Opening Night Live has had Call of Duty footage before, but this may be the most intense it’s ever been. The campaign footage we saw showed the team infiltrating a blacksite underneath a political campaign of all things, rescuing Adler in the process. It looks incredible, just like the portion we saw in our preview back in June. Check it out above, with details below. Also, tune into our YouTube channel to watch our Call of Duty: NEXT presentation from the event!
An unredacted and tactical take on the recently revealed Campaign footage from the explosive “Most Wanted” mission. Additional: Details on Call of Duty: NEXT on August 28, and latest comms on the Black Ops 6 Multiplayer Beta.
Most Wanted Mission: Tactical Overview
Black Tie Event. Black Site Descent.
Welcome to “Most Wanted” mission, a clandestine, signature Call of Duty®: Black Ops infiltration with high stakes and even higher rewards: In this case, the retrieval and rescue of the notorious and legendary wildcard operative Russell Adler from a CIA Black Site hidden below the Capitol Station in Washington D.C.
Playing the role of “Case” , a key member of the Black Ops team led by Frank Woods, your cohorts on the ground are comprised of Woods’ protégé Troy Marshall, backed up by technical guru Felix Neumann, and Sevati “Sev” Dumas, an infiltration and assassination specialist. As the action begins, Troy and Felix have commandeered a S.W.A.T. truck parked on the edge of the Capitol Station grounds, and the two are confirming Felix’s latest gadget – a camera with retinal scanning capabilities – is operational. Now the time has come for its first field test.
Marshall sums up the mission succinctly: You’re to show up to a political fundraiser, obtain retinal identification from a senator who has the clearance to enter the Black Site, and grab Adler from the Black Site before anyone knows what’s happening.
Naturally, that’s easier said than done.
Please Note! The footage of the Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 mission shown above, and the descriptions detailed below showcase specific truncated segments of the entire mission. Expect “Most Wanted” to be substantially longer, with many additional objectives to complete, and combat opportunities to test your mettle.
Though the event – meeting the future Presidential candidate and current Governor of Arkansas – is winding down, Senator McKenna is still socializing and gladhanding on the stage, and your camera enables you to zoom in for a closer look, but not close enough to obtain the necessary retinal detail Felix requires. Sev has already infiltrated the fundraiser disguised as a business tycoon’s wife and briefs you that the senator isn’t giving interviews tonight, doesn’t go anywhere without his security detail, but she has marked three probable leads that could get you close enough to the senator to complete the retinal scan.
How do you want to play this?
Expect to complete many of the mission objectives across the Black Ops 6 Campaign with a degree of freedom and choice, and this is no exception. On this occasion, your immediate choices include:
Highest Bidder: Gabriel Armato, a fixer for one of New York’s crime families, is at the gala. Rumors suggest Senator McKenna has ties to organized crime and has obtained some sensitive information that Armato wants returned. Perhaps a persuasive conversation with Armato will result in obtaining the senator’s retinal scan?
Covert Affair: You can’t beat the classics: Blackmailing the senator with past misdeeds. This involves pointed conversations with Miriam McKenna (the senator’s wife), listening in on conversations with the senator’s entourage, retrieving the tape, and returning it in an unmarked envelope to the wife, who agrees to arrange a photo op now that you’ve both cleaned up another one of the senator’s messes.
Mystery Man: Someone appears to have slipped Senator McKenna a note when he arrived. He glanced at it, then slipped it into his pocket. Evidence points to a man named Grisham, head of security for Aldrain Energy, who the senator has ties to. Time to investigate the connection there.
With one of the three objectives fully completed, and a high-resolution picture of the senator taken, Felix works his technical magic.
Felix has modified the infrared image of the senator that you took, to highlight the capillaries in the senator’s retina, giving the image just enough resolution to fool the security scan lock that leads to the CIA Black Site. Sure enough, the lock is breached, but seconds later, Marshall realizes the entire Black Site is being compromised, and not just because of the Black Ops team.
A violent assault has already taken place: This must be the work of Pantheon.
Who are Pantheon?
“We Can Do This Loud or Quiet”
The mission must continue, and Marshall wants your tactical countenance, choosing to infiltrate the Black Site “weapons hot” or by “silent running”. Again, the Black Ops 6 mission structure allows you this kind of flexibility: The weapons the team has brought with them, along with additional armaments found scattered throughout this subterranean site, allow you to try out either plan, though failure to adhere to a strict stealth infiltration inevitably leads you to fall back to a more dramatic situation.
