The latest expansion for Final Fantasy XIV has finally arrived and it comes with new jobs Gunbreaker and Dancer, and new races Viera and Hrothgar. Players can also replay old quests with a New Game+ system.
The additions for this expansion include:
New Jobs: Gunbreaker and Dancer –The Gunbreaker is a new tank role who wields the iconic gunblade, utilizing ammo cartridges to protect their party from harm. The Dancer, a ranged attacker, not only unleashes powerful attacks using throwing weapons, but also dances to execute abilities which provide beneficial effects to their party.
New Player Races: Viera and Hrothgar – The rabbit-like Viera are joined by the burly and lion-like Hrothgar, both with unique, customizable features specific to their races.
New Game+ – This brand-new system will allow for replay of previously completed quests while retaining one’s current progression and job level.
Level Cap Increase – The level cap will be raised to 80 with the release of Shadowbringers. With this will come new actions for classes and jobs—as well as new foes against which players can hone their skills.
Trust System – In Shadowbringers, players will have the opportunity to challenge dungeons with a party of trusted non-player characters, including members of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. Traditional party matching systems will remain available.
New Beast Tribes and Primals – Players will encounter the carefree but cruel pixies in Il Mheg alongside their mighty regent Titania, along with other beast tribes including the Nu Mou and the Dwarves.
New Content and System Upgrades – Battle system changes, new equipment, crafting recipes and more.
Additional content will be released in upcoming patches including a new alliance raid called “YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse”, high-end raid, “Eden”, and end-game content for crafters and gatherers called “Restoration of the Holy See of Ishgard.”
Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers is available now for $39.99 for the standard edition, or $59.99 for the collector’s edition. For more information, visit the official website.