A few days ago, Fornite’s season 10 ended with a bang during a live event that destroyed not just the island, but the entire game as we know it, leaving only a black hole behind. Today, after staring at a nearly blank screen for hours on end, Fortnite Chapter 2 has been released, and it brings along more than just a new island to explore.

  • Drop in to a New World – Choose your landing spot and explore an all-new island featuring 13 locations.New Water Gameplay – Swimming, Fishing, Motorboats, and more!
  • Support Your Squad – Heal your squad with the Bandage Bazooka, carry your fallen teammates to safety, and celebrate with new group emotes like high fives!
  • Hideouts and Explosives – Hide in Haystacks and Dumpsters to get the drop on your opponent or go in blazing by blowing up gas tanks and explosive barrels.
  • Upgraded Combat – Get back to basics and battle enemies with a streamlined weapon arsenal. Upgrade weapons using resources at the Upgrade Bench.
  • More Fun, Less Grind – Level through the all-new Chapter 2 – Season 1 Battle Pass with a brand new XP system and Medals you earn in match.

Fornite Chapter 2 is now available as a free download on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, Mac, iOS, and Android. For more information, visit the official website.

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