As progress through the Black Site continues, and with Pantheon targets in the vicinity neutralized, you and Marshall reach interrogation Room 4 where Adler is being held – or rather, is holding a hostage in an escape ploy to disencumber himself from this chaos. With the “prize” now in your possession, Sev confirms there are more “party crashers” topside, and the firepower you’re about to face means it’s going to be a real battle to get to the surface.
Bringing Out the Big Guns
After swift and ongoing hostilities, Marshall, Adler, and Case reach an elevator bank, where Pantheon bring out the big guns. Literally. Throughout the preceding combat, you have constant opportunities to utilize Omnimovement, allowing you to sprint, slide, and dive in any direction (forward, sidestepping, and backpedaling). Launch yourself through windows, diving onto the concourse below while dropping enemy targets as you fly. Slide across the marble flooring, gunning down foes previously hidden behind desks or other scenery. And in this current situation, leap back from the incoming juggernaut into a supine prone position to dodge the brunt of the minigun fire enveloping the corridor.
It’s not just action-hero maneuvers you’re able to perfect as you fight your way through the Black Site; the armored foe you’re facing requires softening up, and the Weapon Wheel you bring up allows swift and easy swapping of Tactical and Lethal Equipment to deal with such eventualities. Forgoing the option to drop C4 in the path of the minigunner, the RCXD is chosen, and remotely controlled around the office cubicles to scoot behind the heavily armored foe without being caught in the crossfire. One detonation later, the juggernaut staggers and is finally felled by small arms fire.
An Elevated Threat Level
Clambering up through the elevator hatch, rappel ascenders are clamped to the shaft cables to reach the roof for an escape. Unfortunately, an enemy detonation snaps the tension cables you’re traversing, dooming you to plummet you back down the shaft in a chaotic freefall. It’s only through sheer strength and dexterity that you’re able to grab onto a railing, then grapple at Adler, catching him from his death plunge and hoisting him to safety.
“Hope you have a Plan B,” Adler mentions to Marshall, adjusting his aviators.
Beating the Enemy to the Punch
The action cuts to a final escape, back in the banquet hall itself, as Pantheon troops advance to prevent your progress with seemingly superior firepower. As Marshall radios Sev for escape options, you’re here for crowd control; specifically engaging the enemy using whatever means necessary to achieve mission success. Aside from Omnimovement allowing swift and precise diving behind the upturned tables and other furniture, you’re able to turn to your Equipment once more, saving ammunition while incapacitating adversaries in a variety of ways.
Swapping to the Disruptor – a throwable Tactical device that stuns enemies after you charge it to increase the proximity radius – three foes are wracked with electrical discharge, immobilized while you swiftly remove them as threats. As you near the exit, a Homing Knife is produced; a Lethal blade that’s steerable in the air, and explodes on contact, or when you detonate it. Lobbed from cover, you find it packs quite the punch.
The Great Escape
With cops surrounding the building, and more Pantheon forces on the way, it’s time to get creative. Spotting a couple of dirt bikes in the display hall, Marshall and Adler careen through into the ball room with you riding tandem. It’s time to force your way out of here, as Marshall exclaims:
“I don’t see any better options and I’m running out of bullets.”
After a novel and extremely effective method of extricating the team from Capitol Station, Adler and Marshall begin to abuse the one-way traffic system of Washington D.C., mainly due to multiple Pantheon vehicles on an intercept course. You’re here to provide overwatch fire, nullifying armed passengers and drivers of the SUVs attempting to slam you off the road. Felix and Sev race onto the scene, providing covering fire and a final means of escape from the S.W.A.T. vehicle, as the armored trucks barrage down the increasingly narrower streets, jostling for position.
Did the team manage to escape?
That’s entirely up to you: Black Ops 6 gives you the freedom to focus on the multiple and diverse methods you can employ to achieve mission success. Play the Most Wanted mission as part of the signature Black Ops 6 Campaign, this October 25!
Development on the Black Ops 6 Campaign is led by Raven Software, in partnership with Treyarch.
Incoming Comms: Prepare for
Call of Duty: NEXT on August 28!It’s time to talk about what’s Next for Black Ops 6:
Call of Duty: NEXT returns on Wednesday August 28, 2024, and can be viewed live on either the Official Call of Duty Twitch® Channel or Call of Duty YouTube® Channel, or via your favorite streamer’s channel.
