No joke, this might be the best seasonal drop yet. Today on the Call of Duty Blog, we got to see what’s coming for Season One, and it’s massive. New Warzone map and Black Ops 6 integration, Ranked Play within a week of launch, a mid-season Zombies map, and so much more. Check out all the intel below, there’s so much to learn and a lot to enjoy.
Season 01 Overview: Influence and Control
Following the events of the Call of Duty®: Black Ops 6 Campaign, Sevati “Sev” Dumas brings home a deal to take down the remaining Pantheon rats.
It is a deal of necessity.
Using her connections to the notorious Avalon crime families, Sev has brokered an uneasy alliance between the Rogue team and the French Syndicate. The Rogue team needs gear, weapons, and intel on the remaining Pantheon members. The French Syndicate wants their rival Luttazzi faction eliminated, and any Crimson One forces driven out of Avalon. An uneasy alliance is struck.
“Time to get dirty.”
Away from the operations in and around Area 99, Rogue Black Ops prepare to hold up their side of the bargain.
Planning is already under way to take down the Luttazzi in a series of targeted attacks, striking where it hurts them the most: Their wallet (a daring destructive raid into a money-laundering vault), and their pride (a Luttazzi-owned art gallery).
This is where you come in…
Prepare for a vast amount of free and premium content when Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Season 01 goes live on Thursday, November 14 beginning at 9AM PT across all platforms.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6: Season 01
Multiplayer and Zombies Content Summary
Five Maps and One Variant: Three brand-new maps arrive at the start of Season 01; explore Hideout, a medium-sized training site featuring signature Black Ops design; battle through Extraction, the medium-sized Avalon Heliport built for a variety of playstyles; and watch those valuables as you careen through Heirloom, a compact-sized fine art museum built for fast-paced action. Expect another new map, plus the return of Hacienda and a festive-themed Nuketown later in the Season.
Two Modes, More at Mid-Season: Secure the gold and guard your stash in the brand-new Ransack Mode, Props to Treyarch for including a fan-favorite Party Mode and get ready for festive Limited Time Modes at Mid-Season and beyond. Plus, the definitive Multiplayer Ranked Play arrives soon after Launch with plenty of rewards, innovations, and updates.
Additional Content: Enhance your tactical planning with a new Perk and Scorestreak at Launch, plus another new Perk and Wildcard in the Mid-Season update, all coming to Multiplayer.
Zombies Teaser: Expect a full reveal of all Zombies content just prior to the early December content drop. Read on for details on the new Directed Mode for Liberty Falls and Terminus, confirmation of new loadout content, and the first look at the ominous Citadelle des Morts, as Zombies goes medieval at Mid-Season!
Sharpen your combat skills in this mid-sized Multiplayer map featuring an extensive training site including target practice, an obstacle course, and a lifelike recreation of a vault and security room to help plan for the next mission to hit the Luttazzi crime family. Master Omnimovement in the training area and bus depot or climb up to the center bridge to cover both locations from a powerful vantage point.
The vault and blueprints buildings offer intense, multi-level indoor combat while the armory and open bus set the stage to ambush passing enemies. Whether you’re weaving between cover on the ground or mantling up onto one of many vantage points, this map offers the tools you need to perfect your training in the field.
Heirloom (Launch)
Brand-New, Strike, 2v2/6v6, Small-Sized
Crash a private showing of Luttazzi family art to create a diversion for the other Rogue Black Ops team as they execute the real job. Navigate in and around a huge sculptural centerpiece in the main exhibit or branch out into the lobby or a side exhibit for a closer fight. Ambush enemies in the corner cloakroom and light display and — if you can manage to catch a breath — read up on the vibrant history of Avalon’s Post-Expressionism and Minimalist art movements.
Extraction (Launch)
Brand-New Core 6v6, Medium-Sized
All hell has broken loose in the aftermath of a Crimson One ambush when the attack on the Luttazzis goes sideways. The burning rubble of a downed helicopter and a dead pilot signal an attack on the Avalon Heliport, a typically peaceful tourist destination where clients can book sky high views of Avalon’s breathtaking landscape. Trade long-range shots across the helipad — watch your head around those spinning rotors — or duke it out in the main lobby and warehouse.
For a prime view of the action, nothing rivals the height provided by the air traffic control tower. For a more discreet attack, get under the landing deck and fight in close quarters right up against the water and along the loading docks. Whatever your playstyle, this map offers multiple routes to extracting certain victory.
Hacienda (Mid-Season)
Remaster, Core 6v6, Medium-Sized
Last seen in Black Ops 4, the iconic competitive map returns, sending Operators back to the infamous vineyard estate. Battle within the open-air, two-story mansion with surrounding views of the pristine courtyard below. From the grand foyer past the lion statue, head toward the showroom garage or move out to the garden to keep the fight outside. On the other end of the estate, marvel at the built-in aquarium above the vault.
Hacienda’s grounds are as idyllic as its luxurious interior, complete with a boathouse and swimming area alongside an extended outdoor patio to the north and the wine shed and vineyard in the south. Long-ranged sightlines abound, but plentiful architectural elements provide the means to get up close for the elimination.
Racket (Mid-Season)
Brand-New, Strike, 2v2/6v6, Small-Sized
Time to crack open the heart of the Luttazzi money laundering operation and hit them where it really hurts. Breach the premises in this small-sized underground bank vault, a line of broken tiles marking the path of the center bulldozer placed before the vault of golden bars. Defaced pieces of art and the crossed-out emblem of the Luttazzi family indicate not just greed but malicious intent. In combat, however, leave that all to the side — keep your senses sharp and your head on a swivel while navigating the map’s many tight corners and enclosed spaces.
Nuketown Holiday (Mid-Season)
Variant, Core 6v6, Small-Sized
Once Season 01 Reloaded launches and Call of Duty gets festive at the end of the year, expect a variety of gifts in the days leading up to CODMAS, including a Holiday-themed Nuketown map! Treyarch will also be adding a little something to the original Nuketown map with this update… and maybe even to the Warhead Strike map, too.
Multiplayer Modes
A new Mode and a returning fan favorite start the season off with a bang, in the days leading up to a new and enhanced Ranked Play later in the month.
Ransack (Brand New, Launch)
Ransack sees you looting gold bars from crates dotted around the area of operations on 6v6 maps. Once gathered, secure your loot by bringing it back to your team’s stash. Naturally, this collection needs to be well-guarded, as the enemy team can raid your stash, meaning cohesive tactical planning between looting and defending is the key to victory. Reach the score limit or the time limit with the most gold and your team wins.Prop Hunt (In-Season)
Prepare for an infamous game of hide-and-seek, as the fan-favorite Black Ops party mode is back! Drop into a Multiplayer map as a Prop or Hunter. Props have one job; after a short period of time to find a hiding spot, you need to blend into the landscape as a random scenic object, but with the ability to move… and uncontrollably whistle every 30 seconds. Just wait out the clock, and don’t attract the attention of any Hunters, or the jig is up!
Drop identical decoys to fool your foes, change shape to a different piece of scenery, or lob a Stun Grenade at the feet of a Hunter if your cover is about to be blown. Meanwhile, the Hunters are here to scrutinize the map for anything that looks out of place… or whistles… and then shoot it!
Enhance your tactical planning with two new Perks, a new Wildcard, and Scorestreak, all coming to Multiplayer throughout Season 01.
New Perks
Perk: Shadow (Launch)
Perk Slot: 2
Type: Strategist
Undetectable to enemy traps and mines.
Perk: Shrapnel Radar (Mid-Season)
Perk Slot: 3
Type: Recon
Dealing blast damage to enemies will reveal them on your minimap. This includes any enemies affected by your area-of-effect Tacticals, Lethals, and Field Upgrades.
Scorestreak/Support: Hand Cannon (MP, ZM, Launch)
Type: Lethal
Score: 900
Mastery Badges: Yes
Powerful large caliber handgun with high bullet damage and penetration.
This mid-level Scorestreak, last seen in Black Ops Cold War, allows players to equip a massively powerful handgun for a finite amount of time. Though it has a slow rate of fire and limited ammunition, it makes up for this with good handling, improved hip fire accuracy with faster hip-fire shooting speed, and the biggest bonus of all; high-penetration shots that can one-shot enemies.
Wildcard: High Roller (Mid-Season)
When equipped, this allows the player to have a fourth Scorestreak to earn toward during Core 6v6 Multiplayer matches. Might we suggest pairing it with the Hand Cannon?
