What does a superstar like D.Va do in her free time? It may be a little less glamorous than you’d expect. Check  out the day-to-day of the world’s best gamer in Blizzard’s newest animated short, Shooting Star.

Now that you’re hyped to answer the call and protect the world, it’s time to dive into the new Busan Map, which is now available on the PTR. Bunsan features three prominant locations within one map: Sanctuary, Downtown, and MEKA Base. Check out this all new map, inspired by D.Va’s home of South Korea in the video below: 

[NOW PLAYABLE] Busan | New Control Map | Overwatch

All three locations have their own unique feel and flavor. The Sanctuary is a peaceful, historic setting filled with gardens and an ancient temple, quite the opposite of Downtown, where the streets are lined with neon lights, billboards, karaoke bars, even a light rail train. Make sure you keep an eye on the schedule, you won’t want to be caught on the tracks! Finally, players can hole up in the MEKA Base, the home of South Korea’s frontline defense against the gwishin omnic attacks.


See also: PC | PlayStation 4 | Xbox One
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