The Dragonlance series was incredibly formative for me in my youth, not only cementing my love of reading, but also my interest in Dungeons & Dragons. Undoubtedly, I'm not alone in this, and I suspect a great many of you have fond memories of these books. The team at Humble Bundle has teamed up with Wizards of the Coast to bring these wonderful books to all of us, with proceeds from the three bundles below benefitting Room to Read, a non-profit dedicated to children's literacy and education. Up to 70% of your purchase can be allocated however you'd like between the publisher and this charity – a very worthy cause and one near and dear to my heart. Let's get into the details of how you can pick these wonderful books up in ebook format.

This exclusive “pay what you want” Humble Bundle takes you inside the World of Dragonlance with 26 best-selling novels, available at three price levels starting at just $1. 

From protecting the mystical Blue Crystal Staff from an evil dragon goddess to untangling dwarven political tension – every book is a page turner. Each title is available in ebook format and can be used on any compatible device (e-readers, tablets, smartphones).

Between now and Saturday, April 5, a portion of the proceeds from any of the three book bundles can be donated to Room to Read a nonprofit dedicated to supporting children’s literacy and education. When fans purchase any bundle, they can choose exactly where the money goes - between the publisher and Room to Read - up to 70% of purchase.

If you're curious about what's available, there are three tiers for this fundraising effort.

  • Pay $1 or more – receive 3 ebooks
    • Dragons of a Fallen Sun
    • Dragons of a Lost Star
    • Dragons of a Vanished Moon
  • Pay $10 or more – receive 7 ebooks
    • 3 above, plus:
    • Amber and Iron
    • Amber and Blood
    • The Soulforge
    • Brothers in Arms
  • Pay $18 or more – receive 26 ebooks
    • 7 above, plus:
    • Dragons of Winter Night
    • Dragons of Spring Dawning
    • Dragons of Summer Flame
    • The Legend of Huma
    • Weasel's Luck
    • Kaz the Minotaur
    • The Gates of Thorbardin
    • Galen Beknighted
    • Time of the Twins
    • War of the Twins
    • Test of the Twins
    • Dragons of the Dwarven Depths
    • Dragons of the Highlord Skies
    • Dragons of the Hourglass Mage
    • Darkness & Light
    • Kendermore
    • Brothers Majere
    • Amber and Ashes

Reading is the magic that unlocks everything else in this world, and entirely too many children aren't afforded the opportunity to grow this critical skill. If you have the means, please consider donating to this very worthy cause. The deal is open right now, so please head on over and consider donating today!

Our BIGGEST thanks to Wizards of the Coast and Humble Bundle for making this happen.

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