Black Ops 6 Ranked Play (Launch Window)
The definitive Ranked Play experience that Treyarch has been building toward since Call of Duty: Vanguard – and throughout the lifespan of Modern Warfare® II and Modern Warfare III – is coming to Season 01, starting on November 21. Expect a full rules breakdown in the Black Ops 6 Patch Notes closer to Ranked Play launch.
Overview and Features
The core tenets of Ranked Play remain the same: You’re here to play competitive Multiplayer matches using the same settings, maps, modes, and weapon restrictions as the Call of Duty® League™. Black Ops 6 Ranked Play comes with several streamlined features, innovations, and updates:
Update: Ranked Play Access: To ensure that all Ranked Players have Multiplayer experience before jumping into Ranked Play, all players must earn 50 Wins in Matchmade Multiplayer games to unlock access to Black Ops 6 Ranked Play. Wins earned before the start of Season 1 count towards unlocking the mode, so players who’ve already reached 50 wins will be set when Ranked Play goes live on November 21. The rest of you – get those wins! Note that the previous Level 55 requirement used in Modern Warfare III Ranked Play has been removed.
Updated Rank: The 1-50 Rank and Skill Division system seen in previous versions of Ranked Play has been combined to focus on what matters most in Black Ops 6 Ranked Play: Skill. In Black Ops 6, your Rank represents what was previously your Skill Division and Tier. Earn SR and progress through 8 Ranks: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Crimson, Iridescent, and Top 250. The Progressive Rank and Victory Stars system seen in previous Ranked Play installments has been removed to streamline the experience and focus on skill.
SR (Skill Rating): Progress through Ranks by earning SR by winning Ranked Play matches. SR is awarded after each Ranked Play win and the amount earned is determined by the player’s distance away from their projected Rank, their match performance, and the margin of victory. SR is deducted after losses.
New Feature: Map & Mode Veto: Before each Ranked match, 3 map and mode combinations are presented in the Lobby and Ranked Play teams can independently vote to veto one of the presented options. This gives players some control over what they play in Ranked Play and gives players and teams an opportunity to veto map and mode combinations they might not be as proficient at or otherwise want to avoid. After both teams make their veto pick, the remaining option is selected. If both teams veto the same option, the match’s map/mode will be randomly selected out of the two non-vetoed options.
New Feature: Forfeit: Vote with your team to end a match early if your team is getting blown out, or you’ve lost a teammate. All teammates must vote for the Forfeit for it to pass and end the match. Forfeited matches count as a standard loss and do not result in SR penalties or suspensions. Forfeit becomes available in the Options Menu at a designated point in each mode:
- Hardpoint: Winning Team reaches 100 Points
- Control: After 1st Round
- Search & Destroy: After 3rd Round
Update: Party Skill Restriction: Full Parties of four can now play together in Ranked Play regardless of their individual Ranks. However, Skill Matchmaking will be based on the highest Rank in the Party. Party Skill Restrictions still apply to parties made up of two or three players.
Update: Seasonal Setback: The End-of-Season SR Setback has been adjusted in Black Ops 6 Ranked Play to reduce the impact felt by players early in their Rank journey. Every new season, your Rank may be reset based on where you ended the previous season, as follows:
- Bronze or Silver Ranked players are not impacted by the Seasonal setback and will be able to pick up where they ended each Season with no SR deduction.
- Gold or Platinum players will start the next Season in Tier I of Gold or Platinum respectively.
- Diamond and above players will start the next Season at Diamond I.
Update: Loss Forgiveness: No matter what your Rank, each player’s first loss of the day will be forgiven and not deduct SR. This does not stack. Additionally, the 3 games of Loss Forgiveness that are granted when you’re promoted to a new Rank or at the start of the season now only count down after Losses.
- Ranked Play rewards: Ranked Play features a variety of exclusive rewards players can earn to show off their skill and engagement with the mode:
- Rank Skins: Reach Gold Rank or higher and you’ll earn a Home (Rogue Black Ops) and Away (Crimson One) set of Ranked Skins to showcase your skill, available on the “Competitor” Operator. In Black Ops 6 Ranked Play, these are awarded the moment you’re promoted into the Rank instead of at the end of the Season — except for the Top 250 Skin, which is only awarded to players who finish a Season in the Top 250 when it concludes.
- Win Challenges: Reach Career Win milestones over the course of your Ranked Play career to earn rewards that include the “Ranked Competitor” Skin, Knife Blueprint, a Frag Grenade Skin, a Gunscreen that tracks your Career Ranked Play wins, and more. These can be completed across multiple seasons.
- Top 250 Champion and World Champion Skins (#1 Overall): Every season, finishing first on the Top 250 Black Ops 6 Ranked Play leaderboard now comes with the ultimate bragging rights; an exclusive Skin only awarded to players who accomplish this near-impossible feat! Arguably the most exclusive Operator skins in all of Call of Duty, the Home and Away versions of the “World Champion Competitor” Skin features a fiery skull-headed Operator resplendent with a glowing crown, while those finishing in the Top 250 earn the elite “Top 250 Champion” Operator Skins (Home and Away versions). Ready to compete for the most exclusive Skin in the game?
- Seasonal Rewards: Each Ranked Play Season will introduce new Rank Rewards and Win Challenge Rewards to earn. These are only available to be earned during that specific Season. Like the Rank Skins, Seasonal Rank Rewards are awarded as soon as the player is promoted into each Rank instead of at the end of the Season.
- New Feature: Weapon Builds: Any Global Weapon Build you create in Ranked Play can easily be used across Loadouts in Multiplayer, Zombies, and Call of Duty: Warzone – just like any other Weapon Build in Black Ops 6. Conversely, you can bring any Builds you’ve created outside Ranked Play into Ranked (restrictions permitting).
Zombies: Season 01 Content Teaser
Note: Full Zombies Reveal at Mid-Season! Directed Mode and the Hand Cannon come to Zombies at Season 01 Launch, with an all-new map and more new content coming later in the Season. While the following teaser announcements are mostly redacted, expect much of the Season 01 Reloaded Blog post to focus on Zombies, providing a detailed (and mostly spoiler-free) deep dive, including information on the forthcoming content, which includes a Zombies-focused Event and limited-time Modes.
Directed Mode: Liberty Falls and Terminus (Launch)
For those players wanting to witness the Zombies story with a guided experience to complete the objectives of the Main Quests in Liberty Falls and Terminus, Directed Mode is for you. Whether you’re uncovering the horrific human experiments on Terminus Island instigated by Dr. Modi or assembling the LTG for the mysterious Dr. Panos in Liberty Falls, start a “Directed” match with all objectives marked and a maximum round cap of 15. Note that all Side Quests and S.A.M. Trials are disabled in Directed Mode to ensure players can focus solely on the narrative.
Undead Terror Comes to Avalon: Citadelle des Morts (Mid-Season)
After the shocking revelations at the culmination of the Terminus Main Quest, Weaver, Maya, Carver, and Grey follow the uncovered clues to Europe, and discover an abandoned castle – a “citadel of the dead” if you will – that offers up a host of , ghoulish horrors , medieval village with hidden abound!
Fully Equipped and Fearsome Foes (In-Season)
Expect a sizable amount of additional content to aid you across all three Zombies maps. Confirmed to come throughout Season 01 are:
- An additional Perk-A-Cola (with six new Augments to unlock), also newly stocked at Der Wunderfizz machines in Liberty Falls and Terminus.
- An additional Field Upgrade (with six new Augments to unlock).
- An additional Ammo Mod (also with six new Augments to unlock).
- 18 New Augments (nine Major, nine Minor, see above) to research.
- Three new delicious flavors of GobbleGums!
- The Hand Cannon, a new craftable Support weapon.
- New Wonder Weapons. Weapons? Yes, weapons.
- A new Enemy Type, said to stalk the dark halls of the foreboding, ruinous keep in Citadelle des Morts.
Expect much more detail in the forthcoming Season 01: Reloaded Blog, coming in early December. Players can expect varying timing for upcoming Zombies content, as some content may drop at seasonal launches and/or in-season.
Call of Duty: Warzone: Season 01 Content
Call of Duty: Warzone Content Summary
Area 99: New Resurgence Map: Enter the unrelenting heat of the Nevada desert and explore Area 99, a top-secret Weapons Station and where Nuketowns were built and shipped to testing sites. Mothballed for decades, this is re-opened to all Operators at Season 01 launch! Then drop into Urzikstan at launch and Rebirth Island shortly after, both fully integrated with Black Ops 6 innovations.
