Battle Pass Instant Rewards PageAs you start your new Battle Pass journey, the Instant Reward Page and Page 1 are unlocked by default. All the other Pages are locked but can be previewed. Your goal is to complete the Battle Pass and access the 100 percent Completion Page at the end of the Battle Pass.
The Season 01 Battle Pass Page 1Each Page contains a slight variation on the following:
- Around six item rewards (known as “Tiers”) that are unlocked in any order you wish within the Page. Each requires an earned Battle Pass Token to unlock.
- Each Page (except for the BlackCell, Instant, and Completion Pages) contains up to two free Tier rewards. The rest are unlocked via purchasing the premium Battle Pass, BlackCell, or the Vault Edition
- An “HVT” (High Value Target) Tier reward is unlocked once all the previous items on that page are unlocked. This is usually an Operator Skin or Weapon Blueprint, and sometimes there’s a BlackCell variant.
- When both the regular and HVT Tiers are unlocked, the Page is complete.
- Use the Auto Claim feature to automatically unlock rewards as you play. Or turn it off to earn Battle Pass Tokens used to manually claim rewards.
Battle Tokens: Unlocking a Page
The Season 01 Battle Pass Page 6, with Tiers needed to unlock (from Page 1).Battle Pass Tokens make their return to the Battle Pass and work in a similar way to those in previous Battle Passes. A Token Bank is displayed in the top-right corner of your Battle Pass. These are used to unlock the l reward Tiers across all 14 Pages.
- Premium Battle Pass and BlackCell owners can spend these Tokens on any available Tier reward on an unlocked Page. Tiers can also be automatically unlocked by turning on the Auto Claim feature; with this feature, Tokens are spent as they are earned and not deposited in a Token Bank.
- Players who do not own the premium Battle Pass earn free rewards in a linear order and do not have access to Tokens.
Unlocking Later Pages
The Season 01 Battle Pass Page 7.If there is a reward in a later Page that catches your eye, you simply need to earn enough Battle Tokens to unlock that Page and its Tier content.
BlackCell owners get the bonus of unlocking a single Battle Pass Page at any point, regardless of whether the Pages before it are unlocked. Begin unlocking Tier Rewards on that Page immediately.
Each new Page requires reaching a certain threshold of claimed Tiers before it unlocks; you don’t have to complete an entire Page to access the next one.
BlackCell Season 01:
Goliath Operator (Rogue Black Ops)BlackCell Instant Rewards Page, HVT
Join the molten, crystalized skull-headed Goliath as he stalks the epic Season 01 BlackCell content. Featuring the “Goliath” Operator Skin with writhing flames across his onyx carapace armor, this orange-hued demon favors fiery combat and swift deaths. Goliath is part of an impressive BlackCell offering that brings the heat, delivering Operators clad in true Black Ops style with deep blacks and ‘fiery’ orange accent hues.
Additional BlackCell Instant Rewards Content
Upgrade your Battle Pass Experience: Purchase BlackCell to gain complete access to all the amazing rewards offered in the Season 01 Battle Pass. Owners will gain immediate access to the BlackCell Instant Rewards page, acquiring the following items:
- 20 Battle Pass Tier Skips
- 1,100 COD Points
- The “Boiling Point” Mastercraft Weapon Blueprint for the Goblin Mk2 (Assault Rifle) that’s literally dripping with molten heat including a first-of-its-kind unique weapon inspect animation.
- The “Who’s Laughing Now” Finishing Move with Companion Hyena.
- The “BlackCell” Clan Tag (showcased in Lobbies and Winner’s Circles).
- The “Goliath” New Operator.
Additionally, BlackCell owners can expect to access page after page of additional rewards within the Season 01 Battle Pass. These include:
- Seven BlackCell-exclusive Operator Skins for: Sev (two Skins), Bayan, Bailey, Carver, Alvarez, and Stone.
- Six BlackCell-exclusive Weapon Blueprints for the XM4 (Assault Rifle), Marine SP (Shotgun), Tsarkov 7.62 (Marksman Rifle), GPMG-7 (LMG), Saug (SMG), Krig C (Assault Rifle).
