Curve Digital released a trailer for their upcoming adventure game A Knight’s Quest. This title, while taking inspiration from games such as The Legend of Zelda, will also include wall-running, rail-grinding, and the ability to control the elements to solve puzzles.
Daring, debonair, and just a little bit daft, Rusty is a kind-hearted, but clumsy adventurer who accidentally starts a chain of events which threaten to destroy his world. In order to right his wrong, he’ll need to solve mind-bending conundrums, fight challenging enemies, defeat huge bosses and platform his way through a fantastic open world in this lavish take on classic action adventure games.
Our hero begins his adventure with just a trusty sword and basic shield, but he’ll soon unlock ‘Spirit Powers’ – spectacular abilities which have the power to transform not only himself, but also the world around him. At the tap of a button, he can harness the powers of Fire, Ice and Time to devastating effect, using them to conquer enemies in battle or solve environmental challenges.
And what environments. The game takes place in the kingdom of Regalia, but Rusty’s adventure will take him to the desert town of Zameris, high over the ice-laden Peaky Peaks and into the Cursed Swamp, among many others. Along the way, he’ll encounter a colourful cast of memorable characters which bring the world vividly to life.
A Knight’s Quest will be released this fall on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC for $24.99. For more information, visit Curve Digital’s website.