Modes and Features: Get situated with Resurgence, Battle Royale, and Plunder Playlists to start with, followed by Battle Royale Ranked Play and a variety of new Limited Time Modes as the Season progresses.
Full Black Ops 6 Integrated: Drop into the fray using the Black Ops 6 Loadout System, with a new Dedicated Melee, three Perks, and a Wildcard. Bring over your Global Weapon Builds, access a more streamlined Gunsmith, and pick from any Modern Warfare II, Modern Warfare III, or Black Ops 6 weapon you’ve acquired; over 170 armaments!
Perks a-Plenty: The “Pick-3” Perk System allows three active Perks at the start of the match, up to six more to find in-game (including the loot-only Irradiated and Shrouded), and the infamous Specialist Perk Package is confirmed!
In-Game Innovations: From Omnimovement to using Emotes and Sprays, as well as a return to a streamlined inventory, and an impressively vast Progression, Prestige, and Challenge system from Black Ops 6, Call of Duty: Warzone is hotter than an Area 99 reactor leak.
User Interface Update: A Fully Integrated Experience
Before you even drop into a match, expect a much-anticipated UI update for Call of Duty: Warzone. When Season 01 begins, the UI will enter its fully realized state. Black Ops 6 and Call of Duty: Warzone will continue to be the primary Game Tiles on the Home tab and players will be able to instantly access both Black Ops 6 and Call of Duty: Warzone for a faster, more direct path to gameplay.
The Store tab will now direct all players to the full Black Ops 6 and Call of Duty: Warzone in-game stores based on what you have installed.
A Battle Pass tab will be introduced in Season 01 with similar functionality as the Store tab, directing players to the full Battle Pass within Black Ops 6 or Call of Duty: Warzone.
With the Season 01 update, Call of Duty: Warzone will also have its own individual user interface with improvements similar to the Black Ops 6 UI.
New Resurgence Map: Area 99
Season 01 brings an incredible, brand-new Call of Duty: Warzone Map into the fray, inspired by the relentless and rapid gameplay of the Multiplayer Map Nuketown.
Set against the unrelenting heat of the Nevada desert, Area 99 – or more specifically, the Echo Ridge Weapons Station – was a top-secret government site constructed in the 1950s, concealed from the public just miles away from the original Nuketown testing site. Designed to push the bounds of radiation testing and cement American dominance, the entire region was subsequently abandoned after an unfortunate reactor leak, and the project erased by the government.
Welcome to Season 01 Call of Duty: Warzone and Area 99.
Expect the gameplay to be just as fast and tactical as you weave through a blistering desert environment, with main roadways to traverse either on foot or via vehicles, and locations also linked via open, sand-filled trenches, pipework, and wiring. This all takes place around a central “bullseye” Reactor. Expect that to be the hottest drop, along with a huge crane still hoisting an entire Nuketown house in the Loading Bay point of interest.
Points of Interest: An Updated Sightseeing Tour
It’s important to discover the varying points of interest to gain full tactical advantage over your opponents, from the eerie Mannequin Assembly plant to the remains of nuclear radiation testing above an underground Bunker, not to mention a sprawling Factory and Loading Bay where fully assembled Nuketown dwellings were once constructed.
Mannequin Assembly
This large-scale mannequin plant dominates the northern part of the map. The plant has been overproducing mannequins unsupervised for years since the facility was abandoned due to a nuclear reactor leak, leading to disturbingly large piles of mannequin parts. Thousands of torsos, heads, and arms are strewn everywhere, as the decades of extreme heat and encroaching sand cover the exterior cargo bays with plastic body parts and dune piles.
The interior of the connecting assembly buildings is a dilapidated maze, featuring giant molding vats, a mold preparation system, conveyor belts, a large assembly chamber with rusting, automated robot arms frozen in time, a hydraulic press that’s seemingly operational, and the pervading stench of melting plastic.
Test Site
Explore the surface-testing viewing station location and the connected mainframe war room beneath the sands. Up top, you can easily spot this area due to the helipad, and what was once a live-fire test site with containers, rusting buses, and a central trench. Before being abandoned, it appears the military were testing nuclear radiation as a potentially world-changing weapon…
Delve a little deeper, via either bunker entrance or the metal trapdoors, and you’ll reach the command bunker where the lead scientists and generals met to discuss their next operations. Areas to explore include a large armory, loading docks for highly combustible ordnance, a War Room with annotated plans to uncover, and the Mainframe where weapon system testing was recorded via cutting edge tape technology.
The pride and future of nuclear power and dominance was performing well and providing the main source of power for the entire Weapons Station, until a catastrophic failure occurred back in 1962, and the entire place was rapidly abandoned. Now frozen in time, the main reactor tower– which was cracked open and has been slowly leaking for the past 30 years – acts as a bullseye for Operators dropping into the action. It features more vertical gameplay both inside and out, with ascenders and gantry steps providing access in and out of the core chamber, adjacent computer banks, and curved corridors leading to the Turbines room and Hydro Pumps.
Spread out to the connected radial buildings around the tower as they provide more cover opportunities. This includes Research Station 02, a mechanical bay and motor pool, Research Station 01, a thermal energy storage bay, general storage building, and a gas station, and two concentric circular routes complete with rusting vehicles, crates and other dilapidated machinery.
Cooling Towers
Between the Reactor and the Mannequin Assembly plant are a trio of cooling towers, abandoned to the elements decades ago and gradually disintegrating away in the blistering and inclement weather.
Warehouse (Factory)
Scour the southern part of Area 99 for a uniquely Black Ops location. This isn’t a normal factory, but a unique construction zone where all the basic elements of a Nuketown house – from the walls, interior decoration, and even the infamous red sign – are built, ready for shipping to other possible Nuketown sites being constructed in the Nevada deserts to be blown up in the name of scientific advancement.
The construction begins within the red-and-white factory structure – known as “Warehouse” – where raw materials were delivered, house components were constructed and ferried via giant ceiling conveyors to a main shop floor where entire Nuketown houses where prefabricated and moved in their entirety to the transportation gate.
Manufacturing (Factory)
Don’t forget to explore the teal-colored factory building – known as “Manufacturing” – as there’s a rooftop conference room, lockers and worker kitchens as well as the huge house-building bays.
The main reason to explore here is a giant bay where the sections of Nuketown houses are pieced together. Roam the long conveyor belt halls, marveling at the sections of walls, home appliances, furnishings, and signage that still sit, waiting for assembly. Come for the Nuketown history and stay for the parkour opportunities and exploration within the large conveyor belts, shipping warehouses, and factory floor corridors.
Loading Bay
The Echo Ridge shipping yard is dominated by a single, gigantic crane structure – and likely power position – that sits above the main loading dock. Big rigs with flatbeds would arrive here, receive entire housing units or other scenic items, and transportation from the site would begin. Close by is a receiving warehouse, but the main attraction is an entire, finished house still fully suspended from the crane winch, with many traversal points whether you’ve used a parachute or ascenders to get here.
Nuketown Shipping
Further along the eastern side of the map are a collection of Nuketown dwellings, some with the remains of their flatbeds and big rig cabins still visible and rusting away in the sweltering sun. These were abandoned mid-transport when the nuclear leak occurred, and the decades of neglect have taken a toll on the buildings and vehicles alike. This is now a boneyard of half-buried homes, slowly consumed by the creeping sand.
The latest in retro-futuristic pod housing served the community of workers who kept Echo Ridge Weapons Station functioning, and a quartet of brightly colored housing units are still standing today, though in various stages of decrepitude. Each pod features a central pillar (and elevator) with branched living, kitchen, and dwelling chambers cantilevered out from this central column.
Now left to the wastes for nearly 30 years, the peeling walls, half-destroyed roofs and windows, still hold faded memories, though Operators may find long-range sniping opportunities as well as close-quarter room clearance duties if they explore the pods and the stepped exterior pathways. The only survivors are the desert scrub, cholla cacti, and Joshua trees.
Drop into this Resurgence Map at launch.
Season 01: Returning Maps
Accompanying Area 99 throughout Season 01 are two massive returning play-spaces, each integrated into the Black Ops 6 Global Systems featuring full Omnimovement, Gameplay Updates, Weapons, Operators, and other updates including Progression and Prestiging and an in-depth Weapon Camo mastery grind. Welcome back to Urzikstan and Rebirth Island!
