Today, Frontier Developments revealed details about the Chapter Two update for the second season of Elite Dangerous, Beyond. Chapter Two is the first of two smaller installments coming to the Beyond series of updates with a larger one being released later this year.

Being the first of two smaller installments in the Beyond series of updates, Chapter Two still brings a good mix of features to the game:

  • New Ship: Challenger: The Alliance have continued to refine their warships with The Alliance Challenger, a frontline combat vessel with stronger armor than its chieftain counterpart.
  • Wing Missions: Originally introduced in Chapter One, but there will now be a larger rage of new Wing Mission types.
  • Installation Interactions: Commanders will now be able to scan space installations to see what they can interact with such as disabling turrets protecting other hackable points, getting tradable data from the Comms aray, and unlocking and stealing commodities and materials from the Cargo Bay.
  • Tech Brokers: Allows commanders to unlock large weapons versions of existing guardian tech weapons through issued missions to collection guardian data and materials.
  • Thargoids: Continuing to be a problem, Thargoids have new scouts that will buff other scouts to increase combat efficiency.

Elite Dangerous: Beyond – Chapter Two will be released for free to all Elite Dangerous players on June 28th, 2018 for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. For more information, visit the official website.

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