
The next campaign book for the Symbaroum TTRPG is now available:
Free League invites players for a season of revelry and a break from the doom and gloom of the Davokar Forest in Symbaroum: Agrella - City of Eternal Euphoria. The adventure module is now available at the Free League webstore with immediate access to a complete PDF, in hobby stores everywhere, and in digital format at DrivethruRPG. Enjoy the sights and sounds of the city, but beware; enemies of the Crown could be waiting to strike…

Agrella - City of Eternal Euphoria is a 176-page, full-color, hardcover book written by Erik Hylander (Symbaroum: Adventure Pack 4), co-written with debutant Marco Zamorano-Tóth, illustrated by Gustaf Ekelund (Blade Runner The Roleplaying Game), and with cover art by Grant Griffin. It contains a new campaign and setting set in the city of Agrella, and brings adventurers into corners of Symbaroum’s world never before seen.
The festival season is drawing close in Agrella, and it will be a season like no other. On the surface, nothing seems out of the ordinary – jester troupes are honing their performances, brewers are refining their recipes, mask-makers are sketching out the year's novelties, and among the population at large, excitement is rising every day. But nothing is as it should be; in reality, the threat against Agrella and its inhabitants has never been greater. The question is, will someone notice the lurking dangers in time to avert the looming catastrophe?

Symbaroum: Agrella – City of Eternal Euphoria includes:
- The campaign The Outrage of Betrayed Brethren with the adventures Intrigue, Assassination, and Chaos, which offers gaming groups a tumultuous experience of how fantastically fearsome Agrella’s festivals can be.
- A thorough overview of Agrella’s history, activities, factions and conflicts, meant to be read by both players and Game Masters.
- A freestanding double-sided color map (558 x 432 mm) of the city and a pair of adventure locations, in addition to over a dozen maps within the book.
- A large number of establishments where the player characters can eat, rest, party, search in archives, and visit local dignitaries.
- A chapter for the Game Master, featuring hidden conspiracies and plot hooks that may be developed into exciting adventures.

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