Urzikstan (Launch)
The scene of what is shaping up to be a ferocious Ranked Play Battle Royale at Mid-Season, the Urzikstan “big map” is the first of two returning, large-scale locations you can drop into at the launch of Season 01. As development work to integrate Omnimovement and other Black Ops 6 innovations was highly involved, this version of Urzikstan is the one you remember from the earlier seasons of Modern Warfare III, with an intact Popov Power plant, and prior to bunker access, and the construction of the Atlas Superstore at Al-Sada Village.
For further intel, deep dive into the Urzikstan guide here.
Rebirth Island (Launch Window)
The infamous prison island continues to be in the playlist rotation, with the focus on Resurgence Modes now with the added tactical chaos of Omnimovement integration, and a host of Black Ops 6 weaponry, Killstreaks, and more! Squad up, drop in, and survive at the start of Season 01.
For further intel, deep dive into the Rebirth Island guide here.
Returning Modes and Features
Season 01 starts with offering three familiar game modes, with additional, seasonal, and limited-time modes appearing as the season progresses. As you get used to the plethora of gameplay changes and enhancements, new weapons and gameplay systems, drop into one of the following:
Battle Royale (Urzikstan, Launch)
(120 Players)
This is similar to the mode players experienced during Modern Warfare III, you’re here to triumph over enemies (or enemy teams) and finish as the sole survivor or squad. This time, however, all Operators drop in with Omnimovement options as well as the full complement of Black Ops 6 weaponry to earn and use.
Resurgence (Area 99/Rebirth Island, Launch)
Solos/Duos/Trios/Quads (44, 44, 45, 44 Players)
A mode familiar to many, but difficult to conquer, you’re here to survive and redeploy fallen teammates as well as scoring by dispatching enemies, equipment, opening crates, and completing Contracts to return your Squadmates more rapidly. Drop into the fray on both Rebirth Island and the brand-new Area 99.
Plunder (Urzikstan, Launch Window)
(120 Players)
Players or squads are here for the cash; collecting the highest amount of in-game money as they can to claim victory before the timer runs out. However, the key difference is that players are no longer able to pick up and sell valuables; this is Plunder in its purest form!
During Season 01, Ranked Play makes its triumphant return to the big map, bringing Ranked Play to Call of Duty: Warzone earlier in the seasons than ever before. Prove your prowess by outsmarting, out-maneuvering, and outlasting the opposition and earn exclusive Ranked Play rewards as you go. Expect further intel on this mode in the Season 01 Reloaded Blog in early December.
New Cinematics: Infill, Exfil, Gulag, Winner’s Circle (Launch)
With a new map comes new methods to infil into the areas of operators, as well as extricating you and your squad after a match. Expect brand-new cinematic sequences, including times when you enter the Gulag on the big map, as well as a more comprehensive Winner’s Circle at the end of every match, showcasing similar information and emotive prowess by the winning Squad, to that on show during Black Ops 6 Multiplayer.
Loadout and Weapons Integrations (Launch, In-Season)
Loadout Overview (with Dedicated Melee)
The Loadout menu has received a tuning, and GUI update to match the streamlined look found in Black Ops 6. You can create up to 10 Custom Loadouts, each comprising of:
A Primary Weapon
A Secondary Weapon
A Melee Weapon
Tactical Equipment
Lethal Equipment
Three Perks
A Wildcard
Loadout Notes
- Primary Weapons are divided into Assault Rifles, Battle Rifles (MWII, MWIII only), SMGs, Shotguns, LMGs, Marksman Rifles, Sniper Rifles, and Melee (MWII only).
- Secondary Weapons are divided into Pistols and Launchers.
- Melee Weapons are accessed by holding down your Melee control (Right Thumbstick on Controller).
- Firing Range: Each ranged weapon can be tested in the Firing Range, updated to reflect the new statistics, and access to a Recoil Wall and Moving Target. More intel here.
- Global Weapon Builds: Utilize a weapon build you’ve created and access it across Black Ops 6 Multiplayer and Zombies, as well as Call of Duty: Warzone. More intel on this time-saving innovation – that allows you to make a change to any Build or Blueprint in any game, and it permeates out everywhere the gun is equipped – can be found here.
- Streamlined Gunsmith: All weapons access the same streamlined Gunsmith and Attachments menu available in the Black Ops 6 Multiplayer, detailed in this Blog post. This means four statistical categories (Firepower, Accuracy, Mobility, and Handling), but with Attachments specific to the game in question (Modern Warfare III’s Aftermarket Parts, for example).
- Weapon Separation: Each Weapon Type (Assault Rifles, for example) is separated into a vertical drop-down menu related to the game the weapon first appeared in (MWII, MWIII, BO6), allowing for swift and easy access to any armament.
Gear Up (Part 1): Available Tacticals (10) and Lethals (11)
At the start of Season 01, Call of Duty: Warzone comes with a full complement of both Tactical and Lethal Equipment, including the full item list from Black Ops 6 Multiplayer as well as some Equipment that are Black Ops 6 Field Upgrades. Here’s a list of what’s available, and what level you need to reach to unlock each piece of equipment:
Gear Up (Part 2): Available Field Upgrades (17) and Killstreaks (12)
In this iteration of Call of Duty: Warzone, expect Field Upgrades and Killstreaks (known as Scorestreaks in Black Ops 6 Multiplayer) to be available in-match, at either a Buy Station or as part of ground loot. The following equipment has been confirmed for Season 01 launch!
Perks (18) and Wildcards (4)
The “Pick 3” Perk System
The way you utilize Perks in both your Loadout and during matches has been updated to streamline and increase the value of Perks, and it all starts in the Weapons > Loadouts Menu where you’re simply able to choose three Perks, one from each slot of six available Perks: Perk 1 (Blue), Perk 2 (Red), and Perk 3 (Yellow). Unlike Black Ops 6, there is no Combat Specialty.
In Call of Duty: Warzone, most of the Pick-3 Perks are unlocked as you level up your Player and will be re-locked if you choose to Prestige. If you’re a Black Ops 6 player, your current Player Level is carried over into Call of Duty: Warzone, and any Call of Duty: Warzone Perks are automatically unlocked to that level. Consult the Level Unlocks menu in Barracks > Progression > Level Unlocks.
Note that two Perks from Slot 1 (Veteran and Reflexes) are rewards available during Season 01 for completing Events.
The “Pick 3” Pre-Match Perks
Prior to a match, you’re choosing one Perk from each of the following lists:
Perk 1 Slot (Blue, 6)
Pick one of the following six Perks, assuming you’ve unlocked them:
Available: Season 01 Reloaded Reward
Triggered explosives have a delay when sprinting past them.
Available: Season 01 Reward
Reduce the negative effects of some enemy equipment. While aiming down sights reduce flinching and extend Hold Breath duration.
Available: Immediately
Explosive damage slows enemy health regeneration and movement speed. Throw equipment farther and see a previous of the trajectory.
Available: Player Level 20
Reduced weapon motion while jumping, sliding, and diving. Take less fall damage.
Available: Player Level 26
Start equipped with maximum reserve ammo for your primary weapon. Resupply ammo equipment, and plates from dead enemies.
Available: Player Level 47
Start regenerating health more quickly. Your allies revive you faster when you’re Downed.
Perk 2 Slot (Red, 6)
Pick one of the following six Perks, assuming you’ve unlocked them:
Available: Immediately
Recharge equipment over time (50 seconds).
Bomb Squad
Available: Player Level 8
Reduces incoming explosive and fire damage. Spot enemy equipment and Killstreaks through walls.
Available: Player Level 29
See enemy footsteps. Bullets you fire briefly mark an enemy for you and your squad. Enemies that down you are automatically pinged.
Available: Player Level 32
Can Tactical Sprint indefinitely.
Available: Player Level 41
Undetectable by AI targeting and thermal optics. Prevents some enemy recon Perks and effects.
Quick Fix
Available: Player Level 50
Killing enemies or inserting armor plates immediately starts health regeneration. Can insert amor plates one-handed.
Perk 3 Slot (Yellow, 6)
Pick one of the following six Perks, assuming you’ve unlocked them:
Available: Immediately
Reduced movement penalties when reloading or using equipment. Reload while Tac Sprinting.