- The ability to unlock any single Page from the Battle Pass, ignoring the usual minimum Tier requirements. From here, you can unlock the Tiers within that Page, and progress forwards (or backwards) from the Page provided the subsequent Tier unlock criteria is met.
- NEW: Access to BlackCell-themed rewards throughout Season 01, offering earnable content throughout the Season.
- Over 130 Rewards (Battle Pass and BlackCell related) for those who fully complete the Season 01 BlackCell Battle Pass.
As usual, players who upgrade to BlackCell after purchasing the Battle Pass will also receive 1,100 COD Points back.
Vault Edition Upgrade
If you’re considering an upgrade to the Black Ops 6 Vault Edition, this is the time to do it! For the same price as the BlackCell offering ($30 or your regional equivalent), the Vault Edition entitles you to the very same Season 01 BlackCell offering, along with the following:
- The Hunters vs. Hunted Operator Pack featuring Operator Skins for Adler, Park, Brutus, and Klaus.
- The Mastercraft Weapon Collection (five weapons).
- The GobbleGum Pack (12 single-use consumables).
- Woods Operator Pack
Note for Prestige Players: Any Weapon Blueprint and Equipment Skin you unlock in the Battle Pass is permanently unlocked and does not re-lock when you subsequently Prestige.
Purchase the Battle Pass: Instantly Unlock Sev Operator
When you purchase the premium Battle Pass or BlackCell, you immediately unlock the Battle Pass Instant Rewards Page, including the following items:
- 10% Battle Pass XP Boost.
- The “Superbloom” Frag Grenade Skin.
- The “Thorn” Legendary Blueprint for the Tanto .22 SMG.
- The “Rose Goes” Legendary Weapon Sticker.
- The new Sev Operator and “Sev” Skin, along with the “Sev BlackCell” Operator Skin for BlackCell owners.
Sevati “Sev” Dumas (Rogue Black Ops)
Battle Pass Instant Reward Page, HVT
A main player in the Rogue Team after the conclusion of the Campaign, Sev is ready to make a deal with the untrustworthy French Syndicate and is gearing up to take down the rival Luttazzi family to prove it. Sporting two different Skins, depending on the infiltration mission at hand, she’s more than ready to lead the charge.
Additional Battle Pass Operator Skins
Complete Battle Pass Pages and choose content to unlock, including a variety of Operator Skins, many paired with an molten hot Animated BlackCell variants:
Bayan: “Drifter” Skins
Operator Skins, Battle Pass and BlackCell, HVT, Page 2
Bayan is clad for dark ops with dark gray and black tactical attire, including a black balaclava, gloves, and pouches. His alternate BlackCell form features cracked lava, embers and smoke rising from his jacket, and a featureless mask with glowing eye sockets.
Maya: “Underground” Skin
Operator Skin, Battle Pass, Page 3
Maya lets her hair down and travels light, dropping her jacket in favor of a burgundy tank top, braces and a pair of camo pants.
Bailey: “Anarchist” Skins
Operator Skins, Battle Pass and BlackCell, HVT, Page 4
Dropping her mask and going for a clean tactical look, top-knot, face tattoo and a light combat jacket in black and white with red piping. Her BlackCell variant changes the outfit to a black and molten orange, burning flecks of fire emanating from her, and a glowing hand tattoo.
Carver: “Tarnished” Skins
Operator Skins, Battle Pass and BlackCell, HVT, Page 7
Mac is on the hunt and comes prepped with a camo vest with numerous pouches, a snakeskin-sheathed hunting knife, a shock of white hair and neck gaiter. In his BlackCell form, Carver goes molten, smoking with fire while his face-covering sports a pair of tactical goggles reflecting an inferno inside.
Alvarez: “Flight Path” Skins
Operator Skins, Battle Pass and BlackCell, HVT, Page 9
Clad in fighter pilot combat gear with front pouches, a comms radio and large helmet with reflective visor and purple accents, Alvarez sports a rust and black BlackCell variant with animated flames scorching across her helmet visor.
