One of the coolest announcements for the upcoming Season 2 for Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 was that we’re getting a Zombies map right away. The Tomb is the latest entry, and supposedly a smaller sized experience more similar to Liberty Falls. A new trailer launched today, check it out above with the Call of Duty Blog details for the content below.

Following the events at Citadelle des Morts, Weaver, Maya, Carver, and Grey must take the amulet secured at the Citadel to a cursed dig site and the ancient catacombs within. Professor Krafft indicated that the elusive Sentinel Artifact may be found in the tunnels below. Reports of paranormal phenomena go back centuries, possibly related to the presence of the artifact. If the team can secure it, there may yet be hope in releasing Samantha Maxis from her imprisonment in the Dark Aether.

In this enthralling new adventure, follow in the footsteps of a doomed explorer and explore a long-forgotten dig site while seeking out a door to nowhere. What lurks behind this door? You’ll find out when brand-new Zombies map launches at the start of Season 02 on Tuesday, January 28, at 9AM PT.

Echoes in the Dark: Your Comms Team Handlers

“A shiny ha’penny to the lucky blighter who finds that door first!”

– Sir Archibald Fotherington-Smythe

You’ll need all the guidance you can get to navigate the dark and dusty passages of the cursed catacombs within this Romanesque dig site. Aiding you on this adventure is S.A.M., Ravenov, Peck, as well as Raptor One and the increasingly erratic Strauss. Adding to the oddities are reports of audible anomalies in the form of echoes of a former British explorer who led an ill-fated 1908 expedition into the earthworks.

The Tomb: Initial Recon Tour

Bolster your knowledge of The Tomb before attempting to survive its many dangers with this abridged and narrative-focused overview of its main locations. What of the Tomb’s many secrets? These are left for you to discover!

Dig Site

The surface-level Dig Site is your entryway to the rest of the map. Strange glowing runes mark certain alcoves, perhaps gateways to the subterranean regions beyond. A large, partially uncovered stone face lies at the pit of the site, roped off and long forgotten, a nearby fallen pillar. Scale the stairs and scaffolding to further explore the area. Don’t linger too long, lest you end up like the headless statue on the upper tiers of this archeological area.

Neolithic Catacombs and Ossuary

Exploring the Neolithic Catacombs, you may notice how far back the area goes, both physically as well as through layers of ancient cultures and civilizations. Cave paintings adorn the cavernous walls, while winding pathways lead through the natural hollows of the earth. In the Ossuary, stacked with the skulls of the long dead, the cavern gives way to the stone architecture of a later age, its bone piles and altars lending an ominous presence throughout.


Statues of ancient warriors line the Tombs in alcoves along the walls along with depictions of shielded hoplites engaging a charging bull. Though the vault has long crumbled into disarray, the remnants of pristine architecture are on clear display, illuminated through the patch of sunlight falling through a crumbled hole in the ceiling.

Shrine of the Hierophants

Ancient priests charged with interpreting the sacred mysteries, the hierophants seem to have uncovered more than they were bargaining for. The candlelit, vaulted ceiling marks the resting place of important figures, a frieze sculpted into the wall showing a fierce battle between opposing forces. Arrow Trap installations line the stairway down into the shrine, flanked by skulls on chain pullies.

Subterranean Temple and Deep Excavation

Descend into the catacombs to reveal the huge, cavernous Subterranean Temple, where the stone architecture leads downward to a rocky outcropping peninsula known as the Deep Excavation. Scattered pillars encircle a place of worship below, the murky depths illuminated via faint shafts of what appears to be sunlight entering from a natural space in the rock above.

Doorway to Nowhere and Dark Aether Nexus

Take your expedition deeper still, seek out the Doorway to Nowhere, and     .    .    .    .

New Enemy Sighted: Shock Mimic

Often disguising themselves as useful items, these shocking creatures break out of the illusion on approach, grabbing victims with their tentacles and razor-sharp claws, pulling them in for an electrifying bite. This hits harder than expected, and the distortion camouflage the Shock Mimic emits disrupts your radar as well as your eyesight.

Other Entities of The Tomb

The inhabitants of The Tomb represent a swath of laborers, worshipers, and armored guards from eons past, heavily rotted, some mummified, and many with a more skeletal appearance than previously encountered undead. Alongside the familiar enemies you’re bound to encounter throughout, these ancient undead reveal the importance of the site. But what they were digging up, and perhaps more ominously, who or what they came to worship, remains to be discovered.

New Wonder Weapon: Staff of Ice

This masterpiece of ancient technology fires a withering blast of frost and can generate healing energies to resuscitate allies from a distance. Origins unknown.

