
A new core rulebook for Fallout: Factions is coming this summer. The Battle for Nuka-World Starter Set focused on the the fight for control of the theme park, the new core rulebook will allow players to skirmish anywhere in the Wasteland:
This rulebook expands the game’s available factions from the Battle for Nuka-World starter set, which featured the three raider gangs from Fallout 4’s popular DLC. The new hardback rulebook contains everything players need to know to fight for the Wasteland, teaching them the rules of play, the in-depth campaign system, and showcasing the iconic factions of Fallout from the Brotherhood of Steel and super mutants to survivors and raiders. Combined with the Fallout: Factions ‘Battle for Nuka-World’ Starter Set, or the Fallout: Factions - Tokens and Terrain Pack 1 (coming soon), players will have everything they need to pick a faction and start their journey to rule their corner of the Wasteland.

Available for £30 / $37 from the Modiphius webstore, the core rulebook will be released in early summer this year online and in local gaming stores.
The 112-page full-colour hardcover Fallout: Factions Core Rulebook features:
- An introduction to wargaming, and all you’ll need to play Fallout: Factions.
- The core rules you need to play the fast-playing, high-risk, high-reward tabletop skirmish wargame.
- How to set up a game, with an overview of the in-depth scenario system that keeps each game interesting.
- The Story Phase: Details for growing your crew and ascending to legend – or what to do if you end up a footnote in another crew’s story.
- Faction lists for the Brotherhood of Steel, Super Mutants, Survivors, Raiders, as well as their Weapons, Perks, Legends of the Wasteland and more.
Whilst the Fallout: Factions - 'Battle For Nuka-World' Starter Set is set in a small and specific area, this book gives players the tools and factions to set their campaign anywhere in the Wasteland. The games of Fallout: Factions will use the same rules, with the biggest changes affecting crews off the battlefield.

The expanded rules see four new Factions added into the game - Brotherhood of Steel, super mutants, survivors and raiders. Hazards and Facilities have also been added, allowing crews to customize their Home Turfs. Specific scenarios have been replaced with Objectives and Hazards, which can be merged into hundreds of combinations to make each game feel unique. New Legends of the Wasteland are available to hire before each game, and the story phase has been updated to make campaigns more expansive and interwoven. Plus, players will be able to upgrade weapons, purchase chems, and unlock new perks for their crew.
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