Nazir: “Slick Style” Skin
Operator Skin, Battle Pass, Page 11
Clad for rappelling maneuvers in a swift and sleek manner, Nazir goes with a combat jacket and decides on red gloves, matching crimson tactical joggers, and lower torso buckles.
Stone: “Zip Tie” Skins
Operator Skins, Battle Pass and BlackCell, HVT, Page 12
Stone changes his usual combat plans and aims to take prisoners as his deep gray combat fatigues and camo pouches that also come with a set of zip ties. Under his hood, Stone wears a set of cyclopean vision goggles. His BlackCell variant switches up the outfit to black, and the augmentations to glowing orange.
Rossi: “Mean Streets” Skin
Operator Skin, Battle Pass, Page 13
Channeling a more dapper style from a bygone era, Rossi’s hair is slicked back with a cowlick, a neck scarf, shirt and braces, and suit trousers, with room to pack a pistol and comms radio.
Niran: “Big Slick” Skin
Operator Skin, Battle Pass, Page 14
While pinstripe pants and a biker’s jacket might not work on some Operators, Niran pulls off the look with badass aplomb, including sporty shades with tactical side shields.
Season 01: Battle Pass Base Weapons
Perhaps the two most important Battle Pass Pages are the ones containing a new Base Weapon. All players can access these for free (as always) at Season 01 Launch.
Saug Submachine Gun
Battle Pass, HVT, Page 3
Levels: 39
Mastery Badges: Yes
Attachments: Optic, Muzzle, Barrel, Underbarrel, Magazine, Rear Grip, Stock, Laser, Fire Mods
Customize Options: Skins, Reticle Unlocks (MP, ZM, WZ), Accessories (1), Decals (1), Stickers 3).
Military Camos: 21 (MP, ZM, WZ)
Special Camos: 6 (MP, ZM, WZ)
Mastery Camos: 12 (MP, ZM, WZ)
Fully automatic submachine gun. Excellent mobility and good handling. Great rate of fire. High recoil.
Pepper your enemies with a hailstorm of lead using this rapid-fire SMG that’s perfect for breaching and clearing small spaces. Pull down when aiming down sights to counter the Saug’s recoil, or better yet, improve the weapon’s already great hip-fire capabilities with the appropriate attachments, including the Tactical Laser for a killer combo of mobility and accuracy via Tactical Stance. Or go all out on hip-fire with the Akimbo Saug Stock for unmatched SMG firepower.
Krig C Assault Rifle
Battle Pass, HVT, Page 6
Levels: 43
Mastery Badges: Yes
Attachments: Optic, Muzzle, Barrel, Underbarrel, Magazine, Rear Grip, Stock, Laser, Fire Mods
Customize Options: Skins, Reticle Unlocks (MP, ZM, WZ), Accessories (1), Decals (1), Stickers 3).
Military Camos: 21 (MP, ZM, WZ)
Special Camos: 6 (MP, ZM, WZ)
Mastery Camos: 12 (MP, ZM, WZ)
Full-auto assault rifle. High damage and average handling. Recoil pattern starts very controllable before ramping up.
For a hard-hitting, versatile Assault Rifle that performs well across multiple ranges, look no further than the Krig C. The weapon inflicts moderate damage across the whole body with a four-shot elimination within its effective range, three when accounting for headshots. Recoil control becomes shakier through sustained fire, so burst fire to retain accuracy or consider attachments offering improved control to help counter the ramped-up movement.