Rumors of a magical staff promise exceptional power to anyone who can get their hands on the devastating weapon. Known as the Staff of Ice, this offers an exceptional blast that can slow and freeze enemies in place, as well as a more devastating area-of-effect attack. This archaic Wonder Weapon is also imbued with the power to revive teammates with a precision-shot restorative blast.

The Tomb: Additional Content

Main Quest and Quest Rewards: The Main Quest for The Tomb goes live when the map releases alongside the launch of Season 02 on January 28. Complete the Main Quest to earn the “X91 Ice-Pike” Wonder Weapon Skin — a Project Janus facsimile of the “Staff of Ice” — as well as 5,000 XP and a unique Calling Card awarded to players who complete the Main Quest before Directed Mode is released for The Tomb.

Arrow Trap: Got a horde of zombies on your back? Activate the Arrow Trap to send out darts of damaging energy from the wall, devastating its targets on contact. If you need to backtrack, run and slide to avoid getting shot by your own trap.

Aetheric Lanterns: Dark Aether chandeliers and light sources give off a pale glow over their surroundings. With the correct projectile and aiming confidence, you can use these dynamic hazards to rain down Aetheric fire, damaging anything that shambles through the flames.

And More: Dig deeper into the lore of the ancient site with Intel in the form of Audio Logs, Documents, and Artifacts to discover while exploring the map.

New Gameplay Content

Access the following new content within The Tomb as well as on Citadelle des Morts, Terminus, and Liberty Falls.

Additional Perk-a-Cola: Death Perception

Available: In-Game at Perk Machine

Returning since its original introduction in Black Ops 4, Death Perception gives players the ability to detect enemies through obstacles and walls via outlines of their bodies, plus new abilities for its Black Ops 6 debut. When navigating the tight confines of The Tomb, there’s no better Perk for anticipating danger around the next corner. Research its Augments to further empower Death Perception, ensuring that nothing escapes your notice!

  • Death Perception is available within The Tomb, along with the nine previously accessible Zombies Perks. Note that some of these Perks are only available via a Der Wunderfizz machine.
  • Death Perception is available on Citadelle des Morts, Liberty Falls and Terminus maps via the Der Wunderfizz machine.

Death Perception: Major Augments

Research the following Augments to further customize the Perk.

Treasure Hunter

Spot items others can miss from loot containers as well as Special and Elite kills.

Death Stare

Your Elemental Weakness damage has a chance to kill an enemy that is low on health.

Critical Eye

Small chance that a body shot becomes a critical shot.

Death Perception: Minor Augments

Bird’s Eye View

The minimap’s scan rate is increased.

Extra Change

Find extra Essence under more locations.

Further Insight

Increase perception radius.

New GobbleGums

Chew on three new GobbleGums, all available at Season 02 launch across all maps once acquired and equipped in your GobbleGum Loadout Pack.

Dead Drop (Epic): Drop rates of Salvage and Equipment are greatly increased. Lasts five minutes.

Modified Chaos (Legendary): Greatly reduce all Ammo Mod cooldowns. Lasts two minutes.

Quacknarok (Whimsical): Zombies move around in rubber ducky inner tubes. Lasts three minutes.

Additional Support Weapon: War Machine

Salvage: 2,500

Give the undead an explosive taste of their own entrails with the semi-automatic War Machine grenade launcher arriving in the Support section of the Crafting Table.

The Tomb: Directed Mode and Events

For the explorers who need an extra hand in completing the Main Quest on The Tomb, stay tuned for the arrival of Directed Mode planned to arrive at Mid-Season.

Look for more announcements in the mid-season update, including a special Limited Time Mode you won’t want to miss.

New Quality of Life Updates

Want to know how far you’re off from unlocking Nebula on your PPSh-41? Access a Weapon Camo or Calling Card challenge and simply select “Add to Tracked” (in the bottom-left corner of your menu screen). See the Multiplayer section of this blog for more details.

In addition to the challenge tracking and per-mode HUD Preset features listed above in the Multiplayer section, the Zombies team is also bringing new quality of life updates to the mode, including:

  • Co-op Pause
    • In matches where everyone is in the same party, the party leader will now be able to pause the game for everyone to regroup on strategy or take a snack break during those high-round runs.
  • AFK Kick Loadout Recovery
    • If a player gets kicked for going AFK for too long in a co-op game, their loadout, Essence, and Salvage will now be restored after they rejoin the match in progress.

For more details, click here for the Community Update Blog.

Stay tuned to GamingTrend for more Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 news and info!

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