Beadle & Grimm’s Pandemonium Warehouse is currently running a charity drive to help support the charity Take This which works to help those dealing with mental illness and going through dark times. Those interested in helping can purchase a shield of faith for $20 where all of the proceeds will go to helping this charity. For this week only, those who purchase this shield will also receive a code to get 10% off of their next purchase.
The Shield of Faith was born around midnight in a hotel lobby in Madison, Wisconsin.
Last year at Gamehole Con, Bill, Justice and I ran into Dr. B at our hotel. We’d crossed paths many times before but hadn’t found an opportunity to really connect and get to know each other. Dr. B suggested that we play a one-shot D&D adventure he helped develop to illustrate ways to help people struggling with mental health issues. As we played, we got to know more about both Dr. B the person and this incredible organization, Take This. By the end, Beadle & Grimm’s had committed to doing something to benefit the work Take This does in gaming communities everywhere.
Ya see, that same year my cousin’s daughter Vivian tragically took her own life. The effect of our loss reverberates daily for all of us, and the beautiful tapestry of our family is changed forever. If our little company can do anything to help anyone else in our community avoid this tragic fate, we are TOTALLY FUCKING HERE for that.
The Shield of Faith was developed as a token of support for the mission of Take This, who stand as a beacon of hope for anyone struggling with mental illness. It’s a reminder that faith can help you make it through the darkness. Have faith that you are loved. Have faith that there is help out there for you; all you need to do is ask. Have faith that time passes and things change and there is a better life out there waiting. Have faith that this moment will NOT define your life. Have faith that you will survive.
We are proud to partner with Take This. All proceeds from the sale of this pin go to support their work with our extended family, the gamer community.
Mad love to all of you —
M. Lillard
Follow this link if you’re interested in helping support this charity and stay tuned to Gaming Trend for all your tabletop news.