New Weapon Blueprints
With 30 Weapon Blueprints to earn across the Season 01 Battle Pass and BlackCell, let’s first check out the armaments with a single, unique Blueprint design:
“Thorn” Tanto .22 Submachine Gun, Instant Reward
“Turmoil” ASG-89 Shotgun, Page 1
“Idle Hands” XMG Light Machine Gun, Page 2
“Batter Up” Melee Baseball Bat, Page 4
“Tattered” AK-74 Assault Rifle, Page 4
“Tip the Scales” Goblin Mk 2 Assault Rifle, Page 5
“Omertà” Grekova Pistol, Page 6
“Eviscerator” Melee Knife, Page 7
“Forced Retreat” SVD Sniper Rifle, Page 8
“Tide Turner” GS45 Pistol, Page 8
“Strained” PP-919 Submachine Gun, Page 9
“Psycho Snake” Model L Assault Rifle, Page 10
“Coroner” GPR 91 Assault Rifle, Page 11
“Butcher’s Friend” Melee Knife, Page 12 (not shown)
“Liar’s Gambit” C9 Submachine Gun, Page 12
“Reconciliation” AEK-973 Marksman Rifle, Page 13
“Crack Shot” LW3A1 Frostline Sniper Rifle, Page 13
Now let’s focus on all the HVT Weapon Blueprints that have molten BlackCell variants. Note that all BlackCell variants are Animated with Magma Tracers and Molten Death FX.
“Boiling Point” Goblin Mk2 Assault Rifle, BlackCell Instant Reward. Mastercraft, Animated, with Magma Tracers and Molten Death FX.
“Wild Mannered” and “Wild Mannered BlackCell” XM4 Assault Rifle, HVT, Page 1.
“Boomslang” and “Boomslang BlackCell” Marine SP Shotgun, HVT, Page 5.
“Furious” and “Furious BlackCell” Tsarkov 7.62 Marksman Rifle, HVT, Page 8.
“Hither Slither” and “Hither Slither BlackCell” GPMG-7 Light Machine Gun, HVT, Page 10.
Animated “Salutations” (with Red & White Tracers) and “Salutations BlackCell” Saug Submachine Gun, HVT, Page 11.
Animated, Reactive “Bad Beat” with Violet Darkness Tracers and Animted, Reactive “Bad Beat BlackCell” with Violet Heat Tracers and Violet Molten Death FX Krig C Assault Rifle, HVT, Page 14.
New Equipment Skins
Black Ops 6 introduces a larger variety of Equipment Skins than ever before, which—once you’ve earned the item—you access and equip in the Loadout menu. Here’s what to expect:
“Superboom” Frag Grenade Skin (Lethal), Battle Pass Instant Reward (shown)
“La Petite” Concussion Grenade Skin (Tactical), Page 3 (shown)
“Clamped View” Reticle (Optic Attachment), Page 4
“Inside Shot” Reticle (Optic Attachment), Page 6
“12 Gauge Dragon’s Breath” (Fire Mod Attachment), Page 7 (shown)
“Snake Charmer” RC-XD (Scorestreak), Page 9
“Bracketed” Reticle (Optic Attachment), Page 10
“Viperfire” Sentry Turret Skin (Scorestreak), Page 10 (shown)
New Emotes, Finishing Moves, and Sprays
Equipped in the “Customize” Menu of your Barracks, there’s a selection of new Emotes, Finishing Moves and Sprays to bring your personal flavor to the fight. Showcase these rewards during matches or (with Emotes) during the Winners’ Circle. Here’s what to expect:
“Who’s Laughing Now” Finishing Move (with Hyena Companion), BC IR
“Headache” Finishing Move, Page 2
“Hit Run Hitman” Finishing Move, Page 9
“Good Point” Finishing Move, Page 14
The Black Ops 6 Battle Pass offers a wealth of content, including item highlights (shown above) from the following additional categories:
- COD Points
- Weapon Charms (example shown above)
- Weapon Large Decals (example shown above)
- Weapon Stickers (example shown above)
- GobbleGums (example shown above, 13 total, various rarities and powers)
- Finishing Moves
- Emblems (example shown above)
- Calling Cards (some Animated)
- Loading Screens
- Clan Tags (BlackCell only)
- Consumable 2XP & 2WXP Tokens
Season 01 Battle Pass Weapon Blueprints Tracker
To ascertain which weapons the Battle Pass gives you earnable Blueprints for, here’s a table listing every Season 01 Battle Pass Weapon Blueprint. Note that when you unlock a Weapon Blueprint, it becomes permanently unlocked during Prestige leveling.
