In the world of fantasy role-playing games, the greatest adventures are those filled with danger, intrigue, and betrayal. And now, Gooey Cube is thrilled to announce their latest project: Blood for the Khan, a 5e RPG adventure that promises to be a most terrifying tale of greed and revenge.
This exciting new adventure is now live on Kickstarter (and has already achieved it’s funding goal), offering gamers the chance to immerse themselves in a world of magic, mystery, and terror. The Blood for the Khan campaign will see players hired by the noble folk, Aundrea and Donald Aernyld, to investigate the rumored existence of a powerful artifact dating back to the times before the Woe of Ruin. But the journey will be perilous, and the players will face many challenges along the way.
From the dark and forbidding forests of Mournwood to the treacherous halls of ancient ruins, the players will have to use all their skills and cunning to survive. They will face vicious monsters, cunning enemies, and treacherous allies as they seek to uncover the truth behind the artifact and prevent it from falling into the wrong hands.
Included in the set:
- Two game books- an adventure book and a GM reference guide
- Art handouts- at least 25 (and probably more) beautiful, full-color art handouts to provide to your players as the adventure plays out.
- NPC portraits- a wonderful breadth of stunning, full-color NPC Portraits to aid roleplay in the adventure.
- Maps- Blood for the Khan will contain a fabulous stack of wonderfully-illustrated maps for both Player and GM use.
- Magic Item/Special Item Cards- All are beautifully illustrated with stats and information on the back. Plus you’ll also get a stack of Gooey Rewards cards that can be used in place (or in addition to) Inspiration rewards!
But that’s not all – the Blood for the Khan campaign is just the beginning. Alongside the adventure comes the Mournwood Campaign Guidebook and Player’s Guide, featuring a host of grimdark stories and all manner of beautiful artwork. Whether you’re a player or a game master, these guides are an essential resource for anyone who wants to explore the world of Zyathe’.
The Campaign Guidebook: The Mournwood Campaign Guidebook will provide all manner of lore, background, secrets, monsters, maps, and more to make your campaign in the Mournwood truly special! As planned, the book will be spiral bound for ease of use behind a screen and contain at least 100 pages of content featuring:
- The history and lore of the fearful Mournwood Forest and how it came to be what it is today.
- Tales of mysterious, intriguing, and dangerous locations that your party may visit in the dark forest.
- A selection of monsters that may be found in the Mournwood along with their stats and ecologies and full color handouts for each monster that is detailed.
- A selection of interesting NPCs that may be found in the region along with portraits for each of them.
- Incredible artworks of the region provided in handout format for you to show your players.
- The Necrosic Druid character class and associated new feats and spells.
- Plus so much more!
So if you’re ready for an epic adventure, filled with danger and excitement, head to the Kickstarter campaign page now to join the fight for glory, power, and revenge. With Gooey Cube’s expert game designers and illustrators at the helm, you can be sure that Blood for the Khan will be an experience like no other.