Available: Player Level 5
Taking damage from gunfire provides a boost to movement speed for a short duration.
Available: Player Level 17
Undetectable by enemy Radar Pings while moving. Cannot be detected by some devices.
Available: Player Level 23
UAVs you call in are 25% larger and show the heading of the enemy for your squad. Detects players with Ghost.
Available: Player Level 35
Refill armor plates to full with two plates instead of three.
Available: Player Level 44
Sense when enemies are nearby. Tell when you are being aimed at by the enemy.
Wildcards (4)
Pick one of the following four Wildcards, assuming you’ve unlocked them, to complete your Perk and Wildcard choices before looting for more during a match.
Available: Player Level 24
Equip two primary or secondary weapons.
Available: Player Level 15
Your loadout provides a Munitions Satchel.
Available: Player Level 33
Equip three extra attachments to your Primary weapon.
Battle Ready
Available: Player Level 38
Your loadout provides a UAV and Utility Box.
Lootable Perks and Specialist
Once you’ve dropped into a match, there are additional Perks you can find to fully kit out your Operator with up to six additional advantages. These valuable items are found in caches and other locations across the map, and there are up to six to find:
- Four of them are Perks from the “Pick-3” Slots, usually ones you haven’t chosen. These are always the same four Perks.
- Two of them are lootable-only Perks: Irradiated and Shrouded.
- If you’re dispatched during a match, your Pick-3 Perks stays where you dropped, and can be looted by the enemy.
- If you’re dispatched during a match, any Lootable Perks vanish and cannot be obtained by the enemy.
- At the start of Season 01, the four “Pick-3” Perks that are also Lootable, will be chosen. These will be the same very match but expect frequent “rotations” as the Seasons progress, where four new “Pick-3” Perks are updated into the loot pool, replacing the previous four.
Lootable Perks (Purple, 6)
Obtain up to four Perks from the previous “Pick-3” Slots by looting them in-game, as well as one or both of the following:
Available: In-Game Only
While under the effects of the gas circle or equipment you will move faster, take reduced gas damage, and can insert armor plates.
Available: In-Game Only
Drop a Smoke Grenade when entering the downed state.
Specialist Perk Package
The legendary Specialist Perk is also back! This Package is a rare loot drop and can also be obtained via the Care Package Killstreak, and simply grants you every single available Call of Duty: Warzone Perk in the game! That’s all 18 Pick-3 Perks, plus Irradiated and Shrouded! If you’re dispatched during a match, your Specialist Perk Package stays where you dropped, and can be looted by the enemy.
The Company You Keep: Operators (157)
MWII Operators (70), MWIII Operators (61), BO6 Operators (26, Launch and In-Season)
With the integration of content from Modern Warfare II and Modern Warfare III into Call of Duty: Warzone, with Season 01 under way, you’ll have access to over 150 different Operators! This is, of course, assuming you unlocked or purchased all available Operators during the lifespan of the previous two Call of Duty games. To maintain easy accessibility, the Operators Menu has three easily switchable sub-menus, each containing Operators from the three games.
Each Operator comes with any Skins you may have purchased during MWII and MWIII, and there are no restrictions on who you squad up with. Need to drop into Area 99 with Price, Ghost, Woods, and Adler? Let’s do this!
New Combat Features
Omnimovement and Body Shield
The amazing innovations to movement and combat that arrived in Black Ops 6 at launch are fully integrated and realized in Call of Duty: Warzone. This includes the genre-defining game changer known as Omnimovement, allowing you to Sprint, Slide, and Dive in any direction. Be sure to play some Black Ops 6 Multiplayer matches to prepare yourself, so you’re able to:
- Sprint forward, sideways, or backwards.
- Shoot targets while sliding or diving forward, sideways, or backwards.
- Perfect the 180-degree Combat Dive (Sprint, dive from height, rotate to face an enemy, and eliminate them before you hit the ground).
- Ensure you’re able to perform the Combat Supine, dropping to Prone and rotating your Operator, eliminating foes as you slowly spin.
- Combine Omni-Sprint with Combat Slides and Dives, usually at doorways or thresholds and spin to target and drop foes as you complete the maneuver.
- Use Body Shield as an alternate to a Finishing Move; grab a foe from behind and use them to soak up the damage while optionally giving them encouraging whispers in their ear. Then drop them.
Emotes and Sprays
Operator gestures known as Emotes, which can be employed during a match or in the Winner’s Circle after a victory, are back and earnable via Level Unlocks, with additional Emotes available in the Battle Pass. Note you can equip Emotes to any Operator; even those from Modern Warfare II and III!
Veteran Call of Duty: Warzone players well remember covering walls with the “D-Day” Operator spray to confuse enemies entering an ambush point, and we’re happy to announce that Sprays are back and ready to be employed in a variety of new and inventive ways!
Quick Inventory (Launch)
As confirmed at Call of Duty: NEXT, at the start of Season 01, streamlining of the Inventory system comes to Call of Duty: Warzone, with the removal of the current “Backpack” system and a return to an inventory menu that veteran players may recognize. Working from left to right in the above image, your inventory is divided into the following sections:
- Cash on hand
- Gas Mask
- Armor Plates
- Killstreaks
- Field Upgrade
- Primary, Secondary, and Melee Weapons
- Ammunition for your AR, SMG, Shotgun, Sniper, and Launcher
If you’re concerned about the number of items you’re able to carry, you’ll be pleased to learn that Satchels are returning to the game.
Satchels (Launch)
Satchels are optional, lootable equipment that increase the storage capacity of the dedicated inventory slots within a Call of Duty: Warzone Match. These provide Operators with duplicates of the same items to increase your storage capabilities, thus increasing your effectiveness. Satchels can’t be (and don’t need to be) dropped, and one or both individual Satchel types can be found and equipped once per match. If an Operator carrying one or more Satchels is killed, all their Satchels are dropped and can be looted. Expect the following Satchel types:
- Armor Satchel: This substantially increases your Armor Plate carrying capacity.
- Munitions Satchel: This increases the Ammunition capacity for AR, SMG, Shotgun, Sniper, and Launcher ammunition.
Progression, Prestige, and Challenge Integrations (Launch)
As detailed in the recent Progression and Prestige Blog, Black Ops 6 comes with a robust and granular Progression experience for those wanting to unlock a variety of free content. At the start of Season 01, a similarly sized grind becomes available to Call of Duty: Warzone players. Here’s what to expect:
- Level Unlocks: Your Player Level will be reset to 1, and you’ll earn XP to progress through 55 Player Level Unlocks, gaining access to Weapons, Equipment, Killstreaks, and Perks as you go.
- Classic Prestige: After reaching Player Level 55, you have the option to Prestige, re-locking most of your Player Level content, but allowing you to progress through ten Prestige levels, all of which come with incredible unlockable content! Note that some of this content is only available to those who own Black Ops 6, though these rewards can be retroactively obtained if you purchase the game.
- Prestige Mastery: Once you complete Prestige 10, you unlock Prestige Mastery, with a further 1,000 Levels to climb, and ultimate rewards to claim!
- Calling Card Challenges: Expect an impressive selection of Calling Cards to be unlocked the Black Ops way, including cards only available after Prestiging, or completing fully redacted “Dark Ops” challenges! Naturally, there’s many animated Cards to obtain, including the fabled “100 percent” complete for unlocking all Career, Hardened, and Prestige challenges.
- Reticle Challenges: Equip a Black Ops 6 Optic to one of the new weapons and a “reticle” option opens in the Gunsmith > Cosmetics menu. Here you’re able to access ten unlockable reticles per Optic, each requiring a set number of ADS kills to complete. You can then share these Reticles – or those you’ve unlocked in Black Ops 6 Multiplayer and Zombies – in either mode or Call of Duty: Warzone.
- Weapon Camos: Military Camos: The final set of weapon camos are now available to unlock! Grind through nine Military Camos per Black Ops 6 weapon, each usually requiring a set of in-game eliminations to obtain. These are unlocked on a per-weapon basis and are not shared.
- Weapon Camos: Special Camos: Then focus on unlocking both Special camos for each weapon, with a specific unlock criteria for each. Complete both (in any order), and these become available to place on any other Black Ops 6 weapon you’ve already unlocked Special Camos for. Note that Multiplayer and Zombies Special Camos are also equippable in Call of Duty: Warzone.
