He never asked for it, but Adam Jensen has just received more adventure! “The Missing Link” DLC for Deus Ex: Human Revolution is now available on XBLA (1200 points), PSN ($14.99) and of course the good ol’ PC ($14.99). On the gameplay side of things The Missing Link promises new areas, new characters, and a chance to rebuild Adam’s augmentations from the ground up. But what about the story? I’m glad you asked!
Tortured by Belltower agents and with his augmentations disabled, Adam Jensen must escape from a freighter destined for an unknown location. Jensen uncovers a new layer of conspiracy, befriends new allies, and fights ruthless enemies to discover what was happening in the shadows during the events of DEUS EX: HUMAN REVOLUTION!
Along with that little snippet, I bring you the trailer for this DLC below. Nothing quite like a storm and a large boat to set a good mood for some augmented ass-kicking!
Victor Grunn has been a gamer since the days of single-button joysticks and the Atari 800XL. When not lamenting the loss of the Ultima series or setting people on fire in Team Fortress 2, he's an aspiring indie game developer and freelance writer.
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