Free League Publishing has released a quickstart adventure for the popular Dragonbane TTRPG for free:
The Sinking Tower
The Sinking Tower offers complex challenges for even the bravest and most skilled adventurers. The players must work together to solve puzzles, win battles, and find valuable treasure – all in just two hours!
Get the Dragonbane Quickstart – The Sinking Tower for FREE at DrivethruRPG
A legend is reborn. Dragonbane is a fantasy tabletop roleplaying game full of magic, mystery, and adventure, a reimagined version of the classic Swedish fantasy RPG Drakar och Demoner. Dragonbane was voted one of the most anticipated RPGs of 2023 at EN World and has recieved high praise in reviews and several awards since the release in 2023.
Dragonbane is designed from the ground up to facilitate fast and furious play, with very little prep time and adventures that are a breeze to run. This is a game with room for laughs at the table, while still offering brutal challenges for the adventurers.