Battle Pass Completion Page: Rewards
Complete all the Battle Pass Pages and you’re automatically rewarded with a final Completion Page filled with exciting content. This includes the following:
- 200 COD Points
- “Wonderbar!” Ultra GobbleGum
- “Season 01” Emblem
- “Crasher” Calling Card
- “Opulent” Ultra Skin with a BlackCell variant awarded to BlackCell Owners
Sev: “Opulent” Skins
Operator Skins, Battle Pass and BlackCell, HVT, Completion Page
Sev sports a silver and black carapace plate and face mask, leather jacket and shorts, gun garter, and exposed tats. Her BlackCell alter ego’s ink is seared into her skin, glowing with a fiery orange hue.
Store Highlights: New Ultra, Reactive, and Mastercraft Skins
The Season 01 Announcement Blog detailed some exciting in-store Bundles coming to the game during the Launch Window. Check out this recap along with additional reveals.
Look out for Ultra Skins, Reactives, and Mastercraft Weapon Blueprints across this season’s Bundles.
- Ultra Skins are highly detailed, themed, and often include VFX.
- Reactive Skins and Weapons feature a visual effect that intensifies as you land more eliminations.
- Mastercraft Weapon Blueprints include custom animations, unique weapon inspects, and much more.
We are excited to announce the all-new “Locked Visuals” Feature exclusive to Mastercrafts. Now players can change Barrel, Stock, and other attachments while maintaining the weapon’s signature look.
Tracer Pack: The Replacer
The Replacer voiced by Peter Stormare
Your services are no longer needed; sub in The Replacer and become undeniable! Replace both yourself and your enemies with the “Tracer Pack: The Replacer” Bundle. The Bundle comes with a new Operator sporting two Operator Skins: “The Replacer” and a molten “The Replacer BlackCell*”, along with the “Quick Wit” Animated AS Val and “Ramifications” Animated PU-21 Blueprints, the “Aura +5000” Animated Calling Card, “Many Hats” Animated Emblem, “Replacement Killer” Finishing Move, and a vehicular Weapon Charm.
*BlackCell Owners: For BlackCell Season 01 owners, expect to receive the bonus “The Replacer BlackCell” skin in addition to all the regular bundle content. Note you must have obtained BlackCell prior to purchasing this Bundle; the skin will not be available if you purchase S01 BlackCell after purchasing this bundle.
Competitor CDL Home and Away Operator Bundles
Note that this Bundle includes the Weapon Camo for the shown weapons, not these weapons as BlueprintsRep your favorite pro team just in time for the arrival of Ranked Play and the 2025 Call of Duty®: League™ season.
Look for a variety of CDL Bundles themed around your favorite teams featuring a Home and Away variant of the Competitor Operator alongside other team-themed items like Weapon Camos, Large Decals, Calling Cards, Emblems, and Sprays.
Tracer Pack: Parasite Warrior Ultra Skin
Let the parasite take over with the gruesome and bloody “Host” Ultra Skin for Carver. Wield the infected “Idiopathic” Krig C Assault Rifle and “Exo-Organism” GPMG-7 LMG Weapon Blueprints. Get under your opponent’s skin with the “Parasite Feast” Companion Finishing Move. For a messier finish, deploy the “Flesh Tangle” Equipment Skin for the Zombie favorite Kazamir Device.
Gross out your enemies with the “Pest Control” Emote, “Back Spasm” Animated Calling Card, “Fearwood” Loading Screen, “Caustic Flight” Weapon Sticker, and the “Idle Eyes” Legendary GobbleGum for Zombies.
Tracer Pack: Cascade Failure Reactive
Follow your programming and eliminate the enemy with the cybernetic “Attrition” Skin for Marshall. Shut them down with the Reactive “Kill Switch” C9 SMG and “Feedback Loop” Tsarkov 7.62 Marksman Rifle Blueprints. Up close, dispatch enemies using the “Acro-Badass” Finishing Move.