- Weapon Camos: Mastery Camos: The final prize is to unlock the four Mastery Camos for each Black Ops 6 weapon! This is the Gold Tiger, King’s Ransom (Animated), Catalyst (Animated), and finally the Abyss (Animated, Dynamic).
Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile Integration Intel
This Season 01 release brings many new weapons and updates to Call of Duty®: Warzone™ Mobile alongside Call of Duty: Warzone. One of the core goals for the team going forward is to synchronize Warzone Mobile with the PC and Console version as closely as possible.
We’re thrilled to bring many of the most innovative and exciting additions to Warzone Mobile, including Omnimovement.. However, not everything will be released during Season 01. Many of these changes and updates will be available in subsequent updates coming in 2025. For now, here is a list of what you can expect to see updated in Season 01:
- All weapons and their associated attachments from the launch of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6
- Dedicated melee weapon slot
- Updated and unified rarity system
- Omnimovement
- Continued support for cross-platform Battle Pass and Weapon Level progression
- Updated interface and menus to accommodate these new changes
In future seasons, Warzone Mobile will see additional features and content from Call of Duty: Warzone release and synchronize. Those additions include Perks, equipment, modes, and maps.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6:
General Content (MP, ZM, WZ)Call of Duty: General Content Summary (All Modes and Games)
Weapons Detail: Seven new weapons are accessible across Season 01, including four Primaries (the Krig C AR, Saug SMG, Maelstrom Shotgun, and AMR Mod 4 Sniper Rifle), a Special Secondary (the foldable Sirin 9mm), as well as two Melees (Power Drill and Cleaver). Plus, unlock four special weapon attachments, and face more Challenges to unlock firepower in the Armory!
Battle Pass and BlackCell: Whether you’re unlocking the free tiers and base weapons or purchasing the Battle Pass Bundle or the exclusive BlackCell offering, the brand-new Season 01 Battle Pass offers new ways to unlock the content you want, when you want it. Plus: There are more types of content to earn than ever before!
Season 01 Operators: A molten man of fire, Goliath leads the charge as the BlackCell Operator, along with Sevati “Sev” Dumas, a clandestine assassin and main player in the Rogue Team. Plus, The Replacer is back, and “Competitor” Operators arrive in time for the 2025 CDL Season. Finally, there’s a first glimpse at what’s in Store, including some incredible Mastercraft Bundles!
Levels: 43
Mastery Badges: Yes
Attachments: Optic, Muzzle, Barrel, Underbarrel, Magazine, Rear Grip, Stock, Laser, Fire Mods
Customize Options: Skins, Reticle Unlocks, Weapon Camos, Accessories (1), Decals (1), Stickers 3).
Full-auto assault rifle. High damage and average handling. Recoil pattern starts very controllable before ramping up.
For a hard-hitting, versatile Assault Rifle that performs well across multiple ranges, look no further than the Krig C. The weapon inflicts moderate damage across the whole body with a four-shot elimination within its effective range. Recoil control becomes shakier through sustained fire, so burst fire to retain accuracy or consider attachments offering improved control to help counter the ramped-up movement.
Primary Weapon: Saug (Launch)
SMG, Battle Pass Page 3 HVT Tier Reward, Page 11 Battle Pass Blueprint
Levels: 39
Mastery Badges: Yes
Attachments: Optic, Muzzle, Barrel, Underbarrel, Magazine, Rear Grip, Stock, Laser, Fire Mods
Customize Options: Skins, Reticle Unlocks, Weapon Camos, Accessories (1), Decals (1), Stickers 3).
Fully automatic submachine gun. Excellent mobility and good handling. Great rate of fire. High recoil.
Pepper your enemies with a hailstorm of lead using this rapid-fire SMG that’s perfect for breaching and clearing small spaces. The Saug kicks up like a horse when fired down sights; pull down when aiming to counter the recoil or better yet improve the weapon’s already great hip-fire capabilities with the appropriate attachments, including the Tactical Laser for a killer combo of mobility and accuracy via Tactical Stance. Or go all out on hip-fire with the Akimbo Saug Stock for unmatched SMG firepower.
Primary Weapon: Maelstrom (Mid-Season)
Shotgun, Event Reward
Levels: 34
Mastery Badges: Yes
Attachments: Optic, Muzzle, Barrel, Underbarrel, Magazine, Rear Grip, Stock, Laser, Fire Mods
Customize Options: Skins, Reticle Unlocks, Weapon Camos, Accessories (1), Decals (1), Stickers 3).
Fully automatic shotgun. Good range and handling. High recoil and large hip spread.
What this weapon lacks in power compared to the other Shotguns, it makes up for with its rapid-fire full-auto capabilities. Its heavy recoil and large hip spread require getting up close to the enemy, but within its effective range it’s devastating. Consider equipping the Overkill Wildcard to pair this shotgun with a mid-range weapon for greater versatility. When moving into tight spaces, swap to the full-auto Shotgun and let loose.
Primary Weapon: AMR Mod 4 (Mid-Season)
Sniper Rifle, Event Reward
Levels: 38
Mastery Badges: Yes
Attachments: Optic, Muzzle, Barrel, Stock Pad, Magazine, Rear Grip, Comb, Laser, Fire Mods
Customize Options: Skins, Reticle Unlocks, Weapon Camos, Accessories (1), Decals (1), Stickers 3).
Semi-auto sniper rifle. One-shot kill to torso, arms, hands, and upper legs. Very high recoil and slow rate of fire. You can steady your aim while ADSing.
The hardest hitting weapon in its class, this sniper rifle rewards patience with a huge one-shot elimination range across the upper body. It’s slow to aim and it kicks hard, but when the shot connects, say goodbye to the enemy. Inflicting major damage out to 100 meters, its selection of closer ranged optics also offers the possibility of fighting in the vanguard, a veritable frontline cannon.
Secondary Weapon: Sirin 9mm (In-Season)
Special Event Reward
Levels: 30
Mastery Badges: Yes
Attachments: Optic, Muzzle, Barrel, Underbarrel, Magazine
Customize Options: Skins, Reticle Unlocks Weapon Camos, Accessories (1), Decals (1), Stickers 2).
Fully automatic specialty weapon. Offers SMG characteristics as a secondary weapon. Slow rate of fire.
Take your Secondary Weapon game to the next level with this foldable Secondary Weapon offering full-auto fire with a slow and steady fire rate to help you stay on target up to the mid-range. Its base configuration offers 32 rounds to keep you in the fight during sustained combat, with an Extended Mag option that pushes that number to 40. The weapon has a moderate kick after each shot fired, but several of its attachments offer improved recoil control to help counter the movement. Once unlocked, look for this weapon in the new “Special” category within Secondary Weapons.
Melee Weapon: Power Drill (In-Season)
Melee, Event Reward
Levels: 30
Mastery Badges: Yes
Attachments: None
Customize Options: Skins.
Two-hit kill. Very short range. Very fast attack speed.
There’s no better tool for the job than the Power Drill, offering a rapid attack speed for quick follow-up hits to get the job done. Including a mix of sweeps, jabs, uppercuts, and a heavy attack that drills straight on, this weapon is ideal for putting a hole in the competition when the going gets tough.
Melee Weapon: Cleaver (Mid-Season)
Melee, Event Reward
Levels: 30
Mastery Badges: Yes
Attachments: None
Customize Options: Skins.
One-hit kill. Short-medium range. Medium attack speed.
Featuring a combo of sweeping attacks and head-on strikes, the Cleaver is the perfect Melee weapon for clearing out multiple and single targets in enclosed spaces. Use its heavy attack to prep the strike when anticipating incoming enemies, taking them to the chopping block the moment they appear.
New: Special Weapon Attachments
12 Gauge Dragon’s Breath (Launch)
Shotguns, Fire Mod, Battle Pass Page 7 Reward
Add some heat to your Shotgun blasts with incendiary rounds comprised of magnesium sparks that stick to and burn enemies over time. Equipping the 12 Gauge Dragon’s Breath Fire Mod prevents using Barrel Attachments, but the tradeoff is well worth it when seeking a fiery finish.
Buffer Weight Stock (In-Season)
XM4 Assault Rifle, XMG LMG, DM-10 Marksman Rifle, Stock Attachment, Event Reward
The heavier Buffer Weight Stock provides significantly smoother action through the additional resistance met by the bolt carrier group. The improvement results in more manageable recoil through sustained fire, ideal for staying on target though at the expense of ADS Speed and Aim Walk Movement Speed.