With developers from Treyarch and Raven on deck, and a host of other representatives from across the Call of Duty Studios and community channels, Call of Duty: Next is the premier showcase for Black Ops 6. Highlights include:
- A deeper dive into the Omnimovement innovations, gameplay, systems, maps, and modes of Black Ops 6 Multiplayer, showcasing the playable maps of the Beta.
- A full reveal of the second Zombies map: Take a tour of the fully playable Liberty Falls, hours after a devastating Aetherium incursion, as the local population falls to an undead onslaught.
- A detailed Call of Duty: Warzone™ showcase, detailing Black Ops 6 integrations and other exciting announcements.
Also expect more than a surprise or two during this legendary livestream!
Black Ops 6 Multiplayer Beta*: Latest Details
Two days after Call of Duty: NEXT, on Friday August 30 at 10AM PT, get your first taste of the next-level action coming to Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 with the Black Ops 6 Multiplayer Beta.
- Feel Omnimovement for yourself and experience the most fluid Call of Duty movement to date that allows players to sprint, slide, and dive in any direction.
- Explore several of the brand-new core 6v6 maps and Strike maps coming at launch and start defining your perfect strategy for each across multiple game modes.
- Try out new weapons and gadgets, in addition to a refreshed Gunsmith and Attachment system, to start planning your ideal loadout.
- Gear up, hit the lobby with your team, and experience many other game-changing innovations coming to Black Ops 6 so you’re ready to go as soon as the game officially launches on October 25.
Earn in-game rewards for playing the Beta, which will be immediately available in the Beta once unlocked, and playable in Black Ops 6 once the full game launches.
Weekend One: Early Access*
Available to players who have preordered the game across all platforms (consoles and PC), as well as Game Pass subscribers, the first Beta weekend is scheduled to begin on Friday August 30 at 10AM PT, and end on Wednesday September 4 at 10AM PT.
Weekend Two: Open Beta*
The second Beta weekend is for all players on all platforms, regardless of their pre-order status, as well as Game Pass subscribers. The second Beta weekend is scheduled to begin on Friday September 6 at 10AM PT, and end on Monday September 9 at 10AM PT.
Please note: For online play across either Beta weekend, an Xbox Game Pass Core Subscription may be required for Xbox players, and a Battle.net or Steam account is required for all PC players.
Internet access is required for participation.
Pre-order the Black Ops 6 Vault Edition and use the Hunters vs. Hunted Operator Pack in the Beta, including Operator Skins for Adler, Park, Brutus, and Klaus, as well as the Mastercraft Collection, including five Mastercraft Weapons.
Pre-Order Digitally
and Get the Reflect 115 Camo PackPre-order Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 today, and you’ll receive a variety of pre-order benefits, including the brand-new Reflect 115 Camo Pack for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare® III, Call of Duty: Warzone, and Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile!
Pre-order the Digital Edition on Console or PC to receive the following:
- Reflect 115 Camo Pack (New!)
- Woods Operator Pack
- Early Access to the Open Beta
Pre-order or purchase the Vault Edition on Console or PC and receive the previous rewards as well as the following:
- Hunters Vs Hunted Operator Pack
- BlackCell Season 1
- Mastercraft Weapon Collection
- GobbleGum Pack
Game Pass Subscribers are set to receive all Digital Edition benefits, and those who spend $30 U.S. (or your regional equivalent) to upgrade to the Vault Edition will receive all Vault Edition benefits.
Those players who have already preordered Black Ops 6 will receive the Reflect 115 Camo Pack automatically.
The Reflect 115 Camo Pack consists of the Reflect 115 Mastery Camo for use in Modern Warfare III, Call of Duty: Warzone, and Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile. In addition, you receive three Flawless Aetherium Crystals, three Legendary Aether Tools, and three Ray Gun Weapon Cases for immediate use in Modern Warfare Zombies. All content does not carry forward into Black Ops 6.
Additional Intel: Stay Informed, Not Misinformed
Misinformation is everywhere: Ensure you stay one step ahead with the latest official Black Ops 6 information by checking the Call of Duty Blog in the coming days and weeks, as we drop Intel throughout the Multiplayer Beta, and reveal other important Comms you won’t want to miss.
Preorders are available now at participating retailers, in-game, via your platform Stores, or at CallofDuty.com.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is published by Activision. Development for the game is led by Treyarch, in partnership with Raven Software. Additional development support provided (in alphabetical order) by Activision Central Design, Activision Central Technology, Activision QA, Activision Shanghai, Beenox, Demonware, High Moon Studios, Infinity Ward, and Sledgehammer Games.
The Truth Lies.
Stay tuned to GamingTrend for more Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 news and info!