Lockdown the competition with the “Big Guns” Calling Card, “Fully Jacked” Large Decal, “Brainjacked” Loading Screen, and “Machine Heart” Weapon Charm.
Tracer Pack: Steer Clear
Kick the tires and give ‘em the horns with “The Bull” Skin for Caine, paired with the buck wild “Yeehaw” AK-74 Assault Rifle and “Axel” SVD Sniper Rifle Weapon Blueprints. Charge up close and finish off enemies with a devastating Finishing Move and keep the party going with the “Mecha Bull” Calling Card, “Draw” Emote, “Steer Wrangler” Spray, and “Fire Breather” Animated Emblem.
Tracer Pack: Eternal Hunter Ultra Skin
Hunt the damned with the “Volatile” Ultra Skin for Rossi armed with three Legendary Weapon Blueprints: “Vile Tribute” XM4 Assault Rifle, “Blood Draw” Jackal PDW SMG, and “Severer” ASG-89 Shotgun. Stalk the night with the purple “Hunter’s Mark” Reticle, “Stakeout” Finishing Move, “Bloodstalker” Calling Card, “Family Heirloom” Weapon Charm, and “Moonlit” Emblem.
Tracer Pack: Cash Bandit Reactive
Swap trash for cash as the “Raccoon Goon” Skin for Niran, a mischievous Operator ready to do damage with the “Debt Collector” Reactive Weapon Skin for the all new Sirin 9mm Special Weapon. Make sure you are backed up with the “Vault Security” GPR 91 Assault Rifle Blueprint.
Cash in on your eliminations with the “Cash Flow” Reticle plus the “Disarmed” Finishing Move, “Cash Eater” Large Decal, and “Raccoon Robber” Weapon Charm. To help with the grind, this Bundle also includes a 1-hour Double XP Token.
Tracer Pack: G’Day Bait
Bounce them or bite them with the “Bloke Biter” Ultra Skin for Carver. This shark takes the ocean with him in the form of two Weapon Blueprints: overwhelm the enemy with the “Bloody Water” XMG LMG and race in for the bite with the “Fair Dinkum” KSV SMG.
Share your soft side for the sea with the “It Bites” Emote, the “Mechano-Shark” Weapon Charm, “Aussie Forever” Large Decal, “Making Waves” Spray, and the “Perfection” Calling Card.
Tracer Pack: Kick Some Brass Mastercraft Ultra Skin
Electrocute enemies with the “Chainblade” Mastercraft Melee Blueprint wielded by the steam-powered “Merciless” Skin for Nazir. For ranged combat, eliminate targets with the “Razor Burn” XM4 Assault Rifle and “Riptear” Tanto .22 SMG Blueprints. Steam the punk out of them with the “Akimbo Assassin” Finishing Move.
Activate the “Show Off” Emote in the Winner’s Circle and equip the “Gearcrest” Emblem, “Synchsight” Reticle, and “Universal” Weapon Charm.
Plus, GobbleGum Packs and More!
This is just a preview of the new content arriving in the Season 01 Store! Also keep an eye out for GobbleGum Packs, a new Store item that – once purchased – provides a collection of delicious and powerful single-use GobbleGums to consume during your future Zombies deployments.
Other Bundles on the way include those predominantly featuring Weapon Blueprints; which include Hell’s Cleaner (with blueprints for the Power Drill and GPMG-7), Death Rattle (with a blueprint for the XMG), and Doom and Boom (with blueprints for the Cigma 2B, PU-21, and ARC-XD).
Upgrade to Black Ops 6 Today!
Black Ops 6 is available now, and there’s never been a better time to experience the spy action thriller Campaign, the in-depth tactical chaos of best-in-class Multiplayer, and soak in the gory glory of an incredible round-based Zombies experience! Click here to Purchase Black Ops 6.
Stay tuned to GamingTrend for more Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 and Warzone news and info!