If you’ve watched any of our Sneak Energy taste test videos, or read our review for Sneak Energy, you may have heard me mention how much I love the Blizzard Metal shaker. That white shaker has been nothing short of amazing, keeping my Sneak nice and cool as I go throughout my day. Heck, I left it in the sun for an hour or two and my Breakfast Orange was still cold. That’s not the point though, Sneak Energy is bringing a Red Metal version of said shaker out, and it looks sick. Check out the info below (including the release date!), along with our most recent Electric Mango taste test video and a link to grab your own Sneak Energy!

Sneak Energy Taste Tests! - Electric Mango is gold!

You can pick up Sneak Energy, your Blue Raspberry tubs, ELECTRIC MANGO, and if you want to try it out, your starter kits, here.

Forget thrash, doom or hair — red metal is the only metal that matters. Introducing the new, sleek, Sneak Red Metal shaker. It drops this week.

Double-walled and super tough, it’s hotter than the fires of Mount Doom, but it’ll keep your Sneak ice-cold all night. Built to hold 600ml/20oz of your favorite flavor, this monochromatic crimson beauty will make you the envy of all you encounter. The drop date: September 30, 2022 at 1pm BST/8am EST.

You can follow all things Sneak on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitch!

Besides that cool announcement, we also found out the Elite shakers will be back, so get your points ready!

Stay tuned to Gaming Trend for more Sneak Energy news and info!


See also: Tech & Gear
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