Today, the newest chapter of Dead By Daylight has released: Shattered Bloodline. This new DLC contains a new killer(The Spirit), survivor (Adam Francis), and map(Family Residence). This is the ninth chapter in the game’s series of DLC, and also provides several new perks to use in your favor or fight against.

In Shattered Bloodline, players will meet a new killer, The Spirit. Wrath is her legacy – the terrible pain she suffered sets it off. Swift and lethal, she exacts her revenge endlessly. The Spirit can use her power, Yamaoka’s Haunting, to enter an ethereal plane and phase-walk to another location, unseen by human eyes. The survivor, Adam Francis is The Inspiring Teacher. Born and raised in Kingston, Jamaica, Adam is a resourceful professor and a driven autodidact who built a new home in Japan. The new map is set on Yamaoka Estate, in the Family Residence. The house needed numerous renovations to remain habitable. As it was stripped of its integrity, an old anger was awakened…

Shattered Bloodline is now available for $7.99 on PC, PS4, and Xbox One, so Dead By Daylight fans can add something new to their games to mix things up. Check out the DLC if you’re interested, and stay tuned to Gaming Trend for more news.

See also: PC | PlayStation 4 | Xbox One
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