If you wanted to destroy some zombies in the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch versions of Death Road to Canada, you might have to wait a little while longer as Rocketcat Games has announced that it will delay the console version’s anticipated April 25 release.
Following yesterday’s tragic events in Toronto, Death Road To Canada’s planned release on April 25th for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch has been postponed.
“We feel it would be deeply inappropriate to launch the game at such a time,” said Paul Hann, Managing Director of Ukiyo Publishing. “We would like to express our deepest condolences to everyone affected by the tragic events in Toronto.”
Ukiyo Publishing is currently working to reschedule the release which will be announced at a later date. We kindly ask media outlets to refrain from publishing reviews and content until then.
For those that wish to know about the game, the press description is as follows:
Death Road to Canada is a Permadeath Randomized Road Trip Simulator. You manage a group of survivors through decision making events as you travel from Florida to Ontario, Canada. This is mixed in with exploring, sneaking around, or fighting in randomly generated cities and other locations.
Scavenge for supplies, find survivors, and deal with massive hordes of classic-style zombies. Recruit up to four survivors with their own random names, appearances, personalities, and quirks that can both help and hinder your journey to safety. Make your own characters to put in the game, and customize them to be based on whoever you’d like.
While no date is announced yet for the rescheduled console release, you can readily purchase the PC and mobile versions of Death Road to Canada. Stay tuned for more news here on Gaming Trend.