Burst Fire Conversion (In-Season)
XM4 Assault Rifle, Fire Mod, Event Reward
Convert the XM4 Assault Rifle’s primary firing mode into a three-round burst to help conserve ammo and stay on target. There’s an impressive lack of recoil too, so it’s still possible to pump out consistent damage when facing heavy threats.
Burst Fire Conversion (In-Season)
Kompakt 92 SMG, Fire Mod, Event Reward
Convert the Kompakt 92 SMG’s primary firing mode into an exceptionally rapid three-round burst. Equipping the Burst Fire Conversion Fire Mod locks the Underbarrel and Barrel Attachment slots. When you need to fire quickly in close quarters, hold down the trigger to automatically cycle through burst shots.
Weapons Access: Feature: The Armory (Launch)
Global System: MP, ZM, WZ
Coming to Black Ops 6 Multiplayer, Zombies, and Call of Duty: Warzone at the start of Season 01 is the Armory, easily accessible from your Barracks > Challenges menu. Like in Modern Warfare III, the Black Ops 6 Armory is a repository that provides access to previously missed Loadout content from prior Battle Passes and Events. Activate an item in the Armory to start earning XP toward unlocking it.
The Armory is unlocked at Player Level 24 and is added to the Level Unlock Menu. It is an area to check on items that otherwise cannot be earned through normal weapon progression. For example, if you miss the chance to obtain one of the Season 01 weapons unlocked via an Event, it is likely to be available to earn after the Event concludes.
For Call of Duty: Warzone players only, the Armory enables you to earn XP to unlock any weapon from Modern Warfare II and Modern Warfare III that you missed, including all Seasonal Battle Pass weapons and Challenge weapons, as well as Modern Warfare III Armory-exclusive attachments, and Aftermarket Parts. You can then employ these in Call of Duty: Warzone.
Season 01 Events
Events are back and provide some of the finest cosmetic loot to unlock! As the first part of the Season is truncated (with Season 01 Reloaded and a wealth of new content arriving in early December), expect the Hit List Event prior to Mid-Season. Once Season 01 Reloaded arrives, expect multiple Events to look forward to – including one focused on Zombies – during the latter half of the Season.
Event: Hit List (In-Season)
Who’s next? Keep up your luxurious – but slightly corrupt – lifestyle during the Hit List Event. You’re offered up a take-no-prisoners mission: kill or be killed. The Hit List Limited Event gives players a board of contracts with one goal – take them all out. Cross off the entire list and earn some exclusive loot for hire.
Season 01 Master Prestige Menu
At Season launch, expect an additional in-game menu, visible and accessible to all, called “Master Prestige,” appearing next to the Prestige Menu when you locate it within the Barracks. This showcases some of the rewards available to the dedicated legends who are making the final grind to Level 1,000! This is where you’ll go to check out rewards as they are obtained, as well as viewing the legacy Prestige emblems you accrue every 100 levels!
Brand New Battle Pass System and BlackCell
Operator Sev Headlines the New and Improved Battle Pass
Trained assassin, espionage expert, and key Rogue Black Ops player from the Black Ops 6 Campaign, Sevati “Sev” Dumas headlines the brand-new Season 01 Battle Pass with four different Skins to unlock! Purchase the Battle Pass Bundle for 2,400 COD Points to immediately unlock the Instant Rewards Page of the Battle Pass, with the following items:
- 10% Battle Pass XP Boost
- The “Bloom Boomer” Frag Grenade Skin
- The “Thorn” Legendary Blueprint for the Tanto .22 SMG.
- The “Rose Goes” Legendary Weapon Sticker.
- The “Sev” Skin (and Sev Operator), along with the “Sev BlackCell” Skin for those that purchase BlackCell.
Turning the Page: The Season 01 Battle Pass Expanded Overview
The Season 01 Black Ops 6 Battle Pass is brimming over with content, which is both showcased and unlocked in a brand new “Page” system. Think of the Battle Pass as a book, with two front pages of Instant Rewards (one BlackCell), then 100 in-game Battle Pass rewards across 14 Pages and a Completion Page that is instantly unlocked once all other Pages are completed. Pages include Free and Paid content. As always, all Base Weapons are free to unlock.
Starting Your Battle Pass Journey: Page 1
As you start your new Battle Pass journey, the Instant Reward Page and Page 1 is unlocked by default. All the other Pages are locked but can be previewed. Your goal is to complete the Battle Pass and access the 100 percent Completion Page at the end of the Battle Pass.
Each Page contains a slight variation on the following:
- Around six item rewards (known as “Tiers”) that are unlocked in any order you wish within the Page. Each requires an earned Battle Token to unlock.
- Each Page contains two free Tier rewards. The rest are unlocked via purchasing the Battle Pass Bundle or BlackCell.
- An “HVT” (High Value Target) Tier reward that is unlocked once the previous items are unlocked. This is usually an Operator Skin or Weapon Blueprint, and sometimes there’s a BlackCell variant.
- When both the regular and HVT Tiers are unlocked (usually a total of seven Tiers), the Page is complete.
- Battle Pass owners can elect to automatically or manually unlock reward item Tiers as they reach them.
Battle Tokens: Unlocking a Page
Battle Tokens return to the Battle Pass and work in a similar way to those in previous Battle Passes. A Token Bank is displayed in the top-right corner of your Battle Pass. These are used to unlock the 100 individual reward Tiers across all 14 Pages.
- You spend these Tokens on any available Tier reward on an unlocked Page.
- You can automatically unlock Tier rewards as you play, and not store up any earned Tokens. Players without the Battle Pass earn rewards in a linear order and have no access to Tokens.
- Or you can earn Battle Tokens and Claim Tiers and manually unlock Pages later in the Battle Pass (only available if you purchase the Battle Pass or BlackCell offering).
- Earning five total Tier rewards on a single page unlocks the next Page in the Battle Pass, meaning you don’t have to complete a single Page to access the next Page.
- This means you can choose to claim Tier rewards on the current or any new Page.
- Every subsequent Page requires five further total Tiers to be unlocked from any unlocked Page. The number of Tiers required to unlock each Page is displayed on that Page.
Unlocking Later Pages
If there are specific Tiers you’re particularly interested in unlocking, you simply need to accrue enough Battle Tokens to unlock the Page and its Tier content.
For example, if you have BlackCell and 20 Tokens, and Page 6 of the Battle Pass requires 18 more Tiers to unlock, you simply spend your Tokens to access the Page and choose the 18 Tier Rewards from Pages 1-6.
Remember, there are seven total Tier reward unlocks per Page, but only five Tiers are needed to unlock each Page. This means you can save some Tokens for future Pages.
BlackCell owners receive an added Bonus of being able to unlock any Battle Pass Page and start unlocking Tier Rewards on that Page.
Crammed with Content: The Season 01 Battle Pass
- Over 110 pieces of unlockable content (excluding BlackCell).
- Over 130 pieces of unlockable content (including BlackCell).
- Two free Base Weapons:
- The Saug SMG (Page 3 HVT Tier Reward)
- The Krig C Assault Rifle (Page 6 HVT Tier Reward)
- Sev Operator with four different Skins (Operator unlock and “Sev” and “Sev BlackCell” Skin in the Instant Reward Page, as well as “Opulent” and “Opulent BlackCell Skins in the Completion Page)
- New Operator Skins for Bayan (+BC), Maya, Bailey (+BC), Carver (+BC), Alvarez (+BC), Nazir, Stone (+BC), Rossi, and Niran.
- Rewards in the following categories:
- COD Points
- Weapon Blueprints (Primary, Secondary, Melee)
- Weapon Attachments
- Weapon Reticles
- Weapon Charms
- Weapon Decals
- Weapon Stickers
- Equipment Skins
- GobbleGums
- Operators
- Operator Skins
- Finishing Moves
- Emblems
- Calling Cards
- Emotes
- Sprays
- Loading Screens
- Clan Tags (BlackCell only)
- Consumable 2XP Tokens
BlackCell Offerings and Vault Edition Upgrade
Join the molten, crystalized skull-headed Goliath as he stalks the epic Season 01 BlackCell content. Featuring an animated Operator Skin with writhing flames across his onyx carapace armor, this orange-hued demon favors brutal blades and swift deaths. Goliath is part of an impressive BlackCell offering that brings the fire, including Operators clad in black with a fiery orange accent hue.
