Gale Force Nine (GF9) is thrilled to introduce new Sci-Fi Terrain for Battlefield in a Box, in partnership with War Scenery, as well as a brand new range of 6mm terrain, named Mundus Imperialis with Thunderhead studios.
GF9 has entered into a new partnership with War Scenery of Germany. The partnership will bring War Scenery’s digital designs to the tabletop as fully painted terrain under GF9’s Battlefield In A Box brand. “We are very pleased to be
working with such passionate designers as Louis and his team. Being able to bring their designs to a whole new audience was a perfect fit for us. The models on display at AdeptiCon are just the start of what we have planned with the first releases due out at the start of the qtr 3” John-Paul Brisigotti, CEO at GF9.
In addition GF9 revealed its brand new 6mm terrain range, Mundus Imperialis, in partnership with Thunderhead studios that brings their pre-painted terrain to smaller scale wargames. The new range includes buildings such as the Municipal Depot and Castelan Base to wage war over.
“Mundus Imperialis is a great opportunity to discover war on a whole new scale.” John-Paul Brisigotti continued. “As a fan of all small-scale miniature games, Christopher managed to fit in some time between Hextech waves to create the
first few buildings for a new Mundus Imperialis range. With the Battlefield in a Box range, we want to offer gamers the best possible terrain straight from the box. Mundus Imperialis and the new ‘War Scenery’ sets are really exciting, and we can’t wait to see some epic battles being played!”.
Mundus Imperialis and the “Chapter” and “United Frontier” sets will be available for pre-order in the coming months and will be hitting store shelves Q3.