Like Phil Connors on Groundhog Day, Diablo 3 players woke today to find the world around them reset. Well, they did if they slept in until 5:00 PST, the official start of the game’s 14th season. This round will feature all the rewards that seasoned players have come to expect along with a new twist: seasonal themes.
Throughout the next Season, we’ll be embracing our inner goblin and celebrating the Season of Greed. For the duration of Season 14, all Treasure Goblin spawns will be doubled. This means that each time you encounter a Treasure Goblin in the wild, they’ll be accompanied by an exact duplicate of themselves for two times the loot, chaos, and fun!
For newcomers, Diablo 3’s seasons are multi-month events that challenge players to raise a character to max level and take on a series of tough challenge for loot and cosmetic rewards. At the end of each season, rewards are transferred to non-seasonal characters, and a fresh batch of challenges and prizes is offered up. By progressing through this season’s content, players can earn the boots and pants from the Conqueror set, as well as new portrait frames and a new pennant to jazz up your character.
As always, the start of a season changes the available conquests, a set of high-level achievements that grant victorious players rewards during seasonal play.
Returning for the Season of Greed is Avarice and Avarita, where every gold piece you find will count! Speed Demon and Need for Speed will ask you to kick it into full gear in your Nephalem Rift runs. On a Good Day and I Can’t Stop will congratulate high ranking Legendary Gems. Finally, for the solo crowd, Divinity and Lionhearted will ask you to climb Greater Rift heights by your lonesome, while Years of War and Dynasty challenge your game mastery of at least six classes.
You’ll earn class armor sets through Haegrim’s Gift by progressing through chapters 2, 3, and 4 of the seasonal journey. These rewards can only be claimed once per season, so make sure you’re using the right character when you unlock them.
Here are the sets granted by Haedrig’s Gift in Season 14:
Barbarian – The Legacy of Raekor
Crusader – Armor of Akkhan
Demon Hunter – Embodiment of the Marauder
Monk – Inna’s Reach
Necromancer – Pestilence Master’s Shroud
Witch Doctor – Zunimassa’s Haunt
Wizard – Delsere’s Magnum Opus
Season 14 is expected to run until September 16. Blizzard has said it plans to update players on the season’s progress in more detail from this point on, so that date is subject to change. More information will be posted on the developer’s blog.