- BlackCell owners can access the Season 01 Battle Pass via the exclusive BlackCell Page, instantly unlocking the following items:
- 20 Tier Skips.
- 1,100 COD Points.
- The “Boiling Point” Mastercraft Blueprint for the Goblin Mk2 (Assault Rifle).
- The “Who’s Laughing Now” Finishing Move with Pet Hyena.
- The “BlackCell” Clan Tag (showcased in Lobbies and Winner’s Circles).
- The “Goliath” BlackCell Operator.
Additionally, BlackCell owners can expect to access page after page of additional exclusive rewards within the Season 01 Battle Pass. These include:
- Seven BlackCell-exclusive skins for Sev (two Skins), Bayan, Bailey, Carver, Alvarez, and Stone.
- Six BlackCell-exclusive Weapon Blueprints; for the XM4 (Assault Rifle), Marine SP (Shotgun), Tsarkov 7.62 (Marksman Rifle), GPMG-7 (LMG), Saug (SMG), Krig C (Assault Rifle).
- BlackCell Page Unlock: The ability to unlock any Page from the Battle Pass, ignoring the usual minimum Tier requirements. From here, you can unlock the Tiers within that Page, and progress forwards (or backwards) from the Page providing the subsequent Tier unlock criteria is met. Or you can progress from the start of the Battle Pass Page 1 as normal.
- NEW: Exclusive access to BlackCell-themed rewards available during Season 01 Events, offering you earnable content throughout the Season.
- Over 130 item rewards (Battle Pass and BlackCell related) for those who fully complete the Season 01 BlackCell Battle Pass.
As usual, players who upgrade to BlackCell after purchasing the Battle Pass will also receive 1,100 COD Points back.
Vault Edition Upgrade
If you’re considering an upgrade to the Black Ops 6 Vault Edition, this is the time to do it! For the same price as the BlackCell offering ($30 or your regional equivalent), the Vault Edition entitles you to the very same Season 01 BlackCell offering, along with the following:
- The Hunters vs. Hunted Operator Pack featuring skins and accessible Operators for Adler, Park, Brutus, and Klaus.
- The Mastercraft Weapon Collection (five weapons)
- The GobbleGum Pack (12 single-use consumables)
Note for Prestige Players: Any Weapon Blueprint and Equipment Skin you unlock in the Battle Pass becomes fully unlockable, does not re-lock when you subsequently Prestige, and a Permanent Unlock is not required to access it. Be sure to check out the Battle Pass, BlackCell and Bundles Blog prior to Season 01 Launch for the specific content available!
The following four Operators are dropping into Season 01, and accessible via the Operators menu once acquired.
Goliath (BlackCell, Rogue Black Ops, Launch)
“Goliath” Skin: BlackCell Instant Reward Page
Solidify your fiery combat mastery as the molten man of fire himself, Goliath! All biographical information for this Operator has been .
Sevati “Sev” Dumas (Battle Pass, Rogue Black Ops, Launch)
“Sev” and “Opulent” Skins: Battle Pass Instant Reward Page, Battle Pass Completion Page
“It’s all about influence and control.” – Sevati “Sev” Dumas
A main player in the Rogue Team after the conclusion of the Campaign, Sev is ready to make a deal with the untrustworthy French Syndicate and is gearing up to take down the rival Luttazzi family to prove it. Sporting two different Skins depending on the infiltration mission at hand, Sev is more than ready to lead the charge.
The Replacer (Bundle, Rogue Black Ops, In-Season)
Store Bundle
“I’m your daddy now.” – The Replacer
There’s no substitute for greatness. Last seen in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4’s Blackout mode, and first appearing in Black Ops 2, The Replacer has concluded his whirlwind Black Ops 6 takeover tour and has freed up some time to appear in-game, and available as a Store Bundle shortly after Launch.
Competitor CDL Home and Away Operators (Bundle, Rogue Black Ops, Crimson One, In-Season)
Store Bundle
“Is this a skill issue?” – CDL Home Competitor
“You’re chalked, bro!” – CDL Away Competitor
Two new Operators arrive just in time for the 2025 Call of Duty League® season, and both are available (along with a host of other content including a Weapon Camo) in the CDL Store Bundle. The first available Bundle includes the “2025 CDL Home” “Competitor” Operator (Rogue Black Ops), and the “2025 CDL Away” “Competitor” Operator (Crimson One).
Access either of the Competitor Operators to find the location where a variety of incoming Operator Skins will become available, once earned. Expect the following as Season 01 progresses:
- CDL Team Packs for the Atlanta Faze, Boston Breach, Carolina Royal Ravens, Los Angeles Guerrillas, Los Angeles Thieves, Miami Heretics, Minnesota Rokkr, Cloud9 New York, Vancouver Surge, Optic Texas, Toronto Ultra, and Vegas Falcons.
- Skins unlocked during Multiplayer Ranked Play for Challenge Wins, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Crimson, Iridescent, Top 250, and Seasonal World Champion.
- Skins unlocked during Warzone Ranked Play for Challenge Wins, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Crimson, Iridescent, Top 250, and Seasonal World Champion.
New Store Offerings
Gain a more complete knowledge about the in-store Bundles coming to Season 01 in the BlackCell, Battle Pass, and Bundles blog next week. Before then, here’s the first glimpse at the highlights we have in Store for you:
Tracer Pack: The Replacer
The Replacer voiced by Peter Stormare
Your services are no longer needed; sub in The Replacer and become undeniable! Replace both yourself and your enemies with the “Tracer Pack: The Replacer” Operator Bundle. The Bundle comes with a new Operator sporting two Operator Skins: “The Replacer” and the Animated “The Replacer BlackCell*”, along with the “Quick Wit” Animated AS Val and “Ramifications” Animated PU-21 Blueprints, the “Aura +5000” Animated Calling Card, “Many Hats” Animated Emblem, “Replacement Killer” Finishing Move, and a vehicular Weapon Charm.
*BlackCell Owners: For BlackCell Season 01 owners, expect to receive the bonus “The Replacer BlackCell” skin in addition to all the regular bundle content. Note you must have obtained BlackCell prior to purchasing this Bundle; the skin will not be available if you purchase S01 BlackCell after purchasing this bundle.
Tracer Pack: Draconic Forge Mastercraft
Death flies on pale wings with the “Tracer Pack” Draconic Forge Mastercraft Ultra Skin” Bundle, featuring the “Dragon Knight” Animated Ultra Skin for Westpoint, the “Mecha Drake” Mastercraft Blueprint for the new Saug SMG, a second Blueprint, the Animated “Emberscald” for the ASG-89 Shotgun, a Drill Charge (Lethal Equipment) Skin, the “Blow Hard” Emote, “Draconic” Reticle, “Ash and Bone” Finishing Move, “So Metal” Animated Emblem, and “Reforger” Spray.
Tracer Pack: I.D.E.A.D. Mastercraft
Get to work on Interdimensional Exploration and Diagnostics with the Tracer Pack: I.D.E.A.D. Mastercraft Bundle. Blast enemies into non-existence with the “Gumball Ballistics” Mastercraft XM4 Assault Rifle Blueprint, travel through dimensions as an inter-galactic vending machine technician with the “Repairman” Skin for Weaver, then enjoy mandatory handheld distribution with the “Zaptastic” Ray Gun Blueprint and “Big Boomer” Marine SP Shotgun Blueprint. The Bundle is stacked with content, including the “Space Man Gun” Charm, “Jugger-Not” Emote, “Cosmic Cloud” Spray, “Back Alley” Loading Screen, “Popper” Large Decal, and Perkaholic Ultra GobbleGum.
Other Incoming Bundles
Expect a wide variety of killer content as you explore the Season 01 Store offerings, including the “Tracer Pack: Kick Some Brass Mastercraft Ultra Skin” Bundle, the “Tracer Pack: Liquidator” Bundle, and the “Tracer Pack: Parasite Warrior Ultra Skin” Bundle. Expect a full showcase of this season’s upcoming bundles and more with the Season 01 BlackCell, Battle Pass, and Store Bundle blog coming next week.
Upgrade to Black Ops 6 Today!
Black Ops 6 is available now, and there’s never been a better time to experience the spy action thriller Campaign, the in-depth tactical chaos of best-in-class Multiplayer, and soak in the gory glory of an incredible round-based Zombies experience! Click here to Purchase Black Ops 6.
Stay tuned to GamingTrend for more Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 news and info!