Today, Call of Duty and Activision announced the 2023’s in-game fundraiser and new efforts to advocate for veterans through a policy paper on female veteran employment. The policy details female veterans’ struggles when seeking jobs and solutions to those struggles. More details about the policy as well as Activision’s “Loot for Good” fundraiser are below:
Launching today is this year’s in-game activation, “Loot for Good’, presented by USAA, the first charity extraction challenge within popular DMZ mode, playable in Call of Duty®: WarzoneTM 2.0, which will directly benefit the Call of Duty Endowment. For each DMZ match where a player extracts at least $30,000 of in-game cash, Activision will allocate $1 to the Endowment up to $10 per player for a maximum of $1 Million. Players will also be given daily updates touting their progress on the Loot for Good Leaderboard www.callofduty.com/LootForGood, which will be updated daily based on in-game activity. Players will also receive a free in-game reward for extracting $30,000 in-game. All money allocated will go towards placing veterans in meaningful jobs.
About the Call of Duty Endowment Policy Paper
While the size of our nation’s military has remained steady, the significance of in-uniform and veteran women is steadily growing with 17% and 10% representation, respectively. The percentage of American women in the veteran population is expected to double over the next 17 years. As the impact by women in the military increases, so do the challenges they face upon returning to civilian life. As outlined in this policy paper, (https://www.callofdutyendowment.org/WomenVets) For Veterans, the Future is Female: How Women Veterans can get the Civilian Jobs they Deserve, the experiences that transitioning women veterans face are complex, interrelated and many are unique to their gender. The data is clear that female vets, despite tending to be more educated than their male counterparts, have a much harder time finding a civilian job and are underrepresented in the workforce. Women are more than twice as likely to be unemployed 6 months after completing their service than male veterans. This stands in stark contrast to their growing importance for national defense. As daunting as the barriers faced are, the Call of Duty Endowment’s grantees’ years of concerted effort have shown us how to best support women veterans in achieving high quality employment. Our partners have internalized these learnings and provide women veterans focused solutions, placing them into careers at almost twice their representation in the veteran community. The Endowment has funded the placement of over 16,000 female veterans into meaningful employment. As more and more
women enter the military and subsequently complete their service, the Endowment seeks to highlight proven solutions for their post-service employment challenges and enable their future contributions in civilian life.
Stay tuned to Gaming Trend for all your Call of Duty Endowment news and info!