Id Software went all out this year showcasing DOOM Eternal at Bethesda’s annual E3 press conference. Launching November 22nd on Xbox One, PS4, PC, Nintendo Switch, and Google’s streaming service Stadia, viewers were shown an in-depth look at the story trailer, which highlighted new ways to take down the different demons you’ll encounter on your journey. Taking place after the events of 2016’s DOOM, players resume the role of the Doom Slayer. Punch, shoot, and slice your way through demonic forces who are invading earth, and want nothing more than to see your death.
Alongside the story trailer, id Software also revealed the all new multiplayer component titled Battlemode. In the mode, one player will take the role of the Doom Slayer, while two other players will take the form of demons. From their, it’s a fight between evil and good. The better power will prevail.
Fans can expect more information on everything DOOM Eternal during DOOMCon which takes place July 25th in Dallas, Tx. Be sure to stay tuned to Gaming Trend for all your E3 coverage.